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Any of you Juicing out there? vegies and fruits?



what kind of juicer do i need for grapes apples carots and oranges?


And if you want radioactive neon yellow urine, take a multivitamin in the morning.
LOL...it's just the B vitamins. Best B vit supplement I've tried is Source Naturals sublingual B product.

strawberry smoothies, orange smoothies, strawberry-bannana smoothies, mango/pineapple smoothies... i dont like veggies in my smoothies tho...
I love smoothies...and I love juices too and agree veggies don't belong in smoothies :nono:


Active member
9th Circuit Court Smooothie!

9th Circuit Court Smooothie!

Been indulging in and fine-tuning my Ninth Circuit Court* Smooothies most days for the past four+ years. (About since said Court tossed out DEA's asinine Cannabis Hemp food ban...)

My Cholesterol numbers have steadily improved, but I take a 10mg statin pill along with the Smooothie to nail the numbers...

In an Industrial Grade [e.g. K-Tec-- check Jamba's equipment!] Blender Put:

1 cup / 227g yogurt [low/no fat Vanilla is a good choice, or peach, whatever]
1 cup / 242g COLD!! Soy milk [Vanilla or plain]
1/2 cup / 66g FROZEN! Oat Bran [Quaker or equiv]
1/4 cup / 33g FROZEN! Cannabis hemp seed, hulled [aka HempNut*]
50g FROZEN! OJ Concentrate
150g FROZEN! banana cubes
(start blending)
250g FROZEN! berries [Straw, Rasp, Blue, Black, Peaches even!]

Put all ingredients but the berries in blender unit, and fire it up. Add the berries as quickly as the machine can take them without stalling out. Blend till smoooth!

Makes about a quart.

THICK and Delicious like Baskin-Robbins' best MILKSHAKE but w/o the artery clogging... :jump:

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I must get myself a juicer.....call me a lazy bastard, but aren't they a time consuming bitch to clean each time they are used?

but I've got a blender that gets plenty of use.....homemade yoghurt blended with a few bananas is my fave..sometimes I add honey too...it's simple, thick, sweet, filling and tastes great..I never add milk or water, that would kill the lovely thick consistancy.

and this blender has a coffee grinder attachment too......paid less than $30 for this no name blender and have used it almost daily for years...blenders are fast to clean too.
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Active member
The Jack Lalane power juicer is now stainless steel. New infomercial - that guy is still alive! (must be the juice)

I'd get one but I got the plastic one for X-mas. Works great.
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Active member
I love spinach and kale....JUICED. I'll juice tons of things I won't eat.

Juicing is great for you. Watch FAT, SICK, & NEARLY DEAD on Netflix for weight loss inspiration.

Watch "Dying to have Known" "The Beautiful Truth" "Gerson's Miracle" on Youtube or Netflix for great health and FDA insight. All these will inspire you to juice.

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