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got sold legal bud



and boy am I pissed. normal head guy wasnt picking up so my friend gets a call, $50 1/8's. we meet and exchange, go to a park to smoke and discover the shit is LEGAL...like the shit you but out of a high times mag. Will get pics up in a little..

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
DAMN, now that is fucked uppp. Id be looking for that man, and throwing my cat at him to battle. <----


Ive been robbed for 600$ if that makes you feel better.


Active member
Not a new trick... Ive seen this pulled more than once (though never on myself) and I have never understood how someone wouldnt be able to tell...

I dunno, but I always inspect any bud Im buying...alwyas give a quick look/smell in the bad BEFORE you buy.

Im sorry to hear of your misfortune though... Try and find him, or at the very least tell everyone you know who smokes the kind of shit this kid pulled.

Good luck finding some real smoke!

SBP said:
oh yeah, thats like RULE #3 or some shit like that

"Dont fucks wit strangers"

well you just always, always look, but also sniff that shit. If it don't smell right, walk. Easy. You're lucky its legal bud, the guy could have filled up with common weeds from the forest. BUt even so I would personally flush that without partaking of any of it. It's probably kanna with maybe some nutmeg, or valerian root, is my guess.

yeah be sure to kick his ass next time you see him

-for all of us


shit nearly happened to me once. Me and my crew couldn't find any buds so we call a friend of ours who is connected into different people than us. She takes us to get the sack and she comes out with a half ounce of that Maui Smoke. And to make a long story short, it was an acquintance of ours trying to rip her off and when we came into confront him he immediatley gave us our money back.


That is weak. Something that a 6th grader would try to pull. :p
Thing is, that shit isn`t even cheaper than real bud...

On the other hand, I have found that "Spice" and "spice Gold" do a damn good imitation of weed.


New member
I would have told him to shove it after he mentioned $50 for an 1/8th ..... how do you pay $50 for an 1/8th when its only 3.5 grams.... its worth $35 TOPS, and I usually get $30 1/8ths here.... sometimes even $25.

No way in hell would i pay more than $10/gram
$50 for an 1/8 of some dank is pretty standard round here. :-\

Sorry to hear about your misfortune...but you should definitely check over any bag before handing over the cash.


Sounds like some nasty bud :badday: , i remember seeing pics in an old catalogue a while back they were selling various legal buds, Jamacian Skunk was 1 of them, looked liked chopped basil and parsley with little bits of orange skin thrown in there to look like pistels, they were even selling fake soapbar :spank: , as if soapbar wasn't bad enough there's actually a fake version :bashhead:

Hazeseeker :joint:


First rule of buying: always check what you're buying before you buy it!

Abiding to this has saved my cash and saved me serious disappointment many times before.

I hate hearing about this though. I know the feeling of getting some bud back and unwrapping it only to find out it's toejam. Whatever happened to empathy and altruism? I'm sure the world would be a better place with more of it, and more real buds.


we opened the bag, felt the nugs, smelled them, but couldnt see them at night in a dark parking lot, but they looked like weed nugs.



Active member
looks like shwagg to me...

you sure it isn't just shitty bud? it doesn't justify the 50 an 1/8 price,but still,better shitty weed then fake weed