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Insects outdoors but what kind?

I'm not sure if this is the right place for this thread or not but couldn't really find a suitable category for it. I have a few plants outdoors and 3 of them are being munched on by some insects but I'm not sure what kind. I've searched on the internet and come up short. One is pretty bad and the other 2 are not noticably getting worse.

Any thoughts???

Thanks for any advice everyone!! :rasta:


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
try to get a pic of the bug thats doing this....then you can try to push my link for bug recognition...it could help :chin:
I looked on them today for a half hour just on the worst one. NOTHIN...WTF!! I'm usually good with bugs but can't find this son bitch!


Take Five...
I think it is some kind of weevil doing that damage.

Check under any mulch or litter on the ground as they may be coming out at night.
Hey thanks Heady - I sprayed the ones with the problem yesterday with a multi insect spray so we'll see next week if it gets any worse, better or no change. Never heard of a weevil but came across some interesting things about them. Not quiet sure if they're what I have though. I'll look into it some more. Thanks again!


Four-lined Plant Bug- Annoying, but seldom health threatening, this small green with reddish line quick moving bug leaves brown dots on the new leaves of a wide variety of plants, such as basil, forsythia, mints, and mums. Many sprays will work, but if you are quick, hand picking will work as there is usually just a few bugs doing what seems like a great deal of damage.

I have a plague of them- they seem to like the new growth and Blueberrys- if you find something that kills them fast, post back here... Neem is too slow.


Looks like flea beetle damage to me..I use seven dust on ornamental stuff,on weed only if there are no flowers yet.Hope the treatment works bro
Hindu - Thanks for the suggestion but I'm sure it's not Aphids or anything like that. I'll look into it though.

Ulysses - I'll look into the $lined Plant Bug today after a bite to eat. I've noticed on my walks in the woods that there's some damage that looks identical around my dads house. I went the NON Organic way and bought some Bayer MULTI INSECT Spray so we'll see in a few days if it helps. I only visit once a week and want to cut that down to every 2 weeks now that everythings goin good, except for this. 4 footers already and not even July, I'm happy.

Hardhat - I browsed about the Flea Beetle the other day and was thinking it may be them, but still can't really say for sure or not cuz I havn't seen the insect. As I told Ulysses, I used a NON Organic BAYER MILTI INSECT SPRAY, figure if it works I'll only use it once or twice so it'll be washed off by harvest.

Thanks everyone for their imput, advise and suggestions. Have a wonderful day!

Hindu Killer

Active member
Ive actually been seeing the same damage on some of mine. Except it is worse...well was worse...as after a good dose of sevin...its a wrap!


So I was tending to my rose bushes this morning and noticed the same type of leaf damage starting on my roses that's eating my MJ. I sniped off a leaf and brought it inside, threw it under the scope and sure enough there's a freakin bug..... Upon searching the last hour I've come to think that it's a ROSE SLUG....which are the larvae of SAWFLIES. I tried to take a picture but the lil fockers are 3cm max and can't really get a good shot. I found this website though that shows the larvae though. The descriptions I read are to the T almost with these so I'm convinced it's them.




Take Five...
Ha ha I was just squishing those little green bastards on my roses last week. I don't think that is what is going after your weed. Different damage. The pest you have doesn't chew holes like a caterpillar, it pierces or chews the spots.

It could be a plant bug, a weevil, a leafhopper, or something similar. There are many different species of these bugs that could be responsible for those little brown holes. They are probably very mobile and don't hang around the plants during the day, or for long, like a caterpillar, aphid or mite would.

Maybe a white row/plant cover at night would help, if you want to cover and remove every day.


Ive got the EXCACT same damage on my outdoor cush plot..... let us know if you find something to work
Got some pics but they're not the best. Not sure if it's the same problem on both the roses and the MJ but looks damn close. I'll find out in a few days when I go to visit the MJ.

Brown end is obvious head

On a rose leaf

Little shit poppin his head up for his picture

And last but not least my adorable 1 1/2 yr old Yellow Lab Maiden Bella Rose. She wanted me to post a side shot so check her out.

Thanks again everyone. We'll figure this out sooner or later. As I can see I'm not the only one having this problem so it'll help more than just me.


Take Five...
This is rose slug damage:


This is probable Fourlined plant bug:

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I couldn't take it anymore so I filled the car up and took the all famous 2 hour drive to my plot today to look for these damn bugs. FOUND THE LITTLE BASTARDS!!

THANK YOU FOR ALL THE HELP GUYS!!! Now just hope the spray I took will work. Guess we'll see in a week or so. One sad note though I lost a plant. Something chewed right through that sum bitch. Looks like a little beaver so I'm thinking woodchuck maybe?? I'll take the repellent again next time. Worked for a month or so.

ANYWAYS!!! Now that we know what soem of us are dealing with bug wise lets see the plants right lol. They're mostly Satori from Mandala and a few Kalichakra with a Sour Bubble, Sour AK-47, GDP and a Urkle.

Some more leaf damage




I'm 6' so this lady (Satori) is roughly 4 1/2 ft already

My 3 little trail buddies. They just go crazy when they get to go for the "ride"


Yep, those bugs are fast and hard to hand pick too... I chucked gallons of neem everywhere... Fortunately, they only live long enough to effect veg stage of mj growing... Eventually, the brown spots will become holes in the leaf and the leaf will brown and die- don't pull it off unless it's brown and dead- the green ones will still transmit energy... They just look ugly.

You're plants look outstanding and I am sure they will recover quickly and yeild copiously in that well camoflauged patch...