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cloning with rapid rooters


High all! so i took some cutting today and i thought id share with you all my technique..... very simple.
first off you ll need a few things:
rapid rooters
anti wilt
rooting hormone
a clean razor blade
a propagation tray/dome
and a spray bottle


alright first step get everything ready and in one place. mix your anti wilt, and start soaking your rapid rooters, i use ro water but if you only have tap that ll work fine.



next pick the lucky girl, preferably the nicest female you have. this is a very bushy kush :)


then find yourself a nice healthy branch and cut it off, NOT flush with the stalk. now off that branch cut away any big leafs.



about 3in from the top, cut threw the branch at a 45 deg. angle with your razor. now dip the cut end your cutting into the rooting hormone. ( ill be able to get two good plants off this branch)





take that cutting and dip the other side in the anti wilt


your ready to stick it in the rapid rooter. so take a rapid rooter, which are still soaking in the water, and give it a little squeeze to get some of the water out. now stick it in the hole.. giggity... sometimes especially if i have softer branch's ill re-poke the whole in the rapid rooter with a bamboo stake to make sure it gos in ez with out bending the cutting.


almost done. place the rapid rooter/clone onto your propagation tray, and on to the next one...... once the tray is full, and the anti wilt is dry, mist your babies and the inside of the dome with water. put the dome on and put it under the light. and thats about it really.



now clean up your mess, the rapid rooter bag makes for handy clean up.


check in them every day and take the dome off to let some fresh air in their, and to mist them with water. be patient, it'll take a few days sometimes weeks.

iv had almost 100% success doing it this way, and its pretty ez.... well just thought id share, thanks for looking if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask....
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rapid rooters are the shit i use them for seeds to. i built a diy areo cloner its collecting dust. check everyday,fresh air, mist,and i think the mistake i always made no PATIENTS if you can keep them green they will root. my last run first one took 12 days last one out of eight clones 21 days to root.and dont forget about temps between 75 and 85 and i also use heat mats for all you noobs this is a good simple read and it does work good job t. baggins thank you for the info


Well-known member
Rapid rooters are definantly the way to go with cloning and seeds my technique is almost the same but i spray on the anti wilt great pics to go along with !


Great tutorial. However there is a much simpler method involving nothing more than a pot of water, tin foil, and an airstone...no dome, no hormones, misting, or care needed.
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Power Armor rules
Nice cloning tutorial you posted. I clone the same way minus the anti-wilt. Works like a charm :joint:



great tutorial, T.! Used rapid rooters for germing (first grow) and was blown away by the results! def be using some of your techniques, love the simplicity.

heres what happend [36hrs] after i dropped a bean into a rapid rooter:

:nono: :D


well, i pulled out a plug to check them out and, here you go.... they all have roots.



less than a week... not bad.
well their you go... cloning with rapid rooters! i hope this helped someone. Thank you to the IC for giving me this wonderful format to share this with you... good luck to all... life's a garden, dig it!
Rapid rooters are absolutely the best. I will never deal with rockwool again. And they saved me about 5 days or so. Did you mention how much to water when they dry out. I would but you should probably answer since it is your thread...

What kind of rooting hormone is that too I don't think I've seen that before.


Active member
good show, I recently let my grow store man talk me into trying another product like rapid rooters, wish I hadent, it has been over 2 weeks with no roots yet.


Registered Pothead
Rapid rooters are hands down the shit when it comes to starting seeds or taking cuts. My last seed run was 30/30 in rr's.
Yea update here they are amazing. I've now got 37 out of 40 rooted. I will never do it with any other medium.

I even ask if I can come over and use my rapid rooters when I buy clones from people. Fuck rockwool that's all I have to say. Takes too much extra work....


Active member
wow, the anti-wilt step is a really really good idea. especially when you live over 6000ft and your relative humidity is rarely above 50. i am probably just bad with cloning but i have to use a dome with a DIY aero cloner. awesome!
this is the only way i've ever cloned(i'm now experimenting with bubble cloner as of yesterday). I didn't use any products just cut with a razor put them in the presoaked rooters and removed the lid daily for a while with a slight mist on the lid not on the plants. My results have been 36/36 both times i did it. took anywhere between 10-14 days to show roots. never used it for seeds though i'll have to try that sometime. thanks for the good info T.bag...haha


coco kid

New member
great post tbag where did you get that cool holder??I end up filling my dome up with coco so the rooter would stand up.I might add I would use water that has no chlorine I think the rooters have beneficial bacteria.I have also had good luck scraping the skin off the stem before dipping it in the hormone it ad surface area for rooting just like cutting at a 45.


Rapid Rooters Rock!

I also have used them extensively in seed and clone starting.
I have even used them in a hybrid RR/bubbler and if the strain is "prone to clone" they work great. With the hybrid I have used 200ppm ish nutes for the three week sativas and it has helped to stave off the yellowing. Also w/the hybrid I would split the RR and leave 1/2" or so sticking out the bottom (w/clone gell). Also Perfict starts work equally well for me.

The RR becomes the heart chakra of the plant.


You use all the same stuff I am going to use, including the Anti-Wilt coating. I'm surprised that you use it in conjunction with a humidity dome. I thought t was one or the other. Plus, I'll use Dip N' Grow with the Rootech. Instead of placing the clone down in water after taking it, I'll dunk it in Dip N' Grow, then paste it with Rootech.

I'm getting ready to take my first batch of clones. This is all new to me. But I'm very happy to see you're enjoying so much success with the same products.

cali mike

I am currently trying a 50 tray of rapid rooters rite now, and so far i have not been very happy with the results. Maybe I am not being patient, but its been two weeks and not a single cutting has rooted. Major bummer.

In the past I have used rock wool cubes with Olivia's cloning gel and usually get about a 75% success rate. The thing is I made the move to coco coir and I want to rid my grow of all things not biodegradable.

Anyway I believe I've done everything right with these RRs. Used Olivia's, keep the plugs moist but not soaked, its always 75-80 degrees F, under a fluorescent light, been 2 weeks.

Anybody got any advice to help speed things up? i though of getting a less viscous cloning gel like clonex and an eyedropper and putting a couple of drops in each of the holes. anyone agree with this method? Ive never tried it.


New member
first time i tried cloning was in rockwool and after 2+ weeks no roots.
second time was homemade aero system and after 2+ weeks no roots.
third time was using rapid rooters in soil. out of 14 clones all had roots in 1 week.

these are 11 days from cut. ive only checked 1 for roots(the one on the top left 3 days ago) and it had some. you can see the new growth on it and if its anything like my last batch im assuiming the similiar ones with new growth also have roots.

this is what they look like a week later.

i plan on giving aero another try on my next set of clones.