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Hermie question


hey, what do u guys think about this, if u have a 100% female plant throws out a few nanners in late flo, if u would take this pollen and pollinated another female, what would be the resulting offspring? 100%
hermie or what?


pure dynamite
I don't know for sure, but I'd not use pollen from a confirmed hermie. It's better to keep your genetics clean.

Ajunta Pall

Is it a hermie or intersexed. An insexed plants have the nanners growing straight out of the calyxes. This maybe due to some stress the plant is suffering from. Hermies as you know have both sexes all over the plant.

The difference is I would use the intersexed seeds but not hermie. I don't think all females will result from the seeds though. Anyway that is my best guess.


its an intersexed plant, its like 1 or 2 nanners in a bud so, but i really hope the offspring is all female, because actually its the same pollen as u would get if u sprayed the plant with colloidal silver or something, no?

Ajunta Pall

I second Wannabreed's suggestion of crossing it with a 0 nanner female. Even if you don't get all females, you might be able to breed that trait out.

However, I don't think it will give you all females since the nanner is a male flower. You may want to check the plant and its grow medium, there maybe a an issue there that is causing a little stress on your girl.


pure dynamite
Wannabreed said:
Hi, you got 2 tests to make IMHO ;
Im testing it with silver nitrat actually, got 100% females yet, but i used strongly gendered females only .

I searched the internet for details of using silver nitrate to stress plants but I didn't found anything. can you post some details?


its called colloidal silver, theres a how-to around these forums, try the search function. and i succesfully pollinated a 100% female with the nanner pollen, seeds are forming, im curious about the result :p


Colloidal silver works and is the easiest to make. Silver nitrate is used to make sts (silver thiosulfate) which also works well.


but would the selfed seeds be all female or hermie? and the seeds from the other plant i pollinated with nanner pollen?
I don't like this point of view of breeding, but i must say wannabreed start to gain my respect by experimental ways. Very nice result i see. hobbyist?


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Hermis breed hermis. The sprouts are 90+% female - (I've NEVER gotten a male - ever.) but bet your dinger they will hermi. (Never had one that didn't) (ever)

It was the genetc trait that was succesful in getting seeds made - it will show itself in the offspring. I grew B52 for a couple years - she always popped some nanners pretty late - and I grow perpetual,, so some of that pollen nailed BOG's LSD, AK-47 and JLP's Juliet. -- The buds from those seeds have traits from both parents - the bud usually gets some of the sweet aroma from B-52. So forget what they say about it won't get a different female knocked up - file it in the wifes tales and withdrawl method of birth control.

I have flowered 1 Strawberry Diesel that put out some nanners - I hope I can find a good one that dosen't, I find it to be an obnoxious trait that will sooner or later be culled from the garden.
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Green Fuel said:
I don't like this point of view of breeding, but i must say wannabreed start to gain my respect by experimental ways. Very nice result i see. hobbyist?

Hi, im a bit new in growing, got a 400W HPS since less than 2 years.
I understood in another forum those chemical changes are not that appreciated since there is apparently a business here ; it's not my concern, just wanted to compare (and vap) some various plants. :violin:

edit : plus for the few i read for "real breeding" like 20 generations lines is a gendered method 50/50 with males/females selection
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gendered method 50/50 with males/females selection : i'm more experimented by choice on this side.
If i understand well, you produce your own fem for study breeding.

But (no worry, i'm just curious), it's a risk to bypass the study of males, who are as important than female in breeding, isn't it? It's a focus on 50% of breeding only.

ps : Experience and power of lights don't drive good results my friend. It's an affair of feeling, needs and will IMO.


Green Fuel said:
gendered method 50/50 with males/females selection : i'm more experimented by choice on this side.
If i understand well, you produce your own fem for study breeding.

But (no worry, i'm just curious), it's a risk to bypass the study of males, who are as important than female in breeding, isn't it? It's a focus on 50% of breeding only.

ps : Experience and power of lights don't drive good results my friend. It's an affair of feeling, needs and will IMO.

Oh, yes, for sure im bypassing the males review.The way to feel a plant: i see what you means (but i would take care about not fooling myself), but, as a playback, with 400W in Big City (yet, i will get a garden in next few years maybe) i got not other choice than growing something like 30 plants max in a row !
So i'm exploring only females actually and take care about succeeding in my revegs :violin: :muahaha:

I didnt even tried to integrate by documents/books or forums the 50/50 full method and skills (this would require the genetic basis + the feeling i suppose) But it seems relatively clear that define a dad AND a mom under a -reasonable- amount of generation [15+?] would give a serious lineage [for wannabe breeders ?]

On the other hand i cannot reject the selfing idea until i tried it too, but first i would need to get a GREAT pheno.........

So you see my actual status :rasta:
Thanks to be open to my curiosity. I understand more your point of view.

Best vibes for your projects and the "killer pheno" you want.


