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maybe VERY dumb question


the last few days were VERY hot, and I think this will be a very heavy summer.
now my 125w cfl pc case touches 80-95°F (room temperature today was about 95°F and my 24w cfl mother/rooting box reached about 100°F.

so the dumb question is:
is there any way to cool my boxes? pc fans won't be enough.
any diy would be appreciated.



full time daddy
only dumb one is one not asked...... atleast thats what my high school teacher said...

anyways.... could you give a lil more info about your setup....

i understand its in a pc case so not much needed there but where is pc in a closet? in bedroom garage?

it sounds like you need to cool the room it's in not the pc case it self then the fans in the case could move the air need to cool it


If your room temperatures are too hot then freeze some water in a soda bottle and put it inside the case near the air intake. If your room temperature is not that hot, then you need to increase the air flow through your case. Weighing solutions and costs, your best alternative for case growing is to control the room temperature.

One more thought... If you live in a dry climate you could mimic an old trick. Before AC people would put sheet linen in a frame and put the bottom part of the sheet in a tray of water in front of a window. Evaporation would consume energy and thereby chill the air as it blew in from the window. You might try putting a framed piece of cloth in a tray of water in front of your air intake. Add some ice cubes/frozen soda bottle to the water tray for added cooling. Might be worth a try depending on your options.
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Active member
just lower the temps in the room. they dont make 4 inch wide a/c units to put in the side of a pc case. run the a/c in the house...a pc case is too small anyway.


There was a DIY AC thread a couple days ago,had a nice link in it. Its pretty useless for most of us because it takes a lot of water to only cool a room for a few hours. To cool just a PC case you may have some luck, but lose any stealth effects. You would have to of course scale the initial model down to your size. Maybee keep the garbage sized res though

Here was that link

Hurricane :joint:
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00420 said:
it sounds like you need to cool the room it's in not the pc case it self then the fans in the case could move the air need to cool it

you got it.

just lower the temps in the room. they dont make 4 inch wide a/c units to put in the side of a pc case. run the a/c in the house...a pc case is too small anyway.

no way! I live in an attic, and sun is hammering all day long.
I've got a few AC, but they're useless! they can't reach and cool my bedroom!

pHaroaH said:
If your room temperatures are too hot then freeze some water in a soda bottle and put it inside the case near the air intake.

I'm just putting some soda bottles in my freezer! ;)

pHaroaH said:
One more thought... If you live in a dry climate you could mimic an old trick. Before AC people would put sheet linen in a frame and put the bottom part of the sheet in a tray of water in front of a window.

I have a window in the ceiling.
I think "frozen soda bottle" is the best way, at the moment!



Check this out DIY cooling fan. You many be able to make a smaller version and point it toward your intake. May raise your humidity though.
And 00420 is right, the only dumb questions are those not asked. My teacher said the same thing!
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Doug_Marsh said:
Check this out DIY cooling fan. You many be able to make a smaller version and point it toward your intake. May raise your humidity though.

yeah, hurricane linked it too.
the problem is: I need to cool it NOW!!! so I think I will use frozen soda bottles at the moment!
anyway I will try to build my own "micro ac fan".. that link was very interesting!

thanks again