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Ceramic Metal Halide (CMH)


I was veggin some clones and got a stretch response from 460nm actinic and UV 400-300 + a little red spike at 640 or something. They had now yellow or "white". Just get a pink bulb and strip light for UV. One T5 and your retinas are toast.

I did combine 150w HPS with 100w CMH for nice results. I need to get my HPS back on line. Honestly, I want a Biotropic in T5 form.




I am on day 20 of veg with two 400W CMH's and this is what they look like.


so i would have to say CMH is the way to go. :joint:


Active member
simba said:
haze in the nicest way i can say this..
I am Beyond Offended By your post..

I SIMBA DONT POST UNDER ANY OTHER NAME THAN SIMBA>> AND>> i do 98% my posting here and 1% at HG 4-2-0 and the other 1% has been on a lr forum.. (there is one site out there that simba is not me i forget the site)
ill admit i hit up every site and Read what is said on cmh but only post under the name SIMBA, etc (above)

im sorry your hosing yourself over a misimpression of a lamp and people backing it..

to your comments they require a Responce:
"After looking and looking for some honest facts from someone who grew with the cmh and didnt just follow simbas advise and go out and buy them i gave up and went with the opinions of growers who have 1200 or more posts.. The only reason i was gonna get the cmh is for heat issues. But for 2 degrees less heat and and super leafy plants i'll pass..
Goin with the 400 watt blue spectrum hps and blue spectrum mh with the digital ballast....."

that first one i wont bother it Upsets me as its Outright-BS....any grower that uses cmh and Learns It will suceed.. (did u not see az pics and i thinki it was microwidows right above his)

heat issues allot cooler than 2 degrees like 5-10 if done right.. and 2 is a big diff to plants..

super leafy plants.. mean theres more area to absorbe the energy and turn it into goodies.. DUH>. (i have also said most of these Bushs have been veged to long.... cmh requires a bit shorter veg)

last point EYE HORTILUX is selling a wana be.. CMH.. (cause its mainly blue in its full spd cmh is more red)
there eye blue.. for $109 and in email from iawaski the cmh we recommend is admitted by them to doing better for One lamp use.
there eye blue has half the life and half the lumen maint to.. so its actually 3 times more expensive than CMH..
dont cut ur self short..
we have said over and over we dont care where u get ur cmh.. just get it..

i just relized i did have the handle Macgyver but that was my CB handle from 1990-1997ish.. cb got boring.. and internet was Alive then.. LOL>

Simba...I too have seen u post under different SN's on various sites bro. Richard Dean strike a bell lol I've been saying it for a min now....Your promoting this shit like no other because u have other intere$t involved....i love how u keep pushing the UV part of this bulb lol Jorge Cerventes already debunked the UV bulb theory saying that in every indoor experiment involving UV with MJ resulted in NAda..but hey the Guppies dont know any better right :) Keep them Leaves Green & Growing :)



Sleeping Dragon
OsWiZzLe, i was waiting for u to chime in with BS remarks....

again i dont post under any sn other than SIMBA. dont u read.. i talk super diff than any one else even those that u say is me.

Uh.. Univ of i forget theres a few (ill post the studies) have Debunked George apparently..
that say plants that produce resin require UVB to create the Amount the plant has in its genes. it wont create more than it can in the wild.. but hps dont put it out enough uv that is needed..
plants need full spd.like when we work out we dont just work out our legs and our chest gets big.. u need all parts to complete it properly.

I can MAKE MAD PROFIT OFF HPS> philips HPS SON-T PLUS i get for $7.00USD cmh is allot More yet cmh sells for 50usd when son t plus starts at 70usd.. theres a 90%profit margin on hps and about 20% on cmh.. so wheres my benefit in promoting low profitable item.. DUH CUASE ITS THE SUN INDOORS.. i have yet to find someone discount cmh with any real info other than what George says or other goons say..LMFAO>>>

yet i promote CMH.. HMM why.. could it be that it is just BETTER>>
again why is eye horti blue so much $$ vs cmh..yet eye blue is rated Very well.. (with its BLue skewed output and cmh as red)

and i promote the FULL SPD more than UV> get ur arguments right..
PS.. any more BS Here and ill ask the MOD to Ban you for Lying and exagurating.> I have done neither.. i dont need to...

-Mircro just reported 2 pages ago with pics 700-800grams.. (his first or 2nd time with cmh, it will get better as he gets it all dialed in.)

heres proof from AZ.others have had very sim results..
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I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
OsWiZzLe said:
Simba...I too have seen u post under different SN's on various sites bro. Richard Dean strike a bell lol I've been saying it for a min now....Your promoting this shit like no other because u have other intere$t involved....i love how u keep pushing the UV part of this bulb lol Jorge Cerventes already debunked the UV bulb theory saying that in every indoor experiment involving UV with MJ resulted in NAda..but hey the Guppies dont know any better right :) Keep them Leaves Green & Growing :)

first i wouldnt take everything cerventes says is gospel. he has written stuff that is wrong (I have his book). marijuana man believes UV does effect thc and cannaboid production and gives a very scientific and detailed explanation of a plausible interaction.
so for anyone to say that it
doesnt effect THC for sure is simply making a belief biased by what theyve read. there are supposed experts on either side of the issue.


