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Pubdate: Sat, 5 Jul 2008
Source: Los Angeles Times (CA)
Copyright: 2008 Los Angeles Times
Authors: David W. Fleming and James P. Gray


Only Cops and Crooks Have Benefited From $2.5 Trillion Spent Fighting

The United States' so-called war on drugs brings to mind the old
saying that if you find yourself trapped in a deep hole, stop
digging. Yet, last week, the Senate approved an aid package to combat
drug trafficking in Mexico and Central America, with a record $400
million going to Mexico and $65 million to Central America.

The United States has been spending $69 billion a year worldwide for
the last 40 years, for a total of $2.5 trillion, on drug prohibition
-- with little to show for it. Is anyone actually benefiting from
this war? Six groups come to mind.

The first group are the drug lords in nations such as Colombia,
Afghanistan and Mexico, as well as those in the United States. They
are making billions of dollars every year -- tax free.

The second group are the street gangs that infest many of our cities
and neighborhoods, whose main source of income is the sale of illegal drugs.

Third are those people in government who are paid well to fight the
first two groups. Their powers and bureaucratic fiefdoms grow larger
with each tax dollar spent to fund this massive program that has been
proved not to work.

Fourth are the politicians who get elected and reelected by talking
tough -- not smart, just tough -- about drugs and crime. But the
tougher we get in prosecuting nonviolent drug crimes, the softer we
get in the prosecution of everything else because of the limited
resources to fund the criminal justice system.

The fifth group are people who make money from increased crime. They
include those who build prisons and those who staff them. The prison
guards union is one of the strongest lobbying groups in California
today, and its ranks continue to grow.

And last are the terrorist groups worldwide that are principally
financed by the sale of illegal drugs.

Who are the losers in this war? Literally everyone else, especially
our children.

Today, there are more drugs on our streets at cheaper prices than
ever before. There are more than 1.2 million people behind bars in
the U.S., and a large percentage of them for nonviolent drug usage.
Under our failed drug policy, it is easier for young people to obtain
illegal drugs than a six-pack of beer. Why? Because the sellers of
illegal drugs don't ask kids for IDs. As soon as we outlaw a
substance, we abandon our ability to regulate and control the
marketing of that substance.

After we came to our senses and repealed alcohol prohibition,
homicides dropped by 60% and continued to decline until World War II.
Today's murder rates would likely again plummet if we ended drug prohibition.

So what is the answer? Start by removing criminal penalties for
marijuana, just as we did for alcohol. If we were to do this,
according to state budget figures, California alone would save more
than $1 billion annually, which we now spend in a futile effort to
eradicate marijuana use and to jail nonviolent users. Is it any
wonder that marijuana has become the largest cash crop in California?

We could generate billions of dollars by taxing the stuff, just as we
do with tobacco and alcohol.

We should also reclassify most Schedule I drugs (drugs that the
federal government alleges have no medicinal value, including
marijuana and heroin) as Schedule II drugs (which require a
prescription), with the government regulating their production,
overseeing their potency, controlling their distribution and allowing
licensed professionals (physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists,
etc.) to prescribe them. This course of action would acknowledge that
medical issues, such as drug addiction, are best left under the
supervision of medical doctors instead of police officers.

The mission of the criminal justice system should always be to
protect us from one another and not from ourselves. That means that
drug users who drive a motor vehicle or commit other crimes while
under the influence of these drugs would continue to be held
criminally responsible for their actions, with strict penalties. But
that said, the system should not be used to protect us from ourselves.

Ending drug prohibition, taxing and regulating drugs and spending tax
dollars to treat addiction and dependency are the approaches that
many of the world's industrialized countries are taking. Those
approaches are ones that work.
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people have been blind way to long. our 4 fathers would be ashamed at what our gov has become. worlds largest gang. who steal lie cheat our own people. sad but true.


Was that actually written by staff writers in a newspaper, or was it just an opinion piece submitted to them? I have nothing wrong with the point of the article itself, but the manner in which it was written is certainly not resembling, in any manner whatsoever, professional journalism. "has been proved"? "And then"? :nono:


Tens of thousands of people killed and wounded by police in our streets.
Hundreds of thousands of POWs in jails and prisons.
Tens of thousands of orphans generated by police actions against their parents.

Hundreds of thousands people that die every year of disease so our government can be "tough on drugs."

There are millions of victims of our own government in the war on drugs


a good example of how mistakes catch up with everyone. now the usa is hurting. dollar is down. investors are going else where. our own people are being forced into poverty. i feel the government is not looking out for the peoples well being. period. How deep does this rabbit hole go.


The strongest lobying efforts to keep the war on drugs going come from law enforcement.

Isn't this a blantant conflict of interest?

"We want these laws in effect so that we can enforce them."

This is government over the people. Not of the people.


Active member
dont fool yourself USA LEO is the biggest street gang of them all...just cuz they got a badge dont change the fact they take drug-weight and money for themselves


Well-known member
On NPR last night I heard the capital report for here in Florida. Charlie Crist was giving a speech to cops about all these laws they passed and the last he discussed was the anti grow house bill. If you havent heard its 5 years now for 25 plants in Florida. After playing part of Crists speech they interviewed some sherriff that was a sponsor of the bill and he admitted this was a total waste of our resources but legalization might open a pandoras box so hes not for that approach. In other words even the ones against us see the futility but keep on with their war and they dont even know why.


The war on drugs is big money. It provides employment for a lot of people.

If drugs were legalized the entire DEA would be shut down and everyone laid off.

