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do i have a right?


scrappy said:
maybe he want's to break-up!....DOH!!!.....sorry I had to

^^Maybe so...used you for what he needed now your old news.

I tried this once also..thought it would be cool to be able to trade clones with someone. I did the same thing as you all the way down to helping him select a mother and how to clone using an aerocloner. I showed him what to use, how much, and when to use it. Might as well have been growing it for him, probably what he expected. In the end he ended up getting pissed at me because I moved to another state and they ended up dying before harvest. I still dont know how he managed to kill them..
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Active member
like others mentioned tho.....he might be doing what you didnt do... (follow rule#1).

ive helped others learn and helped them get set up....we never had these problems speaking about it afterwards like this tho


Been there - same result...:badday:

Hooked buddy up with beans, mylar, rockwool (all outta my pocket - all my own supplies). Advised on lamps, dwc, etc. He was gonna hook me up large - owed me a ton (his words).:jump:

Ain't gotten bud one - he's got some doughhead friend givin' bad advice like "2 week dark before harvest, etc.". When he was setting up - I was in his basement every day at his request. I ain't been invited in in months.

He's on 4th harvest now - last time I asked about "my share", his memory got real foggy about me contributing anything, and says his other pal has been more help. :nono: When I asked who gave him the beans, etc., he got all pissy, and said "that was a gift, I shouldn't expect anything for being a nice guy". lol

Oh, and he's moving in a month - so I guess I'm burned.

This ain't a sour grapes, "oh, he won't be nice and share", this is a "he leeched everything, used me, and then fucked me over". :cuss:

Karma will bite his ass - but in the meantime, he's smokin' nice weed, at my expense.

Nice guys smoke last... :asskick:


Active member
do you have a right to know how your clones are doing: no.
should you have a right: yes.

What I am saying is it would be common courtesy for him to tell you how the plants are doing. So you should have a right, but you don't because this guy either thinks you want some weed from them or he is just being a prick not telling you how they're doing. In futher summary, I theorize: the plants died and he is a big puss that lies to his friends about how he grows weed.

:jump: Yea, I want clones!!!
:jump: K, It'll be so cool, my fellow grower!
:joint: Hey dude, so your plants doin' fine?
:violin: DUDE, why you obsessin' man? They are in my custody now! I don't feel the same way about you anymore.
:cuss: I am going to shame you over a chat forum and people will agree with me! You can't keep my under your finger forever, you can't control me!

:joint: Ahh, I see, you left me for an internet forum, because they might understand you! I see! I see now, I just want to tell you I want the best for you.


By: Theordore Roosevelt and Mona Lisa.

Don't ask me why I just did that. :kos:


Active member
pseudostelariae said:
probably not, but i am pretty annoyed.

i spent a good month into walking this guy through setting up a grow operation..i taught him everything, even gave him some of my favorite clones to get started and now it's like this guy is too good to have a smoke session and a chat.

its just bullshit...like i gave him these cuts, walked him through the hydro store, even helped him build his entire room/hydro setup..now he acts like he doesn't even grow, and just gives me a sly smile and says "i can't be talking about the operation " when i ask how my clones are doing.

i realize it's not like these clones are my own personal breeding stock..hell, they are all readily available from many seed distributors..

it just bothers the shit out of me that i would go through so much trouble to help this guy get set up and then he would take that knowledge and act like a pompous dick about it.

is this bullshit? please..let me know lol


bro, all i can say is, maybe you got fucked/was too nice, but also

you are a friend I would love to have.


Active member
pseudo, your friends a complete ass.

For anyone to think they could justify his a-hole actions is obsurd.

What, do people think expert cultivation knowledge just popped into you head one night.

I'm betting you had to do A LOT of reading on forums like this and maybe even a lot of "field" work to be in a position to set him up CORRECTLY, give him correct advice and know what clone to select, etc.

That guy just saved about a gazillion man hours LEARNING all the stuff you told him in a very short time and if he doesn't think that is worth paying you back big time then with friends like him who needs enemies.
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Active member
pseudo is not the target of some sinister criminal investigation.

Telling someone how to grow pot is not illegal (RE: this forum)

"furnishing" clones is a petty crime. Buying grow supplies is legal.

Hint: rule number one practiced by pseudos friend doesn't apply to people (pseudo) that ALREADY know. It only applies to people that DON'T know. Duh.

How can pseudo's friend not wanna talk about the 'operation" when pseudo already knows about it. i mean pseudo set the damn thing up.
What would pseudo's friend have to lose, the fact that he is growing cannabis, um I think pseudo already knows this.
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me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
im the exact opposite when it comes to helping friends out. i ahve one guy ive known for years that im helping get a soil grow started.

because there are others that have an idea of whats going on, he calls me only when he needs some advice or has a question, it also helps that hes paranoid as fuck as well!! lmao

but i help him freely and always talk to him about what ever issues he may be having with the grow. reason being , because i know hes serious and has a true passion and conviction about growing.

i guess i havent and more than likely get into any situations where my security gets compromised. very few people know i grow and i mainly stay to myself and travel in very very tight circles. very seldomly do i get the chance to talk to growers face to face so i get kinda giddy at the fact, but thats because im always in the shadows. ive always been that type of guy that will be as big as day standing right in your face, and you'd never know/ knew i was there. never something i tried my presence just works out that way for me, so i took advantage and started growing.

so as far as your helping him, hey its new to him and he more than likely isnt as free in mind as you are, but if anything talk to him about it. hes probably being that way for some stupid ass reason that he doenst even realize is stupid.

its looks like your not only gonna have to lead him on how to grow but also a lil "grower in training etiquette" or "cannabis padewon 101."


you must all know this is a lonely hobby, besides coming onto IC.

i know exactly where you are coming from. and after 15 years of growing i can tell you that keeping your mouth shut and the "white lies" that MUST be told from time to time, are prolly the worst things about this business....well that and the fact you could go to jail for your hobby...

so i understand completely where you are coming from. i personally have developed a social circle over the years that can be trusted, and depend on them to share my stories. if you aren't in the circle, well, we prolly will never be that close, even if ur family.

