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Yield from 1 plant?

I have 1 girl growing strong outside. I planted the seed the first week of May. It is around 1 1/2 feet tall. It has shown its pre flowers and is sprouting the bud shoots now. How long can I let her go for? I want the most buds possible. Will I have a 6 foot monster by October? Thanks everyone.


MonsterHitz said:
I want the most buds possible. Will I have a 6 foot monster by October?
Pleace tell us when october comes.

Use many hours here surfing.....and you will get an idea.

Best luck


Hi MonsterHitz

Yield depends on so many factors, starting with the strain. The Himalayan Gold plants Im growing will yield 2lbs, the sadhu plants I think will yield 4-5 oz's. What is the estimated yield of your strain.

After strain, sunshine, water and soil conditions will have a major impact as to the degree in which your strain will reach its full potential.

Considering the information you have given, I would draw the conclusion that the plant is not recieving the nutrients, water or sunshine that it needs to thrive, that is, as long as it isnt some inbred that is lethargic and slow growing..

I planted this aurora indica plant in the 3rd week of may: It's nearly 5' now and will finish just over 7' and yield 12 or so oz's. I would consider that to be a normal growth rate and yield for a medium size plant.

This Sadhu was planted at the end of May and it is 20" and will finish at about 4'. Its a small strain and will never be a 6' monster or yeild more than 4-6ozs. Had I planted it at the first of May, it would now be 28".

From your description, your plant is not performing as well as either of these normal growth plants. I would suggest an aggressive feeding plan starting immediately with higher amounts of nitrogen until the end of july and then start with a well rounded bloom fert. If the plants getting reasonable sunshine (6hrs), that will be the best you can do. If the strain is a medium sized strain, you have the potential under these conditions to yield 6 or so oz's at best and reach 5'. If its a smaller strain, look at the sadhu again.

Thats my best guess. Good luck.
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Thank you for your help man I see what I should do to get my plant going now. I think the growth got stunted in the beginning because slugs ate most of the fan leaves. I have no big fan leaves because of them..lol. The seeds are from some buds I smoked. Only 1 out of the 6 seeds survived..I couldnt start them indoors, and was pleasantly surprized to see even 1 survive. I don't even know why I'm curious about how much i'm going to get...I think I would be happy with any amount! :joint: Ttyl, have a good day. peace

Vol Funk

What's your soil mix?
Hows good your sunlight?(5 hours of direct sunlight etc etc)
What ferts are you using?
What strain are you using?

Answer these questions, we might able to give a guess.

Last year, I grew a bagseed under 3 hours of direct sunlight with regular soil with perlites(no ferts). I only had half ounce off it.
I think i get around 8 hours direct sunlight, not to sure cause I visit my site at night. The soil has got to be really good cause its near a nutrient run off spot. I fed it with organic worm compost a couple times. And will again sometime again in a couple weeks. Oh, there is tons of 4 foot plants all around my plant so the soil is probably really fertile. This spot is awesome! hopefully...haha. I'm going to take a guess and will my plant to produce a pound :D

sow the seeds

Pseudo said:
18" tall and your expecting a pound?
not to burst your bubble but i say 2 zips

Especially with no fan leaves. In guerilla growing (and life) its "expect the worst hope for the best...better to expect nothing and get an oz than expect a p and get an oz.
Yeeaa I agree I just guestimated some amount. Though I really would be happy even with just a 1 o. Its funny how all the many bugs around there all go for just my plant and ignore the fields of other green there. Guess were not the only creatures that wants to party haha. Dam slugs hope they overdosed on my leaves and blew a new hole :D

Storm Crow

Active member
Slugs can be handled (organically- you don't want poisons anywhere near your baby!) with a combo of 2 things-

1. Set out pie tins (or other shallow bowls) filled with beer (a good use for those partly filled beers that are always around after a party). The slugs will happily drown themselves. (See what alcohol can do to you!)

2. Get some flat boards and place them around your plant. The slugs will hide under them during the day. Come around at noonish and scrape the little darlings into some well salted water.

I lived in Crescent City, Ca, "banana slug central". The banana slugs are 6 inches long and an icky yellow color. Their slime will numb a sore tooth (honest!), but otherwise they are a pest. Then there were the little tiny gray/brown slugs... everywhere. I fed the slugs to my hungry chickens every morning. They got their grain after the slugs. Gosh, I miss having chickens! Gotta move where I can keep them!

Well it looks i'm going to get a lot off my girl :). The thing grew like 2 feet in a little over a month coool. Thanks again lata


classy grass

She's the only big girl I've got this year...have had gopher probelms and early flowering on some. Its a FMS grapefruit, just starting the strech into flower. 6.5ft x 7ft and growing.
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