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whats more addictive? the weed or growing it?

whats more addictive? the weed or growing it?

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i am proud to say it.

I love to do bong hits and get high smoking my kind.

it started for me by getting high some 20 years ago. During that time I tried, many times I tried to cultivate my own herb. I failed many times to see a harvest and even lost grow equipment I never even got the chance to lose in a bust. It was well into my twenties when I finally put it all together properly.

Now, I don't grow for any other reason but to supply good kind to myself, my wife and my very close friends.

Don't get me wrong, I love growing. I love the systematic nature of it.

But it all comes back to cultivating and drying the herb so that I can burn it up in my chalice.......and take it into my lungs.....it is my sacrament.



Growing for me too.......and I'm setting up to do my last run.
The day of the chop is going to be bitter sweet, happy because of what's in front of me, sad because it's the last time. I have a room instead of my cabinet but as the plants grow, I have to tear the cabinet down to use the parts (light, fan, scrubber). when it's all said and done, 3 months from now all I'll have left is 6 AK-47 seeds and 5 Grape Krush seeds.......I'll keep them just incase, one day I get the chance again. I'm really going to miss it.


I would've voted smoke a few years back but now growing is more addictive for me, haven't bought weed even if I'm out I would rather buy seed.


natural medicator
growing, no question.

I haven't smoked in a month or two for personal reasons, but i still have plants at a couple spots :rasta:
Growing is by far more addicting, since I've been growing cannabis I've been more interested in botany and find myself wanting to expand my knowledge of it; there's so much to gain from growing a plant if you know how to use it.



her dankness
Growing is much more addictive!
And its therapeutic value is not to be scoffed at. I believe strongly in lifelong education, and to truly consider onesself a grower, and to stay free and safe, one must become comfortable with everything from chemistry and botany and entomology and electricity to good social and financial practices. Plus the tinkerers and inventors among us never run out of things to do!


Active member
Hi all,
growing :headbange , becouse I´m in love :canabis: . Every Time I open my closet, my heart is full with happiness

Good Luck


I love growing and have been doing it for 38 yrs. Im to old for bs fellas, It's the thrill of poking the tiger. We all know he's there , the violence and heat of his breath is alway with us, and when he bites it can be devestating. Im not afraid and neither are you. Your hearts pound but you raise your stick anyway. Deep inside each of you that have posted here, you know what the addiction is, just as i do..

After some thought however the answer has to be smoking it. I wouldn't have ever started growing it had I not been a smoker. Our thrill from rolling the dice with so much on the line only sweetens the harvest.


Non Conformist
"Poking the tiger" lol I like that analogy! But like so many other addictions, it progresses into wantin more. Now my real "jones" is ta teach others ta grow! I don't jus wanna poke the tiger, I wanna poke his fuckin eye out! MUHUUUWAAHAHAA! Then there's the addiction when you start makin yer own seeds. But that's another animal all tagether. lol! Take care.. BC


stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
LOL, this is all too funny, from thinking about sex as often as growing, to poking tiger's eyes out, :biglaugh: priceless.

During the grow the anticipation of smoking that nug can be quite exciting for me,
but in all honesty I get my fix when growing.
This is a very hard question to answer. For me, both have hooks.

Smoking: I like to smoke every day, for most of the day. I don't get withdrawal symptoms but i miss being high when i'm not, like now. I love a good joint, or a sweet bong hit, i love the taste, the smell, and being high. As high as possible. This world isn't a very pleasant place, especially for city dwellers like myself (can't wait to get out into the country) but i find lots of things to take delight in when i am high. It also helps me to think clearly. It's almost zen inspiration. It makes me feel serene when I wish to, and can rev me up if i wish that.

Growing: I've yet to start growing, but i am constructing a cabinet to do it in. Since i made the decision to start, I have thought about little else. I spend most of my spare time on the net researching, in the garage working on or considering options for my cab, talking about it, looking in stores for inspiration etc. However, I only thought about growing due to the difficulty I have obtaining decent quality smoke, and the expense of doing so. A small grow will cost less to run in a year, than I spend on smoke in 3 weeks. It WILL provide better quality smoke, as I used to be able to get the nicest stuff, but now most of it is crap. It will provide me with enough. At the moment I cannot afford as much as I would like to have. I find that doing the grow thing at this point is very therapeutic, and also helps me to miss it less when I have no smoke. I am guessing this will change when I have a grow as i'll see the plants and get impatient.

I grow to smoke............ Maybe i'l get more attatched to the grow thing as i get doing it... but the primary reason is to smoke. I think on the whole, smoking, for me, is the main love. Having said that, the grow is a major part of it because I am looking forward to having multiple strains, so i can smoke different buds at different times.

I think my answer is both. If pushed to give just one answer though i'd say smoking
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