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Buds as bigger then soda cans, Thanks CO2!


New member

CO2@1500PPM@42 days flower :joint:


I wish I could get something to convert a 20oz of co2 paint ball tank. To release it.


I looked around and the lowest price for a gauge is like 100$ do you think its worth it?
Can you take a pic of your gauge? Also how you measure your ppm?


TheOneWill said:
I wish I could get something to convert a 20oz of co2 paint ball tank. To release it.
Hey TheOneWill - I thought about this idea and came up with a way to put it to work:
Buy an on/off valve at paintball store (screw type, not pin type) and attach to the tank.
Hit up Home Depot or the pet shop (aquarium section) for some tubing that will fit the head of the on/off valve.
Place the hose in some standing water and turn the valve on real slowly until you get one bubble every 2-5 seconds. You can let out more, but it will run out faster.
Just hang the hose over the plants' tops and let it run the whole dark/light cycle.
You will have to use this method when fans are off tho - which may mean dark cycle - and that's the only drawback, as plants harness CO2 mostly during light cycle...

My first time trying this, thanks to the advice of 'Military', hope it makes a difference for you... and anybody else that tries it out...
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Thanks gonna actually try that this week.
I get 2 sets of fans 2 by the lights sucking air out(completely sealed from the other part where plants are.
Bottom part where plants are have 2 fans exhausting air (sucking air from the bottom of the cab)


Hey CG! I was kinda in a ballbustin good mood last night and just wanted to stop in to say that I think those are some pretty healthy damn plants ya got there! I didnt realize that C02 could make THAT much of a difference! Props dude!


Active member
What was the cost to set up the CO2? I'm real interested in using the stuff.

Also, if you're not using molasses, use it! That is probably the only other thing that's left to increase your yield ( unless you're already using it)

Sick density! I definitely need me some CO2.

All the best,


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
i am also interested in the total price of your co2 setup.

also, is co2 not possible at all if exhaust fans are on 24/7? or would it just go through a tank faster while still having positive effect on plants?


Closet_Glow said:
I use a CAP PPM-2A

TheOneWill: 20oz of co2 wont last more then a couple of hours if that...
I'm not doing a closet or room grow. Just a small 28w 19depp 2 1/2ft high. I'm just trying to pack on some weight.


thatguy said:
What was the cost to set up the CO2? I'm real interested in using the stuff.

Also, if you're not using molasses, use it! That is probably the only other thing that's left to increase your yield ( unless you're already using it)

Sick density! I definitely need me some CO2.

All the best,
I never used. I might have to read up on it.

love to see other using c02 and sharing the results.

way too many spreading misinformation... (c02 isnt worth it etc)



The biggest factor for not switching to Co2 myself is that you need to have no air filtration or movement when the Co2 is on. In a cold basement, this led to overheating of the room which is in turn bad for the plants.

How do you deal with the heat concern Closet?

Dr. Buzz


I am also interested in using CO2. I grow in a utility room in my basment, and I have to have the air blow through my lights to coo things off. If I didn't it would be 90 degrees in my room.

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