Oh no i dont need a 'killer' thing please :)
I think this will depends of the high and it seems there is various possibilities (cbd, cbn, thcv, or simply my environnement ? :muahaha: )
Maybe associated with only 1 plant and very hard to reproduce at "strain" level
Im wrong ?


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
Wannabreed said:
So you see my actual status

If you mean no experience, with an attitude. that comes thru loud and clear. :spank: :spank: :spank:

It's a piss poor craftman that blames his tools - I've seen succesful seed grows with a couple hundred watts (or less) of floros. But, gennerally; those types of peeps spend less time bragging about their lack of knowlege and more time working towards a goal. :laughing:
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""Hermis breed hermis."" i agree, but he want dig... why not.

You lost me wannabred. In fact i have not understand your project i see.

I think this will depends of the high and it seems there is various possibilities (cbd, cbn, thcv, or simply my environnement ? )

Manage balancy with accuracy is the more difficult way of breeding in my opinion. With few years of strains experiments, i don't master it as i want. In these days i just can cheat with it.

You say about CBD,CBN, THC, THCV balancy... i can't see it with my eyes and touch with my hands. Accurate tools for that are too expensive and far from my outlaw facilities.
I can just imagine or dream on. For that, i leave it outside my breeding consideration.

Cheating with assembly is drived by your friends (med' are the best) who test your creative work, and write an accurate smoke test for you. It's more near to the reality i find. If you don't have a genome lab', you need tons of friends and a cold head.

For come back to "effects" of cannabis, and on environnemental things, it's the potency who drive the balancy. Two different things.

If your potency is low, your balancy is wild and not received by all in the same way. If your potency is high, the balancy is feel with more accuracy. Simple question of logic.

Your environnement drive the potency but not the balancy in all case. A female can't change his balancy potential by environnemental changes, potency yes.

And males are the biggest key of potency and balancy management in one cross. Buy a Black Widow, select a female, cross it with a crap male and see offspring. Repeat with all strains you can, the same way appear.

Maybe associated with only 1 plant and very hard to reproduce at "strain" level
Im wrong ?

Yes. It's breeding, don't forget.
If you can make a strain more tall than parent, you can do it with all others parameters. Female in cannabis are just a "cup" who receive information, and act as a basis for build offspring later. When you make a female x female cross, it's a passive exchange of information; you force the offspring to be on a choosen little panel.

Think about a "killer pheno" (lol, sorry) who is very recessive and exceptionnal. For me it's a defeat because you have wasted an entire genotype for only one specimen... the prove of opportunism or luck.

So, you don't want restart your project and fix it on this killer pheno. For that you use nitrate or cubbing/backcrossing for reduce the panel of offspring. It's not an evolvement in all cases.

Play with recessive phenotype is not a genotype management for me, breeding mission is to drive in your target dominant phenotypes.

But i want understand your project, because i see the pic quoted and i find the result excellent.
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Take it easy guyz i dont wanna dig it too much or disturb you ! :)

In fact i have not understand your project i see.

Dont focuse on a "projet" this recall me too much my job :badday:

It's my first seeds pop out plus i grew and observed parents for ~2 years; im very curious about the whole aspect of the offspring ! :D

Im looking eventually for a pleasant female, can have its ticket with an exceptionnal smell, color, whatever something special would be enought to keep it.

I understood that with a MaleA*FemB i would get a more various offspring than my FemA*FemB; ty for info; anyway i hope mine will not be that much a failure, actually is not since i got 1 very dark purple and another with very special green leaves. All are about 30 day flowering now :)

I also perfectly understood that silver nitrate can be used in some bad ways by some "copy-cat" vendors.

I will open a grow thread today with nice pics, i hope you will take a look and discuss about some things here !

And males are the biggest key of potency and balancy management in one cross. Buy a Black Widow, select a female, cross it with a crap male and see offspring. Repeat with all strains you can, the same way appear.

Ty for all the info, btw i got a crasy potent "P1" that smell horribly strong, have a great vigor... But is really irritating sometimes : seems it have alot of those "natural defense" chemical trichs...

But i want understand your project, because i see the pic quoted and i find the result excellent.

Again,; dont focuse on a "projet" this recall me too much my job :badday:

Using silver nitrate stick was not that hard... Maybe you appreciate the picture quality ? I suppose it can be used for selfing too: i got a bunch of selfed "P1" that i will observe later, once i got free space in the cab.
Also have a bunch of regular "ghana" seeds from a friend...and some others like "white rhino"...

To be continued...


If you mean no experience, with an attitude. that comes thru loud and clear.

It's a piss poor craftman that blames his tools - I've seen succesful seed grows with a couple hundred watts (or less) of floros. But, gennerally; those types of peeps spend less time bragging about their lack of knowlege and more time working towards a goal.

Did you -observed- my ava and my acc name ? :laughing: :muahaha: take it easy man :confused:

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