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Saibai vs. the monkeys



"Slowley slowley, catchey monkey"
Lovely stuff Saibai, love to go to Japan one day, but I dont speak a word. :(


Whats up whit your Menage a Trois? I try to grow it last year under 400hps but it died they came from mods too. Did you get good results whit yours?
Is Tosa Inu Legal in Japan do you know that?
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First up, I want to apologise for no pics, again. I went to the shop to get a new phone but they had moved, but I don't know where.:friends:
I could just buy a card reader for my computer, but I haven't had the chance to buy one yet.
But this still counts as a proper update, cause I just got back from the plot.

kall: :biglaugh: I'm still getting fucken stoned from the big ass male I chopped last week or so! I got some of his pollen, first time actually trying to pollenate females instead of sensimilla...
The others are not so great, I may still have a male yet to sex. That male made up for it tho, it was a champion plant.

farma: Travel is one thing you never regret spending money on...imo. Thanks for stopping by.

Anyway, I went up and gave them some water. I saw a continuation of the burnt look on some fan leaves, and noticed quite a few dead leaves fallen around the larger plants. I'm pretty sure that I severely mistimed the second application of liquid nutes (basically a pre-made tea) and the topfeeding...we've had a dry spell of about a week and a half, with pretty high temps and I think the plants were still used to nearly constant rain and slightly cooler days.

The 2 Satoris on the bottom, and the S#1 between them are thriving though. I didn't even worry about jumping down (my usual access point to my plot is on the 2nd tier) to water them today. Most Satoris are dark green, showing the classic indica-like structure that I've seen pics of on here.

*************To be continued :asskick:


So, anyway...

I'm watering the plants and I get to the big Zamal, I actually meant to tie it down today, I forgot the rope etc....and I see what I at firs think is a big ass male pollens sac...I look at it, and think "Hermied....fucken fem seeds. But, damn that male ball has some serious trichs...." and then realise its a big calyx! I look all over and they're popping up everywhere! They're all plump and covered in little crystally trichs! I then think "its been fucken pollinated somehow!" but it don't think so....its just weird that my most Sativa dom is getting full-on calyxes already...

I think maybe I put my indica doms out too early, they flowered a little and have re-veged perhaps? I don't know, maybe its just normal for these guys...all the others are still just getting more hairs.

Gotta go.


Are u smoking a male? I only smoke the females hehe im not putting balls in my mouth hehe But cant wait to see them :) menage have Sweet Genetics ind them i think.
its sound like revegge in my ears or maybe its a monkey proffesor that fools around when u not there, you newer know whit them monkey saibai......

This is the only "balls " i put ind my mouth

Purple Prinsses Oil
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kal: Unfortunately, yes, I have to smoke males atm...I didn't grow enough last year and ran out. :bashhead:
And like the sig says, if I don't grow I don't smoke.
So, I have no tolerance right now, even a joint of male leaves can get me a buzz. Its good that I got to check its potency before collecting pollen, too.

Reveg hey? Makes sense, I usually keep them under cfls for linger than I did this year, I had to get the seedlings out of the house and put them outdoors in the natural light earlier than usual...
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Hi Saibai, is that Zamal a south African sativa? I hear the south African stuff is very fast. The reason I ask is that a few of my girls are also starting to flower even this soon after the solstice. If it is still nugging up in a week then you know its flowering & not a reveg.


Howzit workin Sai? Too bad bout no pics, Im all wet with anticipation to see some pics from you!:laughing:


Expert: Hi, thanks for dropping by. Zamal is a Sativa landrace strain from Reunion Island, and FMS did a couple of crosses with it I believe. Mine is ZamalxSkunk Special. Its the only one developing calyxes so far, I was expecting it to be the slowest to start flowering...I"m pretty sure the others suffered from reveg, it might explain the Snow White with all 3-fingered leaves. I haven't had it happen before though...?

cellar: always a pleasure, I really have to buy a memory card reader for the computer, that way I can post some much higher quality pics! :D


stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
G'day Saibai, love your 'magic mountain' grow ,,, I personally like the 'monkey mayhem' as opposed to snakes & roos! hehe. either way, you gotta lovely garden growing.
You're putting in the hard yards mate, your gonna be rewarded with some killa bud.

