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Recent evidence released is showing the North Pole ice is melting at the highest rate




Source: Slashdot News

Recent evidence released is showing the North Pole ice is melting at the highest rate ever recorded. As a result, the Pole may be completely ice-free at the surface and composed of nothing but open water by September. As reported in September of last year, the Northwest Passage was ice-free for the first time known to man. The implications of this, as well as the causes, are still being debated. Are global warming experts just short-sighted alarmists? Are we heading for a global ice age? Or is the increase in global mean temperature having an effect on our planet


The equator and poles of the sun rotate at different speeds. This causes a build up of energy that is released every 12 or 13 years in the form of sunspots. Of course these releases in energy warm the earth even more; this is old news.

How long do you think people have been measuring the polar icecaps?

You people need to stop worrying about this lame shit, and start holding your politicians responsible. You're paying for your own enslavement.


Even_Steven said:
The equator and poles of the sun rotate at different speeds. This causes a build up of energy that is released every 12 or 13 years in the form of sunspots. Of course these releases in energy warm the earth even more; this is old news.

How long do you think people have been measuring the polar icecaps?

You people need to stop worrying about this lame shit, and start holding your politicians responsible. You're paying for your own enslavement.

You People?

who are you paradigming me to be?

A) I had no coment on the listing, so what do you deem my position to be? Why the adversion to people wanting to preserve the planet or caring about the observations that the planets state is changing?

B) Using your "how long have people been measure polar ice caps" , My answer is longer than they have been measuring build up of energy that is released every 12 or 13 years in the form of sunspots. So since science is relative so are both observations.

C) Do you deny that mans population explosion has had no effect on the balance of the ecosystem. Do you believe there earth will nullify every one of our actions via balance of nature?

In regards to warming alone, ,If you do research, you will discover that there has been som substaintial ice shelves that have dissapted were aged at over 10,000 years

D) What do you think my purpose of listing this thread is? Am I the government looking for tax dollars? Its a global issue, there is no global government to make this a vehicle for profit. In fact the efforts to change our imppact on the earth will tax the governemnts resources

THATS WHY THE US IS AVOIDING CONFORMING TO CLIMATE CHANGE TREATISE there is no goldmine for the US government to takle global warming

But we as indivduals can make it happen, jsut as individuals we keep the weed subculture alive, so why the negativity?

do you feel that this thread is asking something of you?

Its information, If I read your reaction "between the lines" it sounds liek you cant be burdened with worrying about anything more than is one your plate, which is fine, by why try to dissuade other from forming an opinion?

Even if it was a "government ploy" woudlnt you rather spend on preserving the world around you that spending on killing people in other countries?

I cant find any valid reason to dismiss scientists fomr differing communites and from about every country on the globes warnings about the environmental effect the human population has had on the earth unless your possess a narsisistic personality and only really care about what effects you and your life. Some people only care about what will occur in their lifetime, so its easy to say "what problem"

meaybe there is another rational that I jsut don't get, i mean unless I am a "sheep" that dines on "sensationalism" and I don't have the ability to posses or utilize "critical thinking"


The increase in global mean temperature is indeed having a pronounced effect on our planet already.I'm 49 years old and can't help but take note of the change in climate where I am.Winters,as I remember them,are nonexistant these days.We were having what used to be July weather in early June this year.We seem to stay in some level of a drought situation most of the time.Global warming is a reality and is caused by man.There is no time for dillydallying around now.If we can't quickly come up with environmentally friendly sources of energy to replace our use of fossil fuels for the most part,we better hurry up and revert to more of a pre-industrialized type lifestyle.When we left that is when we really started getting off track! :rolleyes:


