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My Little Herb Plot!


The revolution will not be televised.....
Finished the indoor run real late this year but still got a few girls outside for the big halide in the sky. Not as many varieties as I would have liked but they will have to do for the summer run.(Sounds like im talkin bout the salmon or steelie run!!) Anyways here we go for the summer!! GDP,Erkle, White W., Sour D. IBL, and Euphoria.

and last is the?

Dont know anything about this girl. Picked up at a local dispensary.

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The revolution will not be televised.....
Thanks K! I will do weekly or bi-weeklys of the progress so stay tuned. Thanks again for stoppn by. Peace!


The revolution will not be televised.....
Well the ladies all have new soil and nutes. They are really taking off and the sun is just making them go nuts!
Week 2:
Sour D



White Widow and Euphoria

See you next week! :rasta:


Active member
from dutch passions website

Euforia ® indoor
2nd price "High Times Cup" 2000 1st price "Highlife Cup" 2002
Developed by our breeders in 1996. A very fine Skunk selection, very commercial, very heavy bloom, bumper harvest, the famous Skunk "high", taste not so sweet as our other Skunk selections. One of our favorites, also for greenhouse.
THC: 18%
flowering period: 7 weeks
harvest time outdoor: end of Oct, beginning of Nov


The revolution will not be televised.....
Darth - Thanks man!! I picked the clone up at a local club and the guy said it was impressive when he was growin the mother out, so we will see what she does for under the sun. Thanks again for the info.


I'm running White Widow outdoor this season too, not the highest yeilder outside but a great smoke. Good luck bro :wave:

1 of my 3 WW


The revolution will not be televised.....
Myass - Lookin good man! I havent grown her outside but I had a good clone of the Black Widow back in the day that would rock your cranium! I lost her in a move so I hope this girls shows me somethin. Keep me posted on how she does for you. Peace!


The revolution will not be televised.....
Well folks we are moving right along so here are some updates for ya. All the girls are doing great and the two late plants(WW and euphoria) are catching up to the rest. The sour D is just exploding so she will prolly end up as my largest bush. The Urkle is already started to flower which is weird since nothing else has. Enjoy and see you in a few weeks with more.

GDP on the left and Sour D on the right. The GDP looks suspiciously like a Bubba I grew last year. Its the fat leaf structure.

The Widow and the Euphoria:

And last the flowering Urkle!!??

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The revolution will not be televised.....
OS - Thanks man. I use a mix I have been throwin down for a while, stolen from about 5 diff. guys on here really.

Worm Castings
Blood Meal
Bone Meal
Green Sand
Dolo. Lime
Eps. Salt
either Black Gold or Supersoil(whichever is cheaper when I hit the door)

Thats it! They may get a little Sweet or some Superthrive if they look a little beat but nothing else during the whole grow. Mama Nature does it all from here.
You must spread some reputation around before giving it to OS again!!!
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The revolution will not be televised.....
Updates! nothing much to see except for the Urkle that has been flowering for a few weeks now. none of the others have started to go yet but she is pumping up real nice. I have most issues with the GDP as it has the same nute ratio as the others but wants to burn for some reason. The Sour d is a beast!! Taking off in the last week like a vine. Looks to be the biggest bush by the end for sure

Sour D.

GDP including nute burn!

The flowering Urkle

The baby's! White Widow on the left. Euphoria on the right.


Freedom Fighter
Looking nice-- I use almost the same mix...except no Epsom salts-- The lime has it covered--
Nice looking plants-- :wave:


The revolution will not be televised.....
KMK - Thanks for stoppin by the spot. Hopefully it will be more exciting around here when they start to do their thing! Hope they get about 4 feet tall.


Give em some nute m8 hehe lookin real good even if they are burn....Thats just make em grow some more :)


The revolution will not be televised.....
Kall- Thanks for stoppin by! The WW is lookin long and branchy for the finish! Peace.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Been doin so much other stuff forgot about the outdoor side!! Upadates....

Purps was hay that started to flower as soon as I put her outside so she is gone! Smoked terrible even after the 30 day cure. Marconi Meds got the boot for that one!!

The White Widow and Euphoria were killed and I couldn't figure out why until I snuck back to the garden one early morning to find a sly squirrel in their container burying freaking nuts everywhere!!! Good thing I took clones!!

Lastly the only two to make it this far!! The GDP from Canna on Harris Dr was the real deal!! The smell is almost offensive at this point. She has tons of frost and I can smell her before I hit the corner. Def worth the $15 for the clone! She has another 20 days I would say before the chop.

Last is the Sour D. It came from another local club but I couldn't get it to clone for shit!! Musta tried 10 diff. times. All other cuts took off but she just wasn't having anything to do with it. She is also frosting up real nice but is far from done. Good thing I got some of those great looking beans from JLP the other day!!! Got 7 from JLp but gave 3 to a couple of Med growers I know so we should be good for next year as I want to put these girls in all of my outdoor plots in the spring. SourDOG outdoor 4 sure!! Thanks again to JLP for that kindness!! Peace!!

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The revolution will not be televised.....
Updates!! The girls are speeding right along to the finish. The GDP will be done pretty soon and the Sour - D is just starting to bulk up nice. The GDP is also getting that nice tinge of color for the finish.

Sour - D

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