Sleeping Dragon
OS, say what u wish.. i know who i am.. and in reality i dont need to assume names.. ill promote CMH under CMH..
so someone else uses my links and maybe my phrases..(maybe they dont want to change some wording cause they dont want to change the info in any way.)
bottom line.. i dont care.. say im god. for all i care..

univ of xx grows pot for the government.. on 1.8 acres with a max of 5acres.. that they determine every year..

the uv studies are refrence to Resing producing plants.. pot falls in that.. oh wait pot is some magical plant...

heres some info.. (ya i have 512bit encryption and lost the fugin key code.. so some im still getting back from it and some i have to find again un crypted..

basil is close as its a "essentail oil producer"..
Basil produces its essential oils in glands in its leaves that have to be activated by UV-B rays from the sun; the best quality basil is grown in hot, sunny climates.

Ocimum basilicum L. (Lamiaceae)-sweet basil-is a fragrant herb with a minty, pleasantly sweet flavour, mainly used for production of essential oil and as a condiment. Three different commercial varieties of basil, one broad-leaved and two different small-leaved varieties, were grown in a greenhouse at MAICh under controlled conditions and used for a period of one year. Seasonal variation in each variety was examined and, in addition, each variety was treated with supplementary UV light in order to assess the effects of UV-B, following previous work showing a substantial UV-B mediated induction of essential oil.

If you look at old-world land races of cannabis, plants that have become adapted to the climate and latitude, the ratio of THC to CBD starts at 100 : 1 at the equator. At the 30th parallel (The Hindu-Kush Valley) the plants have a ratio of 50 : 50. At the 45th parallel the ratio is near 1 : 100. This corresponds roughly with the amount of UVB light received at these latitudes. There is much more UVB at the equator than the 45th parallel.

UV-B is Required for Normal Development of Oil Glands in Ocimum basilicum L. (Sweet Basil)

Peer reviewed jurnal.(best source as its reveiwed by peers and then allowed)
UV-B is Required for Normal Development of Oil Glands in Ocimum basilicum L. (Sweet Basil).

Just google links.

and yes basil is a dif plant yet it is the same when it comes to essential oil production.. THat is plant biology.. at its core..

u have just been PWNED


To Os and the other trolls; I can not help that your growing skills are not up to par!!! Cervantis or whatever his name is wrote a book that folks like to preach from. That is fine, but after reading large sections at a friends house I would rate it about a 4 out of 10 (10 being the best) as most of the info is outdated.

The CMH bulbs will yield just as well as HPS but, with better product. I did not bend over and sqeeze that plant out of my ass. I have no personal or financial gains to make from pushing the CMH or stressing over a dispute with growers that are closed minded and lacking in grow skills. Oh and by the way, there was hardly any leaf on that plant that it took 10min to get it like you see it hanging.

Micro just hit the .8g/watt - 1.0g/watt and so did someone else. Sorry I forgot their handle, but you nay sayers had him/her questioning 665g from 800w. Do the math. A few more rounds and both of them will be at the 1g/watt range. I used to hit that no prob. I don't have room to maximize anymore.

I hate to piss in a post but, when you get re-educated or up to speed on plant biology, photosynthesis and get a few grows under your belt with the CMH then come back and contribute your thoughts and findings.


Active member
In theory everything u guys say on paper makes perfect sense...real world..not so....Azeotrope...U and Sima can do the Richard Dean Dance all night Long Lionel Richie status...fact remains...those bulbs do grow herb..and sure with less heat..and yes with the amazing spectrum...still....they havent outproduced HPS ...theres a thousand photos of huge amazing looking colas and plants on here grown under HPS..to what..the 1 or 2 dudes that pulled up something decent to solid off the CMH...hate to burst your bubble....but i know a homie who pulls 36 oz's off a 600 watt HPS ..GodBud is the strain...and not from any of the Seed Companies....diss all u want...this cat is major out here in the So Cali scene...and thats off a 6 fucken plants...I'll be growing this same strain in the few weeks..its gonna be nice put u silly nannies on the spot. Simba....Richard Dean aka Macguyver....give it up dude..your so Green Eggs and Spammin it all over the ganja Websites online...

Basil oil production lol thats the funniest shit I've heard...diss Cerventes all u want....you guys are forum junkies...and not worthy of mentioning in the same sentence as Jorge Cerventes...SPD and PAR Deezzzz Neeeezies on ur left cheek :spank:


Os - Not going to waste much more time on this with you. I have pulled 32-33oz off of 800w CMH with NL5xHaze (6 clones) many runs over. I don't think that is anything to complain about. 36oz off of a 600wer is great. Won't argue that. The fact is that the product is better and growing easier as the plants are much more vigorous with CMH.

