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immatation cannabiz! pics! check it out!


:biglaugh: Why would you want a clone of some ditch weed (if thats even what it is) :confused: Sure, autoflowering strains have there uses, but why not get a proven autoflowering strain and cut out the years of work that someone else has already done for you?

I don't know anything about breeding, but to me it looks like there would be ALOT of work to take that piece of garbage and turn it into something worth smoking. :joint: I can see (a few) trichs in some of those pics, but MJ is not the only plant that grows trichomes. Just because it has trichs doesn't mean they will produce THC. And there are more than 1 kind of trichome too. I read an interesting post (by grat3fulh3ad possibly??) on trichomes a while back. In nature they are a protective mechanism, it just so happens that MJ trichs get you high. :D I could be way off base on that too, like I said I know nothing I just grow the shit!

Still interesting none the less.
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mexicanmafia said:
here's a closeup of a bud... looks wierd!

thanks for the comments fellas!

i'm not sure if this plant has anything to due w/ cannabis or not? didn't see any trichs and did'nt have much of a smell. smelled grassy... cought my eye nonetheless! never seen any plant w/ resembles cannabis as much as this plant! might be a mutant of some sort? its got my attention and am verry interested in what this plant might be? i'm going to further reserch this plant when i go back!


What was it ?


Active member
That thing has got to be related to the cannabis/hemp family. Look at those leaves and check out the pistils. Don't think I would introduce it into my breeding stock though LOL.
Yeah...pretty neat shit!


OgreSeeker said:
That thing has got to be related to the cannabis/hemp family. Look at those leaves and check out the pistils. Don't think I would introduce it into my breeding stock though LOL.
Yeah...pretty neat shit!

Took the words outta ma mouth!

I have Cleomes in my backyard that are the spitting image of marijuana plants, with one exception--no buds. Other than that, the leaf structure is amazingly similar. I'm surprised none of our many visitors ever have mentioned it but I guess the fact they're right out in the open dispels any suspicion.

The lookalike plants contain no THC and are not related to cannabis. But that won't stop your average Keystone Kop from getting his wires crossed, upon seeing 'em...

List of common plants that look like marijuana ... http://www.rollitup.org/outdoor-growing/11475-list-plants-look-like-marijuana.html

Japanese Maple mistaken for marijuana; Dept. of Agriculture holds up Fed Ex delivery : http://forum.bonsaitalk.com/f14/japanese-maple-marijuana-29122.html

Cop is dead because informant mistook Japanese Maple for marijuana : http://stopthedrugwar.org/chronicle_blog/2008/feb/04/a_cop_is_dead_because_an_informa