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Good thread, murder I think is in all of us... its just rage out of control. Most of us never get those types of feelings..but I bet some guys get those feelings all the time, and on top of that they are blessed with the inability to control themselves as much.

Primates murder other primates.

And shit we murder animals all day long. Whats on that plate in front of your computer? Murdered animals. Not only that...but enslaved and THEN murdered animals...

I don't know..it just makes u think. I just watched "Blood Diamonds"... if you've seen it you know how much killing goes on.

And then of course all the wars out there, thats murder too. I think without self-defense...you really have to have a hardened heart or an absent heart to just go off someone.


I was found not guilty "self defense" I didn't even think I would go to jail at the time I stayed in jail with out bond for 3 mo. a year later when I went to court I was found not guilty. It fucked up my life. It was one of those kill or be killed situations. I would rather not get into the details. It was around ten years ago.
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Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
FreezerBoy said:
A business acquaintance was recently convicted of executing his former wife some 15-20 years earlier. Started a whole new family in between. I only saw him every few years. Still, a strange feeling to read about the arrest and conviction of someone you've had dinner with.

Did he ever serve you strange meat treats that tasted like chicken?


Luckily, I do not know any murderers personally. This topic is something I think more and more about as I get older though. When someone young dies you always hear people comment, "So young, so much to live for." Which is true, but the older I get, the more I feel I have to lose.

Another interesting show is The First 48, comes on A&E I think. It chronicles the first 48 hours after a murder scene because if the crime is not solved within the first 48, the case usually goes cold. You see some pretty messed up stuff. It is ridiculous what people will kill someone over.


Active member
I traveled the road and was homeless for a number of years. I used to shoot the shit with a lot of sketchy people. Some of them would tell me stories about how they've killed someone when we would get wasted enough and a lot of these people I wouldn't put it past them even though I have no proof.

I've had a couple friends murdered. I'll keep the details out though.


Pull my finger
a buddy of mine shot and killed a girls boyfriend cuz he wanted to be with her. strange. the guy was a pure criminally minded sociopath. when i found out about the guy being dead, i knew who did it. since i became a parent, i cut all ties. dont need folks like that around my family.

i also have a good friend who was a blood in san diego. after his time in san quentin, he moved here to get away from all the bangin crap in cali. he had lots of stories about killing people over colors. one of the nicest funniest guys you'll ever meet. hard to believe he had it in him. he told me he shot a guy in the head that was outside his bedroom window. later he found out the dude was trying to steal his skunk plant from the sill. that had to suck, to find out you killed a man over pot. he thought it was another attempt on his life. crazy shit over there. i will stick with the good ol boys here in the south.


Registered Pothead
I grew up the gang life style and have seen people layed out from a very young age. I remember watching the news when i was a kid and all of a sudden my grandmas house was on the news for a multiple murder scene. I got so scared i started crying and all of a sudden i see my grandma walk out on the front steps so i knew all was ok. There was a heroin/crack house across the street from me and something went down. Three people were murdered on my grandmas front door step trying to knock for help. Shit my grandma didnt answer the door so they got killed on her door step. Also did 3 1/2 years in the california youth authority. Had over fifteen bunkies that were killers from a very young age. Very normal people just their environment helped nudge them in the wrong direction.

Lucky 7

Active member
In my former life I had to deal with mob hit men on a regular basis for, well WAY TOO LONG! These guys are true sociopaths/psychotic. Always freaked me out. And there damn eyes are dead--they call it "shark eyes".

Some guy would miss his payment or go over his head, and he'd be found hanging in his garage, a "suicide," or some other creative fashion.

Old high school very good buddy had to run interference for his mother in law after her husband was killed over a foreclosure. The two men fought, buddy got the gun, and killed him.

One of my associates shot himself a few yrs ago in one of my houses; evidently he forgot to take his meds . . . .

ah yes, The Criminally insane!


Eugene Oregon
My Great Uncle Jimmy was an SF police Officer and a man robbed somewhere and had 10,000 cash so my Uncle blindsided the vehicle but it to a stop and the man had a gun and shot at him with a 9mm and it hit his badge and thats what saved his life.. then he shot the man dead to the ground!

Later when he was done on the force he worked at a bank and these fools robbed it so the get away vehicle pulls up and he sneaks around the car throw the guy out.. then the guy comes out with a gun and my great uncle disarms the man somehow hes a crazy person.
He... served in a World War.
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about 25% of my friends have killed someone, not personal.

two friends have killed someone for personal reasons at point blank

one is awaiting federal capital punishment for trafficking and the murder/ordering of murders of a couple people.

the ones that scare me are the two friends.... they knew who they killed... that's cold...


this loser that was childhood friends with a friend of mine, had a hand in killing a woman on the interstate. He and this other loser decided it would be fun to toss a cinderblock from a bridge above the interstate. It fell through a windshield, the car wrecks, and the driver was killed. A couple weeks later both of them are arrested and both claim the other threw the cinderblock.
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Proud Cannadian Cannabist
here is another angle to the subject.....the trial has taken another turn in that they were oroginally plannining on luring the target to an apartment and killing and dismembering him. now i knut i could never chop up the body.i know that i could take a life if i had to but cutting up the body...no way never. that takes some serious parts.


Active member
While I was in PICC I met the guy my kids told me bout. A while before I got lockt up my kids were tellin me bout the guy who killed theyr friend on our old street. The dude killed and dismembered my kids friend and got busted before he could get the pieces down the toilet. Heh heh, what a plan! Anyhow, when I got lokt up I was quarenteened with the guy and then was on the placment block with him. He was a prety cool guy and told me he cant hardly remember what happened. He said the dude was buyin him coke and then began tellin him what a mess he was and that he was gonna fukk his wife while dude was incopasetated. He said he got pissed off and the next thing he knew the cops were were there tellin him to put down the head. Dude said that when the cops came in he was eatin a doughnut with one hand and holdin the head with the other and talkin to it. Dude asked me if I thought that was crazy. I told him that as long as he was eatin the doughnut and talkin to the head,and not the other way round he was ok with me! SW Philly.


Nasty stories here.

The most horrifying I have a connection with...along with nearly everyone in my home town:

A class mate in high school - one of her relatives was a victim of Martin Bryant. In 1996, one Sunday morning, a young fella from my home town packed up a sporting bag full of semi-automatic rifles he had been collecting. Drove to Port Arthur (a popular tourist destination). He stood outside a cafe talking with the people who had gone to enjoy a relaxing, sunny Sunday.

Sometime around lunch, he walked into the cafe with his sports bag full of weapons which was crowded with people enjoying their lunch. He put down the bag and took out a rifle and started firing...think his first victims were a young Malaysian couple who where there on holiday...honeymoon I believe. He shot the fella and his wife first, then went on to kill everyone else in the restaurant. Something like 20 people in the first 90 seconds.

Then got into his yellow Volvo and started driving. A mother was walking with her young children along the road...he drove along side them and executed them.

Can't remember much of the details after that...while ago now and I'm hazy on the details. But by the time he was done that day, he had killed nearly 40 people. He barricaded himself in a house by the end of the day shooting at the cops who were waiting for him. By the following morning he decided to burn down the house. He ran outside and was finally nabbed.

He is now serving something like 365 years. Prison beatings and repeated suicide attempts now permeate this things existence.

You can Google "Port Arthur Massacre" if you want details.

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