The thing with Basil is that the oil production stimuli among many different plant species is very much the same. Just like Humans, I may have one skin color and you another, but, how our internal organs and basic biology are the same. I get the feeling that you are in the Cali grow thing down there. There is a lot of bullshit down in Cali. Everyone there has their "kush" that hasn't any Kush in it, or even a true resemblence to any true kush line. All the shops down there selling the shit out of the high mark-up Horti bulbs and making a killing. You all are probably still talking about Lumens. LOL

I grow for personal and quality is #1. That being said I have no desire to burn hundreds of watts for a piss poor yield. You and your So. Cal dude go and live it up with the HPS(LOLOLOLOL) and I will leave ya'll alone. But, please keep your missinformation to yourself.
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I also am a believer in CMH vs. HPS. I have found Simba goes over and above. Whether you would believe his motive is to take or give, or a combo of both with his efforts is up for you to decide. You made your point, you guys, please move on from this thread.....geez!


I'm no expert, but I've done my own research and while I'm not 100% convinced CMH is the be all, end all of indoor horiticulture, I do believe it is better than much of what is available. Frankly, I'm more likely to believe and trust the university studies (as well as what former Biology, Botany and Agriculture professors have told me) over Jorge Cervantes or some other MJ icon.


Dude your spelling and grammar skills are atrocious. :bashhead: It's all good though because this isn't about spelling and grammar.

:D :D :D :D :D


simba said:
sometimes my spelling is off sometimes not.. (spell check working or not). but you can allways tell by the way i talk those dont sound like me..
first one is way off.. and ya hes a goon. but not me..


Smokes, lets go
my guess is OSwizzle is a hps/mh slingin hydro shop owner and he's sick of people asking about CMH bulbs, its true you make less selling CMH bulbs instead of over those over glorified HPS, no diffrence between a hortilux super hps and a lu-400 except the packaging.

also i would take 800w cmh over 1kw hps anyday.

im doing my first indoor grow with the CMH because I have friends that use HPS and it's quite obvious when there is a bright orange glow coming from someones closet that they are growing pot. my friends have tons of grows under their belts and my first try with the CMH is doing way better than friend 1 who is using 400w hps and about the same as my other friend who vegges with MH and flowers with hps...

plants that get hps their whole life never experience the full spectrum of light and don't express all their genetic traits under that orange light which is especially important for growing landrace strains indoors.

also i would take marijuana mans work over cervantes work any day, and if MJ man says that plants need UV-B he has the scientific proof to back it up.

about ppl saying simba is posting under other names, i would sound like simba too if i went to another forum under my name and tried to explain the diffrences/advantages to using CMH only because there is a few major things that outweigh the HPS,

better spectrum , less heat, tighter growth, less stretch, and this one i thought was particularly improtant for me it appears as white light to the eye so i don't have an orange glow coming from my appartment.


OsWiZzLe said:
homeboy has the same link to your page ..and he's pushing your CMH with the exact same promotions your tossing out..but hey..that cant be u right lol lets see the University studies...u said the same BS last time...were da links dude? i didnt know Universities had the green to legally grow cannabis and test your UV theory out....damn...i learn new shit everyday Richard Dean ooppps I mean Simba :joint:

That means nothing, I have the same link I could point someone else to, as well.

As for Senor Cervantes's assertion (and your's) that UVR has no effect on either the amount or quality of THC, will this do? You can call Mr. Pate a liar, or a fool...if you dare.



Yes that plant got hit hard. The result of experimentation. I wonder what she would have looked like if I hadn't??? A "bonus mix" bean of unknown genetic background in 90%coco and playing with some new nutes for fun. All I had to do was give every girl a drink from the same mix and one got blasted. Another got tip burned. And still she put out. I can tell you one thing, I was not short on quality light.

I try new stuff all the time so that I am not talking out my ass or pissing on someone else that has found a new/better way to go. I only comment on what I have experienced. Many others here do the same, some do not unfortunately!!!
yea so now that the post is back on track... going to get a 400w cmh to use for my Veg cabinet, then in my bloom cab i am using a sunsystem full spectrum 2 bulb, with a 600w hps, and a 400w mh, figure this will give me a good enough spectrum for flower, should i still flower for 2 weeks under the cmh??


smokadepep said:
yea so now that the post is back on track... going to get a 400w cmh to use for my Veg cabinet, then in my bloom cab i am using a sunsystem full spectrum 2 bulb, with a 600w hps, and a 400w mh, figure this will give me a good enough spectrum for flower, should i still flower for 2 weeks under the cmh??

Am not familiar with Sunsystem's dual bulb setup. Does it have a remote ballast? If so, are the power connections proprietary? If not, is it possible to use your 400w HPS mag ballast and use the CMH in place of the 400w MH? The reason I ask, is that not even OzWhizzle questions the superiority of the CMH over MH. Tighter nodes, tighter and meatier nugs, and added UVR.

Namaste, mess
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