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Maple Leaf Garden - 2008


Grower of fine herbs...
WOw TML that really looks like some great WW, I have a friend who grows white widow and he says that it looks a lot like sugar shack, and after looking at your pics I can finally see it. Just so iced out with trichs, cant go wrong with a look like that. Good to hear she is going to be around for a while. But im gonna try and be around more, so keep up the great work bro:headbange


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Great looking plant man, looks like one of the best WW's you've grown to date. K+++ bro, talk to you soon.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Sammet said:
:eek: That's Dr Dog style frostiness right there, shagpile buddage all the way. :yes: Should be awesome smokeables for you mate, I'll hit you with some rep when I can - you always seem to be topping mine up :wave:

LOL thanks for the props sammet!!! gotta hit you up witha few reps when I can for that one

Dude that WW is killer, I love the shine on her. Beauty looking plant, but I can see a nanner on her, smoke those balls

Good job brother, good luck with your upcoming delivery man, you know I will b thinking of ya


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
my main man TML
wait a few weeks untill my sideproject finishes...i hope to have made a very early flowering strain...hope to name it 007....(7 weeker) as it should finish in that time !!
not making promesses here...its just the goal of my sideproject..:smile:

:respect: and :bow: ...Like the WW pics !!:D
very tight lady man!!


Snow Grower ~OGA~

:yoinks: Look at all the great replies!

SirSmokalot - Thanks!
I'd be more than happy to blaze these nugs up with you and any of my ICmag friends if possible :friends:

Sammet - Thanks :smile:
I think Dog appreciates your compliment as well.
I've been loving the WW thus far...can't wait to take her another few rounds :canabis:
Thanks for spreading the rep around too :D

vinnystallion - Thanks man :smile:
The frosty ones always make for good shows eh?
The WW is slowly taking over as one of my favourite relax/pain relief smokes :joint:
I'll make sure I stop in on your grow soon and check out that TWafgoo :lurk:

NorthernKronic - Hey bro :wave: Thanks!
I know you been busy with the move and such. It's great to have you back around the garden though. Great to see your grow back up and running too :yes:
Look forward to sharing more WW with ya :rasta:

Black Ra1n - Thanks B! :smile:
Actually this plant (and the next to be flowered) are just clones of the original from the winter grow. I still have 20+G jar of it with a 8 week cure on :yummy:
She seems to throw the odd nanner here and there, but this time it was really late and very controllable.

Dr Dog - Thanks bro :smile:
Posting in pairs again eh? :chin:
She threw the nanners earlier last time and waiting for the very end this time. I wasn't gonna say nothing till someone noticed :biglaugh:
Definately not a big enough issue for me to drop this plant. I will smoke'em :joint:
Thanks for the well wishes bro :ying:

Core - Hey bro! :smile:
007 sounds great :woohoo: Everyone loves an early finisher. Especially while maintaining other desired qualities :kos: Could help some of us Canucks that grow outdoors as well. Short growing season.
I'm sure this batch of WW was one of your earlier projects to secure seed stock. I must say...the one I got is a real winner in nearly all aspects.
Thanks eh! :dance:

I hope I typed everything right and am making sense. I just worked a double shift and then smoked a WW joint :rasta: I'd better hit the couch really soon!



Registered Medical Patient
congrats on the harvest bro...the girlies look amazingly delish!!! 007 sounds like a winner Core...keep it up man, youre makin me jealous!!!lolPeace bro
- Z


man what awsome buds... everyone said it already, but that WW looks killa from minilla!
rock along TML... another great job!


Waddup Brotha Man!
Woo, have I been busy. I was drinking Southern Comfort last night, and got some crazy image of your ol' grape buds. Wanted to stop in and see what's cracking. So the outdoor plot is doing well, minus some little pests. I want to take pictures but my gardening partner is strictly forbidding it. :asskick: Better safe than sorry.. But I can see your run of white widows gave you some nice medicine. I scored some crazy good hash, and well I've been high ever since (like 2 weeks now hahaha) Toke a big one for me, as I'll be doing the same :rasta:


Snow Grower ~OGA~

Zeus - Thanks bro :smile:
Doesn't Core's idea for an early finisher sound great? :yummy:

NZjay - Thanks bromiah :biglaugh:
Everyone is an observationalist eh? :biglaugh: j/k She is a beauty plant, but the thing I like about her most is: smoking her! :joint:

Insomniac - Great to hear from ya bro! :yes:
:laughing: Yummy grape buds. If I ever grew bagseed again...those would probably be the ones.
Sounds like your partner may be cautious or wise. Maybe both. I know the only reason I can justify posting on IC is because I show off a personal and simplistic approach to supplying yourself with minimal investment and effort. Best of luck finishing off that grow :ying: Bring us some dried nug shots though! :lurk:
It's been so long since I've smoked good hash :chin: I gotta keep saving up those trich covered trimmings. With only 3 plants at a time it takes awhile though.
Hope your 24/7 never wears off :headbange Tokin one with ya now! :rasta:

Thanks for the posts gents!


Hey guys!!

Hey guys!!


Great stuff TML, the buds look fantastic...!!!:lurk:

Nice avatar Core!:D


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Hey there BeAn!
Great to see all these great growers coming outta the woodwork and posting up! The outdoor season is officially upon us :canabis:
Great to hear from you!


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Emergency Harvest

Emergency Harvest


Primprimo - Thanks :smile:
Always great to get new posters in here :yes:
Thanks for the props!


Emergency Harvest

Had to pull HH early, she was getting way outta control :nono:
I'll let some pics do the explainin:

Heavenly Hash - Day 52 Flower

^ Was looking like she was gonna pull off a decent yield too...even with fluffy buds. But no matter how much you pick nanners...you can't compete with:



So...needless to say, she was pulled

The Replacement Widow - Day -1 Flower

^ Sorry bout the poor photo. I was trying something new that didn't work :bashhead:
We'll call this one WW-2 :joint:
I vegged out both WW's going into this next room a tad taller. I know Goober is a stretcher. So I wanted the Widows to stay competitive in height.

I'll try and keep the grow log updated of any other changes in the garden :lurk:



Plz forget you know me...Sugaree
High TML! dude, you are right. No competing with that. Sorry for the bad luck nanners man.
Peace, bugout


Registered Medical Patient
hey dude, tough luck on the HH...I had to pull one of mine too for the same prob...must not be a very stable X!!!Oh well, she was fun to grow out anyways...I just lost the last 5 HH I had veggin...they didnt recover much from the nute burn, so I chucked em...lookin great in here bro, Ill see ya 'round...

- Z


hey TML (Try My Lasagna)!

pity about the hermie nanners... i know and feel your pain bro... going through similar things as you well know.
ahh well, still something there to get ya a buzz or two from anyway... always a shame, but its always fun smoking the naughty girls.. :joint: :)

take care man..


Sucks to have a herm, but they still smoke good...shame...(lol)...the WW should take its place good enough!!:D

Please, more pics....:lurk:


Hey TML :wave:

mmmm more WW :)....sucks to hear that your HH is hermie'n to hell, its such a nice lookin plant to have to cull it now, but im sure that WW is gonna fill her slot nicely :rasta: ...neways hope all is goin well man :) take it easy bro

p.s. more WW pics :p

Karma Genetics

Thats a pitty TML16. Whising you good luck with the W.W. replacment.