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Snow Dawg X OG Kush



Hmmm...homemade? Fems? Looking beautiful...interested in how the two were bred...Any details would be great..


Honestly I have no idea. I acquired it in a trade along with Jack's Cleaner II. Out of 3 beans i got 1 fem. Unfortunately i didn't keep the males due to lack of space. I do have 1 bean left though that i'm hoping is male when i'm ready to cross. I'd like to try and cross with the JC but I've never bred anything myself and am hesitant. any tips?


Power Armor rules
I just put the lone breeding male in a closet with a small 15w CFL. Let it being to drop pollen and collect it in a small container. Use a paintbrush to pollinate the breeding female(s). Simple as that...



Thanks Funk! you don't worry about pollen mysteriously pollenating other females? I heard about that paintbrush method before. can you really pollenate just one bud and not the whole plant?


Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
put a plastic bag w/twisty tie <-ur chosen branch...cover and mist w/water......take bag off........do the paintbrush thing...put the bag back on and wet again to ensure that the rest of the plant dosn't get pollenated..in a day or two take the bag off and..........TADAA...the deed should be done,u should notice change of hairs due to pollenation.....that's how I do single branch pollenation.....sure other's will chime in.....GOod LucK............Mm


Thanks Money, thats sounds the best and safest way I'v come across. I would just hate to pollenate the whole thing. That's a lot of picking through buds for some beans. But just one branch would be good. I actually don't need seeds though, I've had a J. Cleaner II going for about 2 years now. I keep taking cuts and selecting the best for a mother. I think I'm on my 7th or 8th mother. I just started this Snow Dawg X OG kush. I was able to select a good mother though so look for some new pics coming.



Power Armor rules
The paintbrush method is nice because you don't pollinate the entire plant. I did have some stray pollen pollinate another plant, but I only got about 10 seeds total so it wasn't bad. Plus making hybrids is never a bad thing if the parent plants are good :joint:



Has anyone done a Snow Dawg before? I figured it out and these (the bud pics) are about 35 days give or take a few. (don't really worry bout that so much anymore, the days that is) and i heard these are to be done about 70-80 days. I be taking more pics here today or tomorrow for an update. now they are about 47 days and filling in nicely.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Great advice from MM and that is how I will be making my seeds later this summer. Outlaw's (DPD x Pre-98 Bubba K) x GDP and the same with my Urkle. Gonna purple the whole city!! Good luck and the dog looks killer!
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Patriot Father 2a Defender /Breeder
Nice one rainman...sound's interesting...lookin for more fast growing(vegging) phenos?keep us posted....Mm


Well so much for an update....the site isn't letting me upload pics. it keeps saying after I wait a while that no pics could be found. I'll keep trying


those are looking good. any smells? sounds like a great cross. do you have any insight as to why the single blade leaves are clawing down( third picture in your last post)?


Ok, it's been a while but here's an update. After much deliberation this is truely Snow Dawg and OG kush cross. I've run several cycles since the last update. It's ridiculously strong smelling. 1 plant about 14 inches tall and you can smell it outside. Very heavy smoke to it, I'm personally chalkin this one up for my winter smoke and keeping the cleaner for the summer smoke. I have run into some problems with cloning so I have to regenerate the one cleaner and one dawg i have left. But I did just start some Master Lo seeds and 3 are poppin so we'll see how the summer goes. I'll be back shortly to update the Master Lo and regen progress.

thanks to all who took the time to reply and check out my pics.