Resident pissy old man
There is an awful lot of hype regarding global warming.We have to remember that the earth is coming out of a mini ice age that lasted from the 1400's to the 1800's. Europe was hardest hit by this mini ice age. The earth has cooled and reheated many times in its history. The earth was in an ice age 14,000 years ago and started to warm up. The melting glacier water ran down the Mississippi for a long time, until the glacier had melted enough for the water to run out the St. Lawrence. This cold water going into the Atlantic stopped the flow of warm water coming from the tropics and put the earth back into an ice age.There is no doubt that man is contributing to global warming, but there is good news about the buildup of CO2 in the atmosphere. The sun is warming and in about 500,000 years will burn off all the CO2 in our atmosphere. Unfortunately, it will also scorch the earth and we will all be killed. Party while you can,as we only have half a million years left!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Pops said:
There is an awful lot of hype regarding global warming.We have to remember that the earth is coming out of a mini ice age that lasted from the 1400's to the 1800's. Europe was hardest hit by this mini ice age. The earth has cooled and reheated many times in its history. The earth was in an ice age 14,000 years ago and started to warm up. The melting glacier water ran down the Mississippi for a long time, until the glacier had melted enough for the water to run out the St. Lawrence. This cold water going into the Atlantic stopped the flow of warm water coming from the tropics and put the earth back into an ice age.There is no doubt that man is contributing to global warming, but there is good news about the buildup of CO2 in the atmosphere. The sun is warming and in about 500,000 years will burn off all the CO2 in our atmosphere. Unfortunately, it will also scorch the earth and we will all be killed. Party while you can,as we only have half a million years left!

I agree, things on earth, don't happen quickly, we will most likely all be dead from our own means, before the planet becomes unliveable.

Although I do believe in Global warming, and that man has hastened a natural cycle, I don't think I am going to see any real result of this in my lifetime, sure some species won't be as lucky as lucky as us, but I also believe in natural selection


Active member
The apocalyptic ignoramouses have long been predicting the end of the world in one form or the other. In the seventies, the massmedia (Newsweek and Time) were both whining and carrying on about global cooling, printing the absurd and 100% incorrect predictions of some flaming scientist wankers. Today it's global warming that's in fashion with the doomsday crowd, the ignorant and the insane of the world. In a few years time, most of the same lunatics will probably be whining about something totally new again. Everybody's gotta have something to occupy their time with, no matter how meaningless it might be.

Global warming can't be all that bad, because the global warming activists led by Al Gore have had to resort to lying inorder to get their weak propaganda points across. These morons show a few deceptive photos of polar bears on some melting blocks of ice and they act like it's not something that's 100% natural and something that happens every single year. And meanwhile, many of the people who whine the most about global warming are the ones that consume more energy than anybody else. Hypocritical douchebags is the name reserved for such people. I don't deny that the earth is in a period of warming, but so what, I don't see the need to get hysterical about it.

Global warming (rising CO2 rates) is great for cannabis growing. So at least in theory, the plants that we grow should benefit ever so slightly while the earth is ending and all of mankind is doomed, lol. People who constantly go around whining and warning about impending doom are most likely the same types of people that are likely to buy brand new NIKE sneakers by the crate. Good riddance to them if they choose to go down that path.

:joint: :wave:


Even_Steven said:
What are you going to do about it?

You should be banned or at least warned for trolling.

Everyone who thinks that we can burn as much fuel as we want and make as much pollution as we want and the environment wont suffer at our expense, are plain and simple, 1 word...


master shake

Active member
which scientists do you think the govt will want to believe? the one who says it is man made and thus tax the people, or the one who says it's natural...calm down.

I've said this in other dumb global warming threads, if the rise in temps is because of man-made wastes and laziness, then you must also rationalize that we are causing higher temps on Mars as well. Right?


Resident pissy old man
If there is too much CO2 in our atmosphere, we need to plant millions of acres of hemp and turn the CO2 into oxygen!


lives on planet 4:20
considering.....we are hanging in space....travelling at a massive speed (the earth)...and there is very little we actually know.....it is a damn miracle....there is life at all....a few degrees more or less....who cares...for real people

isnt everything just too perfect.....i think so...there are so many coinsidences.....i mean look around.....what is happening on earth is more than a miracle......it is definately created by some fuc...ng being.....call it GOD...or whatever...but there is someone controlling us.....how a grower controlls the growth of his cannabis plant

and the fact is......everything that has a beginning has an end.....since earth had a beginning it will have an end...period

when it will happen.......no one on this earth knows...in fact we don't know 99.9999999999999999% of anything

even the smartest mofos on this earth still don't know much....they are just smarter than the average person in some specialized area mostly

so in the end when the end will come...to bring this show to a closing (life on this planet)...believe the force that created all of this will make something up to end it all....and we will be the first to know...lol


Even_Steven said:
What are you going to do about it?

