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twisted treez

we all know that alcohal was once illigal , and then all the sudden it wasnt, im wondering what it would be like if it was suddenly legal to smoke grow trade or sale ,, how would everyone feel , and what would the first thing you do ,,, and along with bieng legal , all charges would no longer be valid , how would this effect people and you yourself? and what laws would be fair , example 21 and older only , no giving to minors, and such


twisted treez said:
we all know that alcohal was once illigal , and then all the sudden it wasnt, im wondering what it would be like if it was suddenly legal to smoke grow trade or sale ,, how would everyone feel , and what would the first thing you do ,,, and along with bieng legal , all charges would no longer be valid , how would this effect people and you yourself? and what laws would be fair , example 21 and older only , no giving to minors, and such
I could apply to the court and ask that my charges be reversed.

If weed hadn't been there, there would have been no charges against me. And if there had been they would have been dropped.


Freedom Fighter
peanutbutter said:
I could apply to the court and ask that my charges be reversed.

If weed hadn't been there, there would have been no charges against me. And if there had been they would have been dropped.

Not all laws call for retroactive dismissal of previous charges-- That would be a scenario that would cripple the Courts with case-overload--
I am very sure, that when it happens, it will be deemed that any charges that occurred while it was a crime, will stand--

twisted treez

Not all laws call for retroactive dismissal of previous charges-- That would be a scenario that would cripple the Courts with case-overload--
I am very sure, that when it happens, it will be deemed that any charges that occurred while it was a crime, will stand--

not to put you on the spot , but dont you think that if someone is locked up for a long time for weed and it is legelized . then wouldnt that violate you r constitutional ammendment against / crule and unusual punnishment. if that punishment is no longer valid

honestly because after it becomes legal would the person thats been on the run when the law went threw as apposed to the person that showed up for court and got locked up and they committed the crime the same day?

if it became legel i would like to study all the usses for mmj including alt fuel , and studies of what medical illnesses can be helped ,
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Freedom Fighter
twisted treez said:
not to put you on the spot , but dont you think that if someone is locked up for a long time for weed and it is legelized . then wouldnt that violate you r constitutional ammendment against / crule and unusual punnishment. if that punishment is no longer valid

honestly because after it becomes legal would the person thats been on the run when the law went threw as apposed to the person that showed up for court and got locked up and they committed the crime the same day?

if it became legel i would like to study all the usses for mmj including alt fuel , and studies of what medical illnesses can be helped ,

Not to put you on the spot...but your "cruel and unusual punishment" argument is way off base-- There will be, I'm sure, provisions to modify current sentences being served...but as for the question of old cases....they would be ass-out--
Not trying to be combative...but you need to at least be aware of the Law, before you quote it--


kmk420kali said:
Not all laws call for retroactive dismissal of previous charges-- That would be a scenario that would cripple the Courts with case-overload--
I am very sure, that when it happens, it will be deemed that any charges that occurred while it was a crime, will stand--
Thanks for filling me in.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Sucks but, I gotta side with kmk. If you broke the law you broke the law.

The only change I'd make is a larger cab. There's only so much I can smoke. As much as I loved growing outdoors, the risk of thieves remain.
The moralists wanted alcohol banned so when income tax came in there was enough cash in the till to give them their way.

During the Great Depression revenues from income tax dropped like a stone so they legalised the booze because they needed the revenue.

The coming economic storm is going to have them very short of revenue so maybe it will happen. The biggest problem is the time lag, booze had only been illegal for some years, weed hasn't been been legal in living memory.
Don't hold your breath. Weed will NEVER be legal because there are too many people who make a living from persecuting marijuana smokers.

Just smoke and be happy...don't worry about that legal illegal bullshit. It's only illegal if you get caught...so don't be stupid about it and you'll have nothing to worry about.


Active member
I'd be pretty happy if the law passed for taxation in cali... as long as it isn't going to the dea to bust ppl/war, and it goes to education or repairing the streets... would be cool... the governor smokes so I'm sure there's a decent chance... just hope it goes to the right places...


Electrified fences and barbed wire would be a superb deterrent to theives were weed legal. I'd boost up the electric fence so it would give an EXTREMELY painful shock and I can virtually GUARANTEE you will never have any more problems with thievery with taht sorta hardware in place. No issues with animals either.



three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Shit if weed was legal i would start breeding in large numbers ASAP..

One thing i would like to add though. Today i see only two ways this cannabis thing can go. It will be legalized and taxed (the right and rational thing to do) in a more liberal honest world. Or it will remain illegal..but in a world where weed would be the least of your problems. Im talking 1984 police state baby! This is a time like no other. No resources to fall back on. All time for experimenting is up. It is either freedom or slavery from now til eternity..

i think people need to give overgrowing a real shot. Johnny appleseed style..
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twisted treez said:
not to put you on the spot , but dont you think that if someone is locked up for a long time for weed and it is legelized . then wouldnt that violate you r constitutional ammendment against / crule and unusual punnishment. if that punishment is no longer valid

honestly because after it becomes legal would the person thats been on the run when the law went threw as apposed to the person that showed up for court and got locked up and they committed the crime the same day?

In short. no. It has nothing to do with Cruel and Unusual Punishment.

The law doesn't always work that way. If the person is in jail for breaking the law, he has to serve his punishment for what he did at the time because it was against the law regardless if the laws get changed when he was arrested for the marijuana.

that being said...

If the person were to appeal the case I am sure that it would get overturned, but they wouldn't just start letting anyone out of jail who had a Marijuana conviction because they change the legality of possession and consumption.

as for the original topic, I guess the first thing I would do is fly to my mother in law and give her the finger while smoking a joint, both her and my father in law said if they found weed in my house they would call the cops... looking past the fact she is always trying to send me pharm drugs for my back problems through the mail across state lines (which is illegal), and also that my father in law drives drunk every Friday on his way home from the bar.
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Active member
Good point 9lives i found bonsai soil so I may have to make a lil mom n do that... if not now... maybe when most of these pricks finally die and more civil people make their way into the system... I think at this point it can only go in the right direction... too many uses for this silly plant for it to be illegal. I wonder how salvia is legal... seriously...


Active member
I would laugh and tell people how ignorant they were.

If marijuana were legal it wouldn't be so "bad" and looked down upon by a lot of people.

It would give kids the right to use marijuana instead of adderall, adderall can be dangerous, lets see the kids overdose on weed.

So many people who have never once thought about weed becoming their medicine will hear about their friends doing it, then they'll do it.

It would also bring to light the anti-tumoral, anti-spastic, anti-depressive, anti-emenetic properties of it. I hear news stories saying this type of thing, like it's NEWS!?!

If it were legal, people could actively observe someone using marijuana or smoke it themselves - experiencing actual reality instead of saying weed will ruin your life. LOL

twisted treez

Not to put you on the spot...but your "cruel and unusual punishment" argument is way off base-- There will be, I'm sure, provisions to modify current sentences being served...but as for the question of old cases....they would be ass-out--
Not trying to be combative...but you need to at least be aware of the Law, before you quote it--

isnt that what court is for, i think i have a valid argument and as long as there is a will there is a way ,,

so your telling me that people that were in there teens and got life in prison for liquer casses were made to sit in jail for ever?

i think that we let ourselves get pushed to much , i mean what if their was a loop hole and weed wasnt even illegal, wouldnt that be some shit ,

so im not mad for your opinion , i just dont think that we are looking at this the same , but if it does become legal i hope that people would be let go, if the crime was strickly weed and their was no violence involved, and im not saying im right but i dont see whats the big deal, its a fuckin plant
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