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
you did your part to help the movement.
every1 should grow their own pot.
you gave your friend a skill, hopefully he will help another out down the road.
you did the right thing and shouldnt be worried about praise and thanks.
karma will take care of you.
i do as much as i can to help out as many as i can.
i never expect anything in return.
your pride should be enough for you.

Rood Spook

Its called GREED,it pops its nasty little head into any marijuana collaberative,always has,always will.Best just to keep it to yourself cuz the trichomes cause the best of friends to lose sight of things.
by rights ya should never had to say a thing,he shoulda just hooked you up.


Active member
I can sort of understand where the other guy may be coming from. He might be a little paranoid, and not want to talk about something so serious as a grow, no matter what size.

When I show someone something, help, or teach. I do it for nothing, I expect nothing, and I get everything then since I expected nothing.

Though some people can turn to jerks, and get greedy, and think you want a piece, or they got what they needed, and now you are not needed.

I might even be annoyed if someone gave me something for nothing, and then any time I bump into them, they keep asking me about it. As if I owe them something. Thanks is enough for me.

I don't know the exact details of this situation,
Too many possibilities, in the end who cares.


all praises are due to the Most High
ureapwhatusow said:
If you help someone and have zero expectations of getting anything in return, 99% of the time you will be amazed at how your efforts come back to you in like kind


if you help someone and have any sort of expectation you will be disappointed

yup, just let it go... your pal is now doing his own thing too and does not seem to want to talk about it; if he ever does talk about it, you can always comment on how strange you always thought he decided to act the way he did, or not.

just do your thing and keep it green,



Active member
Having a grow and that much harvested bud can change people for the worst.

I wouldn't take it personal either. Shit like this happens. I tend to agree with your position to an extent, you helped them out and got them started so the least they can do is throw some your way, but if they don't want to then they don't have to. But here's my thing, and it goes with anything in life whether it be with weed or anything else, if I help someone out or do a favor for someone I rarely expect anything in return. I do that favor out of the goodness of my heart and because I don't mind sharing what I got. Not because I expect some reward from them down the road.

I would just keep a close eye on them though, and don't make a big deal about it around them. You don't want to start a feud and piss them off so down the line when they get busted on some shit and they flip and turn you in.
also, your biggest mistake was looking for a buddy you could shoot the grow shit with. bad idea. this hobby is a lonely hobby and that ain't changin til growing is legal. i'd say learn to deal with the loneliness or don't grow at all because you'll just end up putting yourself in worse predicaments than this. remember rule #1 TELL NO ONE!
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Active member
ICMag Donor
I tend to agree that this sounds like a full on greed related story.
The guy has probably got visions of sugar plums dancing in his head, and figures if you start asking for a cut..to pay for your help...it would kill his soul to have to let up off of any of his now precious treasure. So, he doesn't even want to let the conversation get to a point that you may inquire about some freebage. He more than likely feels like he actually is obligated to you, but his greedy ass won't let it get there now.
He prolly feels he is now the growlord of shitsville anywho.

Like has been said before...karma can be one bad motha fucka when you treat her wrong.

* he knows that you know....you have his secret....let him know you think he's a dick and he will be so very nervous. He will either let it go, or decide he better mend his lousy fences.
I sure wouldn't let it bother me much if I were you.
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i would probably lie to.. if someone helped me get started and i dont see them for awhile, and then out of no where they pop up and ask about the grow.for all i know they got busted and are trying to get off by informing..you have to assume the worse about ppl.the smart thing to do is lie RULE #1... however if its some one that i would regularly see and i thought i could trust them then the end lie would result with them getting something.. like "they all died except 1 and i only got an ounce here's half".i wouldnt be able to enjoy any of the weed if i gave them nothing though,...but you broke rule number 1 man.thats how alot of us break the golden rule, its always a friend that needed help etc..


my "rights" make me miserable. we got a right to feel however we want to feel but i dont want to feel shitty just because i got a right to. thats one right i dont want to observe. anytime your happiness depends on what someone else does or doesnt do then prepare yourself to be a miserable motherfucker.

expectations and "rights" kept me miserable/mad for years of my life. my serenity must come from something more dependable than another human.

acceptance and forgiveness have been key for me.

expecting people to do what you think is right is asking too much, imho.

let it go. people will be people. you cant control what he does. you can only accept it and then choose what you are willing to subject yourself to. you can control how happy you are by changing outlooks and attitudes.

i used to be disgusted with the human race because i could see nothing but problems. any idiot can list all the problems with society and the people in it but it takes a stroke of genius to be happy in spite of those problems.

my 2 cents,