I make every attempt to have a low carbon footprint

I dont get bent out of shape because of the world around me is amiss, but i certainly wont rush to disaster with the rest of the crowd even if my actions seem futile

I wont defeat myself because public opion suggest I should, but I wont beccome hysterical either, life is a gift even if it doesn talways feel that way


Active member
ICMag Donor
You People?
who are you paradigming me to be?
You know, ureapwhatusow, you acted as if there were no good reason, from what you had posted, for Even_Steven to see you on any side of the issue.
IMO, the very first sign of what side of this issue you are on is posting up such headlines. It is classic for the doomsday watchmen to not hesitate to post up some sensational headline that poses as a scientific read.
It was also quite apparent just from your rebuttal of Even_Steven just exactly where you stand on this issue when these types of statements are made:
I cant find any valid reason to dismiss scientists fomr differing communites and from about every country on the globes warnings about the environmental effect the human population has had on the earth unless your possess a narsisistic personality and only really care about what effects you and your life. Some people only care about what will occur in their lifetime, so its easy to say "what problem"

meaybe there is another rational that I jsut don't get, i mean unless I am a "sheep" that dines on "sensationalism" and I don't have the ability to posses or utilize "critical thinking"

Here's the problem, as I see it. So many of these so called "critical thinkers", are far from what I would consider to be thinking critically. To me, they are only half assed thinkers, because they are only going about half way, at best, with a proper investigation of the facts available to them.

I highly doubt that you have really taken the time to investigate the whole story behind the global warming crisis report that the United Nations is hanging their hat on. And on it's face it may appear to validate that many scientists around the globe have reached consensus on this issue. But, if one looks deeper, and truly investigates this report, and everything that it entails, they will find that things are not so agreed upon by these so called "climate" scientists. Even to a point that scientists, who were part of that compilation of studies and received Nobel prizes for such, are bringing many of the real facts to light about this study. When you read what these credible folks have to say (remember they are part of this study too) then we find that there really is NO consensus about the causation of global warming at all.
Nothing that even remotely constitutes any sort of general consensus.
It just isn't so.
Out of the thousands of contributing scientists to the ICC report, it turns out only a handful (count on one or two hands) of so called scientists are the ones blowing the alarm horns. And the information that they are using is far from being any sort of credible causation studies.

The folks behind this have you just where they want you. They want you to feel that you have been presented with lots of credible information that should persuade you that there is a crisis afoot...one that we can control in some fashion. But it will take our money to make this happen...do not loose sight of that fact. Because at the end of the day, it is money behind this issue, and not the forces of nature.

IMO, you are also being bilked into making drastic decisions, when you are not using facts to back up your actions.
You cannot seriously think that the yearly climate during your short period here on earth is any sort of indication of weather trends, can you?
Please...let's get real here.
You also have figured out just how impending this doom is as well, by telling us we have very little time to dilly dally around. Wow, how did you figure out the time frame on all this?
You are obviously making assumptions.
To assume makes and ass out of u and me.

Let me throw this out for the critical thinkers of the group...
Co2 is reportedly has a heavier molecular structure than oxygen. When we apply Co2 as growers, we are under the assumption that the gas is heavier than the surrounding atmosphere and will sink to the lower portions of the grow area. If that is indeed the case, then how is it that additional Co2 in our atmosphere is causing such havoc in the upper atmosphere? Do physical forces of nature change when it comes to global warming?
I'm just throwing this out there as an example of the critical thinking we should be doing. Past that, we need to research thing properly before we get our panties all in a big wad, and feel we need to warn others, and post up every sensational item we find on the internet.


master shake said:
which scientists do you think the govt will want to believe? the one who says it is man made and thus tax the people, or the one who says it's natural...calm down.

I've said this in other dumb global warming threads, if the rise in temps is because of man-made wastes and laziness, then you must also rationalize that we are causing higher temps on Mars as well. Right?

