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Plant not looking so good need help



Hi everyone I have a problem that needs to be sorted out quickly today. I went down to do my daily check on the plant and today was alittle bit of a shock, instead of looking good like it has been everyday now, it looks sickly, leaves are not holding them selves up anymore not all of them but some. and now there is a coloring in the leaves and I am very concerned I do not want to lose this plant.


How long has this problem been going on? - Less than 12 hours
What system are you running? - DWC Recirculating
What STRAIN are you growing? - GHS Trainwreck
What was the establishing technique? - Clone from last run
What is the age of your plants? - 32 days into flower
How tall are the plants? - about 1.5' at top of scrog
What PHASE are the plants in? - Flowering
What Technique are you using? DWC in SCROG
What substrate/medium are you using? - Lava Rocks
What is the Water temperature? - Not sure but have been adding frozen containers to keep it low
What color are your roots? White? Brown? Are your roots slimy? - White with what appears to be a dark coloration I assume from my nutes, it doesnt look like root rot
What Nutrient's are you using? How much of each if using multiple? - I am using GH Flora series with koolbloom and floralicious I am running it at Micro 10ml/gal, bloom 20ml/gal, flroalicious at 1ml/gal, and KB at 5ml/gal.
What is the TDS/EC/PPM you are using? - My tds has been falling and this morning only read out to be 960ppm total.
What is the pH of the "Tank"? 5.8
Are you sure your calibration is correct on your equiptment? - just did it a couple days ago when i got all the meters
When was your last watering? - its always being watered
When was your last feeding change? - week and a half ago
How often do you clean your system: one week to two weeks depending on useage
What size bulb are you using? - a 400W HPS and a 250W MH
What is the distance to the canopy? - 1.5'
What is your RH Factor(Relative Humidity)? - 70%
What is the canopy temperature? - not sure off hand
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include flucutaion range) day 81/ night 71
What is the current Air Flow? not sure
Is the fan blowing directly at plants? - there is one that is.
Is your water HARD or SOFT? - not hard
What water are you using? - Tap
Has plant been recently pruned, cloned off of or pinched - just pruned off a few leaves that got to close to the lights
Have any pest chemicals been used? - no
Are plant's infected with pest's - no

Here are some pics of the leaves:

Forgot to mention that these leaves looked fine yesterday, they may have been in direct contact with the light bulbs when i had to reposition the plant yesterday but it wouldnt have been for more than a second.
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Active member
I'm just curious, how in the hell do you reposition a plant in a scrog? It's supposed to be tied to a screen.

Anyhoo, can you show a couple photos of the entire plant? Have you done any foliar spraying lately?



I will show some pics in a few minutes need to go down and get some current pics. Also I repositioned the plant and the scrog at the same time the screen moved with the plant. One did not move separately from the other. my screen is hung from the ceiling and the plant is resting on the lid of the bucket in its net pot.


I am not trying to question your assistance tico0r, but does anyone else agree on heat stress, I myself am leaning towards the idea of heat stress but i want to be a sure as i possibly can be. As said before please dont be offended tico0r i just really want to be as sure as possible.


New member
Thanks for this thread. I just lost my mother (boo hoo). I suspected it was heat stress, due to the conditions in my grow room, but now I know for sure. My plant looked just like yours. Unfortunately it has just kept getting worse, even tho the temperature problem has been mitigated slightly. Do plants ever recover from severe heat stress?


If the marks on the leaf are between the vanes its something in the water , if the marks are all over the leafs its enviromental . I had a whole garden die one time and I couldnt figure out why , I took the leaf to my grow store and the owner told me it looked like some kind of metal poisining . I looked and found A staple in my ebb and flow res , and that was the culprit. :cuss:



OK so my problem isn't really getting better, it is not getting any worse really yet. Some leaves are starting to look more and more like the others everyday. I think that they are not getting enough nutrients, i had run low on nutes and simply gave them a lower dose of nutes which shouldn't really be a problem as i was going to switch to those nutes today anyways. Should I give them a new, more concentrated formula of nutes? I think the plant is cannibalizing its leaves for nutrients because currently it is only happening to the older fan leaves on the shoots. I am very concerned this was set to be harvested on July 12 and I want to make sure that the plant makes it to that day. What would you do to remedy this problem? It was said to be heat stress before but i do not think that it is. Here is a picture from a new problem leaf from this morning. Thanks alot for any help I appreciate it.



Active member
ICMag Donor
If your n a lower level, from experience, plants can be very finicky in lets say a basement. Keep your night time lows/day time highs about the same.


mdanzig - Thanks, I will try to get it closer the night night temperature drops only 5 degrees Fahrenheit. So not so sure that is the problem but hopefully it is just something simple like this.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Yes, I have encountered biological problems if your night time lows are to cool. Moisture can also play a key part in your problems. A 10 degree temperature swing shouldnt make a difference, but I have had problems similar to that before, and as it turned out when I kept my temps the same through-out the night, it helped a lot. Im not saying this is your problem, but it could be. It looks biological to me, because lets say in a few of those nighs the temp swing was more like 15 degrees. Say 80 during the day/light, and 65 at night/dark period. This 15 degree temp swing in just a couple of nights can cause something like this. Like I said, I'm not sure, but this is what it looks like to me.
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"What is the canopy temperature? - not sure off hand
What is the Day/Night Temp? (Include flucutaion range) day 81/ night 71"

My 150 hps creates canopy temps around 90-95 degrees at 10-12" away,a fan keeps it roughly about 82.I keep a cheap thermometer at canopy height.You say your ambient temperature reaches 81 but,with a 400watter burning, I supect it could be much hotter than that at the canopy if you don't have a thermometer to read.Then you have the situation mdanzig is describing;More than a 10 degree temperature fluctuation,which has done some damage to many of my Mexis in the past.Hope you get it scraightened out man.

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