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Bubba Kush CFL


you may have a pH issue with the peat in there. to fix try to pick up some dolomite lime (make sure its the powder and not pelletized). i found some at a local garden nursery

i've been having problems with soil myself and switching over to an organic soiless mix.
head on over to the organic section if you think you wanna try it out


I'll check the runoff PH next time I water. What is right PH for soil again? any other input is appreciated. I wanted to post pics of them tonight, but my camera ran out of battery and is recharging, so check back again soon. Brown around the leaf edges, leaves are a light green instead of healthy dark green, and kind of wrinkley in texture. Might be hard to capture on camera


Here are the ailing Soil CFL plants. Looks like nute burn, Right? Let me know your opinions

and just for shits... Here are the ones in DWC, actually starting to look half decent. Bout a months into flower

You think it's too late to take a clone of that? a month into flowering? What branch do i cut? anyone got a picture to show me of how big of a branch i should cut, or any pointers/insight. I dont' need a whole tutorial, i've read plenty of them, i'm just not sure what to cut. I can figure out what to do with the cutting after i take it, just not which branch should be cut?
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Active member
Illadelph said:
My current problem with my DWC is that when i weeded out the males, I had to cut their roots off because they were tangled in the female's roots, so the males roots are just floating in the reservoir, maybe rotting. I dont know if this is giong to cause problems with the roots of the plants that are still alive, but so far it hasnt'. Any insight or tips on this would be great

Keep your water temp below 70°F and you should be fine if you have good aeration. Some hydroguard or a beneficial bacteria product would help.

And no it's not too late to take a clone, but it will take longer to root, then it could take a while before you reveg it. I use 24/0 light period on them until they are revegged. Any of the branches with buds growing on the tips you can take as a cutting. I take them anywhere from about 2-5 inches in length.


Gave a watering last night and they seemed to have burned more from the high level of nutes still in the soil, if thats even what it is. Should i rinse the soil by saturating it with water? can i use tap water instead of distilled, its kinda hard tap water. will they recover from this, should i cut those leaves off?




Pistils starting to turn red. Buds really frosting up. Leaves turning yellow and purple. Is it normal for the leaves to turn purple like that? they are kinda hard in texture too (the purple ones). It could be from the ph being too low because i was just out of town for 10 days. Let me know if the purple is okay.


Tony Danza

Those girls are looking good enough to smoke! They might be worth cloning to grow again when you are more dialed in.

A little advice if you want to take advice from a non-elite, low post count, jackass grower like myself.

When you find yourself cramming 8 cfls into a box, it might be time to spend 50 bucks on a small hps. If you have the skills to remote ballast a security light (check the link-o-rama) you will be able to get much more light with less heat than a big pile of cfls. My 32w cfl puts out as much or more heat than my 70w hps and no where near as much light.

Second, while putting a plant in dirt and watering it seems simple, growing in soil is much more of an expert medium that hydro or coco, if you don't know what you are doing with soil it just plain sucks. There's a million things that can go wrong with soil and most of them are harder to correct than changing your rez or flushing your coco.

Third, this may sound weird but, I would suggest plagiarizing someones formula. Read some grow diaries, find a veteran grower who's plants kick ass, and apply their nutrient regimen to your grow (as rigidly as possible) and see how it goes, chances are, you will have better results than label instructions will get you, and you will have a good baseline program to tweak in future grows as you learn more about your plants. Once you have personally witnessed the life cycle a few times and can "read your plants", then try mixing your own soil or trying a weird additive (bushmaster) from the grow shop. Hell I had a cupboard full of weird bottles and shitty looking plants before I decided to try H3ad's coco recipe which includes NO additives and gave me big fat frosty buds.

And finally, find out just how hard/soft your water is if you aren't going to use RO. You can get nutes specifically for hard water if that's what you have. You see a lot of people on this board that will try the same formula as another and get drastically different results and claim the other grower is full of shit when it may just be a water issue.

There's some fairly broad advice for ya. Sorry it's not more specific.

Did your soil girls rebound while you were gone?


the soil plants didnt really rebound, one grew these really long red branches with what look pollen sacs or something on them, and the other one kinda did just nothing but still seems alive. How do i take a clone of one that is like 2 weeks from harvest?

Tony Danza

Oooooooooo, yeah, not sure, it might work if you could find a side branch with some green left on it and not to big of a bud. But yeah, I guess your best bet would be to leave the lowest few popcorn buds on the plant after harvest and put the lights back on to 24 hour with a light vedge nute and in a couple weeks you should see a bunch of new branches shooting out of the buds to make clones out of, or if she's lookin healthy, flower her up again. And enjoy those buds you got there!