No that is faulty logic

Our earth while part of the universe has is it own ecosystem

the atmosphere, which is compatible with human life, and the contents within are fairly contained.

They are also unique, relative to our limited scope on intelligence. What I mean is there is no other compatible planet within our ability to sense it that can repalce ours

and while it would stand to reason that we can "create" a artificial ecosystem, we cant create on that will preserve this race on/off of this planet , its is still just science fiction

so human life at least needs more time to evolve and understand how to recreate the wonders of this world before they destroy them

Just imagine the earth is a big grow room. Except there is no one out there looking to make sure WE thrive except ourselves. Nature will correct itself, but we are not "nature", just like the dinosaurs, we are a byproduct of nature, but the longevity of mankinds existence relys on mankind

Think about it. We create ecosystems for our plants. Water, light, air, soil, we create an environment to help them thrive. Now take one of those environmental factors, say water and put bleach, battery acid and some other contaiminants in it. What happens? Or add a few more lights till its 120%. Are the girls happy?

In fact I think thats why we have (evolved, been created, whatever fits for you) to have a mind that can sense the balance between ourselves and the world around us

Im not saying we shoudl stop living, but to live smarter

I dont think we can destroy all life on earth, but I think we can destroy mankindor and most natural wonders that have evolved to that state over millions of years.

All in a few short generations, thats is the most ironic part. All the generations before us used less caron combined, makes our generation a greedty selfish one at that

or time here is but a blink of an eye in the scope of time, but how long will the produce of our ignorance effect those who have yet to be given the gift of life?

Marijuana is one of those things that makes me feel its imortant to think this way. I think its why the indians used it as a spiritual medium and its why I posted the global warming news on this site in this forum

I am not here to guilt people, cause a panic or insight woe

I am here to say, WE control OUR future, NOT THEM


Pops said:
There is an awful lot of hype regarding global warming.We have to remember that the earth is coming out of a mini ice age that lasted from the 1400's to the 1800's. Europe was hardest hit by this mini ice age. The earth has cooled and reheated many times in its history. The earth was in an ice age 14,000 years ago and started to warm up. The melting glacier water ran down the Mississippi for a long time, until the glacier had melted enough for the water to run out the St. Lawrence. This cold water going into the Atlantic stopped the flow of warm water coming from the tropics and put the earth back into an ice age.There is no doubt that man is contributing to global warming, but there is good news about the buildup of CO2 in the atmosphere. The sun is warming and in about 500,000 years will burn off all the CO2 in our atmosphere. Unfortunately, it will also scorch the earth and we will all be killed. Party while you can,as we only have half a million years left!

The rate of acceleration at which mankind is destroying ecosystems that rebuilt in the same amount of time that three were destroyed is undenyable

The planet will find a balance, but it doesnt mean we, our children or our childrens chidren are in the equation

Really, the scientific community as a whole is blowing the whistle not the government

In fact Corporation and the Governtments they control are wishing youd forget all about Global Warming because its gonna cost them too

and isnt what the arguement about global warming all about ?

"whats it gonna cost me?" or "whats in it for me?"

I woudl ask you to consider todays children, who havent had a chance to influence the world around them yet and ask

"whats it gonna cost them?" or "whats in it for everyone else"

At what point is selfish short sighted indivudualism ebb and the spirit of humanity flow?

I dont know but i think we need to happen sooner than later

Pops, think about it, we can spent the same effort maintaining the world around us, that we do destroying each other, and reap more benefit and less sorrow. We are literaly killing ourselves to live and it doesnt have to be that way.

Im off to hug a tree and fondle a squirrel :)
or ill end up writing a few more paragraphs about why my opinion is correct
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Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
people just dont understand what the carbon cycle means
basically theres about as much carbon on earth as there ever will be right now (unless we get a shitlaod of space debris from some shit)
so then carbon exists in a few forms, gas and solid. its co2 or its sugars and other things made by plants and algae and what not. all the oil that was in the ground, used to be plants and animals and shit, but it just got buried. plants grow, they take c02 and make sugar. then what? they keep living or they die. if they die....they turn back into co2!!! sure we burned a fuckload of that oil, carbon which would have remaind in the ground much longer but oh well, the plants will most certainly love these elevated co2 levels. watch out for the poison ivy though, it produces more of its nasty shit in elevated co2 conditions.
and damnit pops plants get oxygen from water, not co2 :wave:


Pops said:
If there is too much CO2 in our atmosphere, we need to plant millions of acres of hemp and turn the CO2 into oxygen!

and then use the oil to power out machines

I remember reading that hemp even helped leach radiation out of soil. Perhaps we can reclaim poisoned lands by planting fields of hemp.

