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Vaped crumbs

THC is not the only thing getting us high.

vaporizers get the thc but not all of it.

you also got cbd cbn's and other medical goodies.

making food with the vaporizing duff works.

I thought since I already ran the herb through the vaporizer it would not do shit.

so I ate a large cookie. I got wasted.

better than throwing it away.

I am guilty of one pass in the vape.

so maybe that is why my crumbs are good??

looks like I need to do a few passes.


RED145 said:
Agreed,but THC is the only ingredient getting us high,so all the other stuff is meaningless and i believe,thc vapes at a very low temp.

Personally,i see nothing left here that i need to add to my diet.

You forgot one thing. The oils get absorbed into the plant fibers which is why you should break your plant fibers into powder or keep stirring it while breaking it down while vaporizing.
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Truthman said:
You forgot one thing. The oils get absorbed into the plant fibers which is why you should break your plant fibers into powder or keep stirring it while breaking it down while vaporizing.

Yeah I know for sure that my vaped crumbs still have goodies. For one thing, I can water bong them and get sky high. Well, it is true I don't grind the herb to powder before loading the vape. I think probably most vape users don't bother thoroughly grinding. We just put some shake in the tube and vape it.

Besides most vape machines have a lot of variables, such as how much grinding took place, the number of tokes performed, the strength of the tokes, the heat of the machine (it varies) and probably a few other things...


Active member
I've got a nice jar with over 30 grams of vape crumbs. I pass it about 4-5 times through the volcano. I'll cook with it before too long and report back in this thread how it goes. I can certainly say that in the past, before I got the volcano I had a whip style vape and I would thoroughly vape well ground herb in it and save it for rough times when I was out of smoke. The taste was absolutely horrible and it was harsh however it would give me a real downer high for a couple hours so there is certainly something left over in the spent herb when we are done vaping with it.



I used to keep my vaped material in a coffee cup on my desk. One day my dog found it and ate a good amount (no idea how much), I came home to a VERY stoned dog. She was nervous at first, but a few hours later she was digging it. Then she slept for 10 hours. :)

So not only does it work in fat laden foods, it also works as-is. It's like the THC is pre-activated.
depends on how black the duff is....I'm sure it still has something, just how much and of what we don't know...to test it try smoking it first, i know its gross
^^ umm, to the both of you above on this page. It's impossible to vape your bud until it turns black. The darkest my weed has ever turned was a dark brown, even when i've maxed it out on 9 on my machine.


The latest "Treating Yourself" mag has a choco duff cookie recipe that got me interested in using vapor "duff" as a food ingredient. I am very happy to hear how potent it actually is.

Also, vaporized plant material (not burnt) should retain most of it's nutritional value. Cannabis plant matter is highly nutritious and contains many antioxidants and phytonutrients. A light toasting shouldn't change things that much. It is like Japanese toasted green tea... with a kick. :)

Eat, breathe, live, wear... ganja!



Well I finally got off my ass and made some cookies using budder made ONLY from used vaporizor leftovers... started with about 4 ounces of used vape materials and did the boil w/water and 1 pound of butter.

To be honest, I didn't have high expectations as I vape to a pretty good brown color and wasn't expecting too much goodness to be left. Boy, was I wrong!

I had 3 cookies at 7:30 PM. By 8:30PM I could definitely feel it start to sink into a heavy body stone. At midnight, I was heavily stoned. Woke up around 7AM and could still feel the buzz...tapered off, but definitely still there.

I am very happy with the results of this and will definitely be doing it again with all my leftovers from the vaporizor.


Active member
Fatt Daddy said:
^^ umm, to the both of you above on this page. It's impossible to vape your bud until it turns black. The darkest my weed has ever turned was a dark brown, even when i've maxed it out on 9 on my machine.

Not everyone uses the same vaporizer as you fat daddy, on my old whip style vapor warez vape you could burn the weed black and definitely get smoke off of it even if it was not on the highest setting. I've not been able to burn weed with my volcano however. Happy toking...
GrassRoots said:
Not everyone uses the same vaporizer as you fat daddy, on my old whip style vapor warez vape you could burn the weed black and definitely get smoke off of it even if it was not on the highest setting. I've not been able to burn weed with my volcano however. Happy toking...

I didn't think of that, my mistake. I have a volcano as well, and I ASSumed all vaporizerz stopped once it was brown.
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yep, it's wonderful. It's my first and only vaporizer, but i don't want or need anything else. Its just great, it really does live up to the hype, and then surpasses it.

Sam Slambam

I too would like to cast my vote for the usability of vaped crumbs. I have a chronic lung problem so I try to smoke as a little as possible. When I discovered this fact some 14 years ago my doctor recommended I stop smoking MJ, and looked at him like he was nuts, he then stated I should just eat it instead! One of the good ones! ( mind you this was in a conservative southern state to boot!),.

I've been experimenting with edibles ever since and the along came my Volcano! It was just what I've always dreamed of. But we all know eating MJ is a whole other kit and kaboodle.

I read this thread a month or two back and was HIGHly skeptical but figure WTF, I've got nothing to lose right?

Cooked it up in some extra fatty euro butter, and holy shite! What a delight!

Now I'm kicking myself for all the vaped crumbs I threw out prior to this discovery. Oh well.

One last thought though,

The unfortunate bit about edibles is, it's sort of like trading one unhealthy thing for another; Smoke for Fat. I would guess smoke to be the greater of the two evils, but still.

Anyone have any thoughts on that?


Matter that Appreciates Matter
Fatt Daddy said:
I didn't think of that, my mistake. I have a volcano as well, and I ASSumed all vaporizerz stopped once it was brown.


Whip style gives you lot's of freedom. You have the freedom to fuck it up or do it perfectly. One needs to control the temps to be very efficient. I normally vape until either A) the flavor gives out (can't get a green hit from a balloon) B) the vape begins to get harsh on the pipes C) the material does not produce any more vapor.

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