Sorry to hear about the other plants.
Illadelph - your first soil plant is most likely overwatering. Your DWC plants are droopy because they aren't getting enough oxygen. Replace your airstone (they get clogged every few weeks from minerals in the reservoir) and upgrade your air pump. While you might not need to upgrade the pump the more dissolved oxygen you give them, the quicker they will grow. The last one does look like overfertilization.

You wanna take clones before the 12/12 switch. Taking clones during flower will stress the plant and cause her to go hermie.
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darklurker, Tony Danza, thanks for your expertise. Should I trim before or after I dry? I've heard it argued both ways.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Illadelph said:
cool, thanks for the advice, any idea about the droopage? How should I train? bending the whole plant over?

I'll start training them once they regain some vitality.

I'll add another 4 23 watts. is anyone familliar with the home depot brand CFL's. Soft white, bright white, cool white, daylight or some shit. they come in green blue and red packaging. Don't have the Kelven anyware on them. Which ones should i use. out of those options, dont tell me warm white or some shit that i didn't mention, because those are the ones they use at home depot and i won't know what you mean if you say something else.[/QU

As for CFL's at Home Depot you want to get Daylight ones 6500K for your Mom and Clone box and you want Warm White 2700K sometimes Soft White is 2700K if you have to open a box and look on the bulb it will say. Also HD has 42watt WW bulbs that would be alot better. Using soil I would feed them 3-4 Droppers Full of Shultz 10-15-10 and 4 Drops of Superthrive per gallon everytime you water until the last 7-10 days and flush the soil then dont water for the last 3 days before harvest. Hope this helps you a bit and just a side note Jorge Cervantez agrees with me the pot grown in soil always tastes better....

thats what I get using the methods I said above :rasta: :rasta: :rasta: :rasta:


Sorry i havn't been around in weeks, been busy with life. thank you everyone for your comments and advice. The soil plants under the CFL's died. My DWC under the 400w HPS turned around nicely and is days from the chop. Here is a little preview that got chopped early. Let me know how the trim job looks. Any tips on that?

Fat buds, white with trichs. I turned the lights down to 8 hrs when i started the flush because i heard it makes them produce more resin so I tried it. I'm gunna give em no light for the last 48hrs because i read something about the nutes going to the roots when its dark, and its best to chop before light come on and nutes return to the buds

I'm impressed with myself, not bad for my first go round.


Smoke it if ya got it!!
Great looking buds for the first time.

I'd get rid of those gross ass camels next to it before the pot gets blamed for killing you. :) Just joking.

How much water did you flush your soil plants with when you noticed they were overfertilized? And did you ever get a reading on your ph in the soil?

Next go around you should try to scrog if you plan on haveing only 2 or 3 plants. Training on the screen is easy you just have to train everyday untill it stops streaching during flowering.

Check out my first couple scrog grows you might see something you like.



Thanks, I try not to smoke cigs but sometimes I do. Your right, they are gross. Flushed with a few gallons. Never got a PH. When my DWC started looking good i kinda stopped caring about the soil ones. Next time i'm gunna plant like 12 plants, not just a few. Endless Sky by Doc GreenThumb is what i'm planning next. Got some Other seeds too, but i think i'm gunna go with those first. WW, NL, JH. Thanks for the encouragement. Any tips on disposing of the leaves and shit that i'm not keeping? throw em in the trash?

Tony Danza

Nice job man, looks like those girls made it through the woods nicely! Are you sick of trimming yet? It took me about a cola and a half for the glamor to wear off of that task. But soon, you get to the fun part---smoking!

I'm having the same dilemma as you with by-product disposal. If it wasn't 80 degrees out I would probably burn em up in the wood stove, if it is hot enough, it should burn off the odor quick enough so as not to raise any eyebrows (just a theory at this point, i could be wrong). Maybe I'll mow em into the lawn, bury them in the compost pile maybe---I definitely wont be tossing them into the MY garbage can. When I grew in dirt way back when, I would scout out an unprotected dumpster or unwatched public trash can for my root balls and such.
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Smoke it if ya got it!!
buy a rabbit. Collect the shit and make some bad ass organic fertilizer. Or just dig a hole and bury it. Never ever put anything in the trash that can signal a grow operation. Cops are like rats. They will dig through it.

You are keeping the fine trim to make hash or butter right???
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