I relly think a shift in how we do things woudl make all the difference and HEMP is the perfect catalyst to change the world


Sheriff Bart said:
people just dont understand what the carbon cycle means
basically theres about as much carbon on earth as there ever will be right now (unless we get a shitlaod of space debris from some shit)
so then carbon exists in a few forms, gas and solid. its co2 or its sugars and other things made by plants and algae and what not. all the oil that was in the ground, used to be plants and animals and shit, but it just got buried. plants grow, they take c02 and make sugar. then what? they keep living or they die. if they die....they turn back into co2!!! sure we burned a fuckload of that oil, carbon which would have remaind in the ground much longer but oh well, the plants will most certainly love these elevated co2 levels. watch out for the poison ivy though, it produces more of its nasty shit in elevated co2 conditions.
and damnit pops plants get oxygen from water, not co2 :wave:

your right the planet is a "snow globe" and all we do is mix things up and make em move around

Who cares right? its all the bush administration trying to sell us on another Iraq

Rwenzori Mountains, Uganda - Disappearing glaciers. Since the 1990s, glacier area has decreased by about 75%. The continent of Africa warmed by 0.9� F (0.5�C) during the past century, and the five warmest years in Africa have all occurred since 1988.

Mount Kilmanjaro, Tanzania - Ice projected to disappear by 2020. 82% of Kilimanjaro's ice has disappeared since 1912, with about one-third melting in just the last dozen years. At this rate, all of the ice will be gone in about 15 years. Scientists hypothesize that less snow on the mountain during the rainy season decreases the surface reflectiveness, leading to higher rates of absorption of heat and increased ice melt.

Mt. Kenya's largest glacier disappearing. 92 percent of the Lewis Glacier has melted in the past 100 years.

Lake Chad - Disappearing Lake. The surface area of the lake has decreased from 9,650 square miles (25,000 km2) in 1963 to 521 (1,350 km2) today. Modeling studies indicate the severe reduction results from a combination of reduced rainfall and increased demand for water for agricultural irrigation and other human needs.

Antarctic Peninsula -- Warming 5 times global average.Since 1945, the Antarctic Peninsula has experienced a warming of about 4.5�F (2.5�C). The annual melt season has increased by 2 to 3 weeks in just the past 20 years.

Antarctica -- Ice shelf disintegration. The 770 square mile (1,994 km2) Larsen A ice shelf disintegrated suddenly in January 1995.

Antarctic Peninsula - Collapsing ice-shelf, January-February 2002. The northern section of the Larsen B ice shelf, an area of 1,250 square miles (3,250 km2), disintegrated in a period of 35 days. This was the largest collapse event of the last 30 years, bringing the total loss of ice extent from seven ice shelves to 6,760 square miles (17,500 km2) since 1974. The ice retreat is attributed to the region�s strong warming trend - 4.5�F (2.5�C) in the last 50 years.

Venezuela - Disappearing glaciers. Of six glaciers in the Venezuelan Andes in 1972, only 2 remain, and scientists predict that these will be gone within the next 10 years. Glaciers in the mountains of Columbia, Ecuador, and Peru show similar rapid rates of retreat. Temperature records in other regions of the Andes show a significant warming of about 0.6� F (0.33�C) per decade since the mid-1970s.

Greenland - Rapid thinning of ice sheet. Rapid thinning of the Greenland ice sheet in coastal areas, especially of outlet glaciers, has been measured in two studies during the 1990s. The coastal land ice loss is attributed to a combination of warming-driven factors, including increased melting during warmer summers, high snow accumulation rates feeding the outlet glaciers, and increased rates of melting at the bottom of glaciers due to ocean warming.

for a much larger and comprehensie list
