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600w white russian dwc - first grow!!!


Ok. so i cant wait any longer. I started 4 of my Knights templar freebies. Hope the rest of my beans get here cause i'm starting to get worried. But yeah. heres a pic of the a/c i installed in my room to help keep ambient temps a constant 68.

more to come when something else happens.



best of luck dude, that knights templar sounds interesting! il be watching from the wings


thanks huff & Puff.

I honestly would be happy with just 6 oz's of dank by the time i'm done. ya know, just to get the first on under my belt.

I think i see one of the seeds crackin so as soon as that tap root shows its pretty ass, i'll put in the rockwool cubes

Quick question about rockwool cubes. The package says to quickly submerge them in water ph adjusted to 5.5. Does this hold true for MJ?



ouch harsh luck with the roommates and the ac.. I had a lil bad luck my first grow as well, fried all my seedlings.. didnt make it three weeks lol.

But that is in the past and you can only move on to the future, you learn from your mistakes and try again :joint:

Best of luck man :)


man its been a month... Where's the update, how are those knights doing???


yes i'm alive. it's been a long tough road but i'm still doing the damn thing. Today is the first day of the clones in the main chamber!!!! It took them almost 3 weeks to show roots big enough to put them in the main chamber. So here are some pics.
Overhead shot.

big sister

little sister

Its not white russian or knights templar anymore, now its some seeds i got from a friend. said they are most likely master kush. :confused:

Right now temps at 78, ph is 5.9 and ppms at 200.



man i had my first attempt at cloning this weekend, it was a trumatic experience.... I put them into flower for a week before I took clones... i was running out of room and the book i have says not to take them till the plant is 2 months old... anyways I should have taken them before i put the plants into flower cause they stretched pretty good... they are not looking to good.. some better then others, Im glad i took 12.. and I only need 1 or 2



So i'm at like 8 days of them being in the main chamber and the little one almost died on me but the big one is growing nicely. I think there is a slight nute deficiency. cant figure it out though. ph is 5.5 and ppms are at 250 when i took this pic. i upped it to 300. what do yall think?



Id kick your ppms up to like 500-600.. and then a week later kick it up to full strength 1000ppm ( @ .5)
How often are you watering? They look either over watered or under watered.
Other then that they are looking pretty good... :joint:

Man i just bought a pack of alpha diesel.. I can't wait to grow those!!!..


yo static, thanks for looking out bro. i'll do that in the morning when i wake up and def post in a day or two to let you know.

lol. i just burnt my thumb on trying to burn some scraped resin!!! lol!!! i think we've all done that :laughing:
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things are looking pretty good. she perked up, stopped looking all weird and even grew quite a bit in the last 2 or 3 days. i also dropped the light closer to the plant.


so i just tried again to upload pics and still nothing so i hosted them elsewhere. but enough blabbering, here they are.

she's done good for a 2 week veg yes???? topped twice.


this mother fucker though. for some reason couldnt keep up with the other one and is thus getting really really nute burned. but fuck it, i'm just letting it go.


I'm thinking about flipping to 12/12 in another few days.

Edit: ph is 5.7 and ppms at 450
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bad news everyone. my grow got busted. :-( my fuckin roomate had a warrant out for his arrest and came to search the house for him and found my shit. :violin: :badday: they took everything, the plant, the buckets, the light, the fan, the nutes, the ph and ppm pens, the air pump, the mom lights, my cloner, everything!!! the only bright side to this is that i got off clean and dodged a felony. I gotta say apart from them just doing their job and taking over a grand of shit from me, they were hella cool about it. So, i hate to say goodbye to yall cause yall have been the driving force behind my growing, i need to lay low for a few months minimum.


Holy shit that sucks man.... that really really fucking sucks... I feel so bad for you :(
So they just took your shit and didn't charge you? Thats not to bad... its just money in the grand scheme of things... fuck Id hate to lose all my shit.. I got just over $2500 invested into this... fucking roommates.. you need to beat the crap outa that guy :(


Active member
Ohhh man, what a bummer to hear this. You really are lucky with the outcome though. I'm glad to hear you're a free man with no charges.

Don't stress about it too bad. Set backs happen and growing will always be there for you.

A great way to make your grow stealth in the future would be to have your own place, and convert a cabinet into a grow room. Throw some locks on there and you're good to go. Check out the mills pride thread sometime in the grow room & design forum. My cab is so stealthy I've had people lean on it before and be totally clueless.

Anyways, good luck to you in the future, and hope you still find the desire to come back around to the green side after laying low for a while. :canabis:


yeah, i'm definately happy with no charges. Funny thing, it wasnt even my buddys fault. he paid a lawyer to take care of his ticket and the deuschbag didnt let him know that he had taken care of it and needed to pay like 100 bucks and be done with it, instead, the ticket lapsed and bam, warrant. he doesnt have the best of records either, vs mine is fucking spotless!!! I'm just a good curious college student!!! LOL :laughing: so in the scheme of things yall are totally right, its just money, BUT ITS ALSO WEED MAN!!!! I think i'll move out after a few months and do the damn thing on my own instead of getting caught it the crossfire of my buddies shit. i'll probably still paruse (sp?) the forums but no grow fo sho. funny thing is that that plant was fucking EXPLODING WITH GROWTH. it was at least another 5 or 6 inches taller and wider than that last pic. i will miss the ganja. gonna go buy some now and forget all about it. see ya'll later


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