Inflicting suffering on US citizens is "just doing my job."

"Just doing my job" is something that didn't work very well after WWII and it shouldn't work now.


Active member
Sirius said:
Was that actually written by staff writers in a newspaper, or was it just an opinion piece submitted to them?

It was written by.......

David W. Fleming, a lawyer, is the chairman of the Los Angeles County Business Federation and immediate past chairman of the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce. James P. Gray is a judge of the Orange County Superior Court.


If America didnt pay them this money, they might stop producing drugs.

even the US gov knows they need these drugs in America or else there would be no such thing as job security. DEA and CIA need drugs from south america because it gives them a job.

south americans needs this money to pay for the drugs.

America has just conducted the largest public drug deal in the history of humanity.
Since common sense can't prevail with our government and they have declared a 'War On Drugs" and drug users, maybe we need to look at this more like warfare. Take one of ours down, we take two of yours down and so on. Use the same tactics against them that they use on us. Some one gets popped, come down hard and bust them out! When they get too fucking scared to serve a warrant maybe the insanity will stop! :rant:


Well-known member
I'm feelin ya backwoods. Kidnap some dea and make them slaves and keep them from their children. lets see how they like that. but they read us sayin this and say to themselves, see theyre violent dopers. Im not violent unless provoked and taking my family and freedom from me is enough provocation.


Backwoods Bud said:
Since common sense can't prevail with our government and they have declared a 'War On Drugs" and drug users, maybe we need to look at this more like warfare. Take one of ours down, we take two of yours down and so on. Use the same tactics against them that they use on us. Some one gets popped, come down hard and bust them out! When they get too fucking scared to serve a warrant maybe the insanity will stop! :rant:
The usurping of the rights, given to us by our creator, named life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, is the acid test provided by our founding fathers.

That test was provided to define, for us, when a government had become abusive of the people.

I'm not quite to the point of deciding our government needs to be replaced.

Our supreme court has recently decided that if marijuana is the only thing that keeps someone alive, the requirement of the citizen is to die. That is a defining moment that shows that the well-being of the government is more important than well-being of the citizen.

I still hold out that we can revert to the form of government that respects the lives of it's citizens.

I sincerely hope that the people of the US do not revert to bloodshed to correct this problem. I have faith in the people that we can still fix this.

But time is running out.

The people of the United States need a direct method to amend the constitution. We need to be able to bypass the elected officials that have so woefully failed us.

Repeal of the sixteenth amendment should be easy to accomplish. Many people would come out and say that we need to keep the IRS. But in the voting booth, I'm sure, that more than 75% of the people would vote to end the income tax.

Getting rid of the IRS would be a major step in returning liberty to the people.
P-NUT said:
I'm feelin ya backwoods. Kidnap some dea and make them slaves and keep them from their children. lets see how they like that. but they read us sayin this and say to themselves, see theyre violent dopers. Im not violent unless provoked and taking my family and freedom from me is enough provocation.

I'm not a violent person either. BUT, I will defend my rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness by whatever means necessary!!! THEY are the ones who refuse to listen to the will of the people and reason. I'm very active in my state and federal government, so far, my concerns have only fell on deaf ears. Blanket replies from politicians like "Thank you for voicing your concerns and I will keep them in mind yada yada yada" isn't going to cut it anymore. It's time they take action. Our political system has failed us. Our legal system has failed us. Our government is leaving us few options it seems. THEY are the ones that started this war. They are the aggressors, someday the shoe may be on the other foot! All I can say is LEAVE ME AND MINE, BE!!! I don't bother anyone and I expect and demand the same from my fellow man whether they wear a fucking badge or not. I'm prepared to die for what I believe in. I will be judged by no man. Period.

I still hold hope that things can be righted in a peaceful way buy that hope is fading, fast. This country was founded by armed civilians and can be made ours again in the same way.
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The beginning of patriotism owes its roots to rebellion.

~ It is patriotic to not believe in those people who enslave and murder the innocent.

~ It is patriotic to believe in the idea of freedom and to secure those means by defense alone.

~ It is patriotic to say, "NO, what you are doing is wrong!". If, in fact, they are wrong.

~ It is patriotic to say that you love America

~ It is patriotic to question fellow citizens who put you in harms way.

~ It is patriotic to believe the rights if ALL men and ALL women are created equil.

~ It is patriotic to help people understand that we are here together.

~ It is patriotic to bring unity before division.

~ It is patriotic to defend against invasion.

~ It is NOT patriotic to do what you are told by a corrupted government.

~ It is NOT patriotic to follow the money and despise fellow Americans.

~ It is NOT patriotic to enslave the poor.

~ It is NOT patriotic to believe in the people who say they love America, but they break the rules by hurting fellow Americans.

~ It is NOT patriotic to believe in people who dont care about our country.

~ It is NOT patriotic for selfish Americans to have guns and authority to hurt one another.


I guess i`ll stop, these rules have created a nation that lasted hundreds of years despite many wars fought and many good people died. It seems many people including police and young people who dont care about fellow Americans are far from the roots that created America. Heartlessness and corruption can and might kill our country.




People who want to use drugs are going to use drugs whether legal or not. Might as well make them legal so that the government can make money instead of spend it and take away money from the black market drug dealers. Just my honest opinion.

twisted treez

Our supreme court has recently decided that if marijuana is the only thing that keeps someone alive, the requirement of the citizen is to die. That is a defining moment that shows that the well-being of the government is more important than well-being of the citizen.

the supreme court translation (old folks home class president ) the only thing they are now is supremely tripping

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