Oh yeah, the 'green label' shits all over the 'white JB',,,, have you thought about trying the 'Bonded Beam' (gold label) ,,, now thats a sour mash! :D

BTW great thread,,, I actually wondered how you'd tackle a grow in Japan when you first told me where you were,,, much better than I thought!

any more pics yet?


Shit happens saibai soon you be smoking lovely ladies and happy times are back


Smurf: Thanks mate. Actually a friend brought some gold label over when he came to visit, I think we ended up mixing it with beer ginger ale and cola. :D Bloody oath the Green Label shits all over the white!

kalle: Yeah, its only gonna get better from now on, I just hope I can harvest enough this year!

Just went and got a card reader for the computer today, all excited...then I get home and its the wrong one. I got a PCMCIA when I needed an expresscard or some shit. Ffs...got it from an electrical shop out of town, too. :( Fucken ridiculous.
I will get the right one from a local shop tomorrow even if it kills me.


Saibai said:
even if it kills me.

well thats completely up to you. I would be sad if you died for your grow. and the monkeys would just be lost without ya! :muahaha:

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
I didnt even know you had a grow thread going on. All I can say is awesome thread you have going here, its looking good. Best luck n keep them monkeys away. haaa.

Take it easy brotha :joint:


Thanks for stopping by, Professor. Its always good to see someone else growing the same strain.

For my own records: Applied undiluted neem directly to stems to help get rid of whiteflies.
Forecast says rain soon, I hope so. The dry weather has done them some real good, they've grown and the soil has had a chance to dry out a little. They need a good drink though.
The Satoris are still looking good, they're turning into the healthiest-looking plants of the grow, all dark green, big leaves.
I can see that I really shouldn't have given the plants that last extra dose of nutes, they're recovering but lots of burnt leaves still. :(
Under the same conditions (2-week dry spell after constant rain, high temps and sun) with a full dose of chem nutes they probably would have been hit much harder.
I was trying to "force feed" them I think.
Didn't add any dolomite, maybe later on.

The Zamal is also officially taller than me now, about 7foot. Classic christmas tree, I didn't top it, but I was meaning to.
Still weird that its the only one with calyxes so far. Took rope etc to tie it last time but didn't have time.

Note to self: buy more Mandala genetics for next year.


Saibai said:
Thanks for stopping by, Professor. Its always good to see someone else growing the same strain.

For my own records: Applied undiluted neem directly to stems to help get rid of whiteflies.
Forecast says rain soon, I hope so. The dry weather has done them some real good, they've grown and the soil has had a chance to dry out a little. They need a good drink though.
The Satoris are still looking good, they're turning into the healthiest-looking plants of the grow, all dark green, big leaves.
I can see that I really shouldn't have given the plants that last extra dose of nutes, they're recovering but lots of burnt leaves still. :(
Under the same conditions (2-week dry spell after constant rain, high temps and sun) with a full dose of chem nutes they probably would have been hit much harder.
I was trying to "force feed" them I think.
Didn't add any dolomite, maybe later on.

The Zamal is also officially taller than me now, about 7foot. Classic christmas tree, I didn't top it, but I was meaning to.
Still weird that its the only one with calyxes so far. Took rope etc to tie it last time but didn't have time.

Note to self: buy more Mandala genetics for next year.

check yer pm's SaiBai.


cd: Done.

Styles: I know, I know...I hate updates without pics. I love pics too! :l

^^^^^ I just updated without pics again. lol
Bear with me just a little more...


Saibai my best friend in japan. i have a way to scare the monkeys ...My biceps can do it maybe just print this picture and post it in the plot on a tree, then the monkey will stay alert perhaps they will move when they see a bigger monkey has come to rule the forrets


The plant is my Ak97 from Luna and Bigbud from amsterdam seeds.

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