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Driving without weed on you...just a thought


Active member
i never toke in a car while driving either...errr, should say 'rarely toke' (there are times when outside stress makes it adviseable). luckily i live in the desert SW where there are dirt roads and wilderness virtually everywhere, off of any highway except for the big cities and we can pull off and step out of the car to take in the scenery while chillin for a bit. but i'd feel much safer toking and driving with other tokers on the roads than with the many that drink beer while driving and feeling there's nothing wrong with it. but the prob with toking in a closed space such as a vehicle is (as most all of us already know) it sticks with the clothes and vehicles' interior for quite a while...which most if not all of us don't notice! my mom brought it up around x-mas last year and said she could smell it even though the car had been parked for nearly a week before i picked her up. i cleaned up the car since and am much more careful now. i travel a lot and probably draw enough attention with near waist-length hair but i use the cruise control faithfully and stay alert to the laws of the road. it's a very rare event when i get stopped (knocking on wood) and do my best to never give them a reason for a stop. traveling with dogs help a lot too...some might find it weird, but it's true! i leave the bush breaks for the open road...luckily they're easy to find out here and if it gets too buzzy, i just pull out a sleeping bag and i'm good...hope you easterners can get out here some day soon and see what i mean...


always tell the cops..."Everything was cool till you showed up!"


I don't like road blazing if it can be avoided (which in many cases for me, it can't), mostly because it can be somewhat of a buzzkill; ya know, seeing cops, having to pay a lot of attention, stuff like that. I'd much rather just relax in my room and light up there.

-Rek :rasta:


If you like to road buzz which I do, I wanna recommend something that has seen me in good stead thru MANY many MANY public bake-outs.

It's the aluminum one hitters, the generic version is called a 'bat' but there is a version which is painted to look like a cigarette. I have baked up with one of those things SO many times in public; hundreds of individual hits. From six feet away, if you master treating it like a cigarette, and keeping your guerrilla wits about ya, it cannot be detected as not a cigarette.

I've baked up with one of those things so many times, SO many times... and not once - not ever - has anyone looked at me twice when using it. Loading it and all, (i use a 35mm film canister of cleaned but not broken up weed to 'cut out' a hit) you have to be careful. But when it comes time to light up, if you go ahead and just handle it (the reason you've gotta practice a little is because being an aluminum bar, it's kinda heavy and you've gotta get down the motions) like a cigarette you'll be so glad you've got it.


I drive high all the time, and never have any problems. My driving record sucks bad and I drive a mustang so being pulled over is a bi-weekly thing for me at best. I have never gotten busted for possession and I believe my 3 simple rules are to thank.
1) Never bring glass with you to smoke out of, only roll j's or blunts.
2) Never bring more with you than you can eat quickly before the officer gets out of his car.
3) Never toss your roaches in the ashtray, when your done, toss that shit.

Hope these golden 3 will help keep some of you safe and happy.


Kiefer Suthrlnd said:
Im so used to driving around with weed and/or while being high, and Im sure a lot of you do it too. You know how much it sucks when you see a pig and you have a blunt burning or you have a zip in your pocket.

I love seeing cops behind me when i don't have weed on me and I'm not high...it's just like...haha pigger you don't have shit on me! you scumbag...

sorry for the rant...just got hassled again today with nothing on me and I fuckin hate cops...they looked so sad when they didn't find anything, thought the typical "tough cop" was gonna cry

fuck the law

Dog, I'm drunk. And I'm with you on that one. FUCK THE POLICE. I'm so sick of getting followed for god knows how long by local pigs.. every time I see a pig I yell PIG STY!! every time I see a pig. Locals piglets in my area are swarming, (lake stevens).. or atleast when I used to live in the states a month ago llooool.
I used to get stoned and drive 3 hrs. north with pounds of of weed in the trunk never had a problem. When i have got pulled over i wasnt even high. You cant compare it to drinking and driving