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Non Cigarette Cannabis Smokers Cough up Black Tar Problem

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
my lung are pretty shit, but im unfit anyway and smoke far too many cigarettes-thats what I put my cough and inability to tke a decent bong down to lol... Im gonna pack the cigs in shortly anyway... Its 35 quid a week id rather have in my pocket... then ill be getting back to decent bong hits again-i did when i stopped cigs before
Never coughed up black-just normal phlegm...I have torn an intercostal muscle through coughing though lol

Dr. Buzz

I've been smoking MJ for about 20 years and I cough up black shit in the morning when I've been smoking out of a pipe or bong. The good news for me is that all of that goes away when I use the Volcano.
But ya Im gonna invest in a Vape... Tried the volcano in the Dam a few months ago... dont think I'd like that in my house for my own personal use... anyone got any recommendations for a good non bag type vape? Is the hype about the 'Zilla really warented? I was seriously lookin at the aromed for while... anyone got any experience with these?


If your looking at vaporizers I would suggest against the aromed. Its sure looks cool and it makes sense to use a halogen bulb to make the heat, I just dont feel that it heats the herb enough to get the vapor through the water. Sure THC is insoluble in water but i feel the water condenses the vapor because it is not hot enough

This being said vaporizers which blow hot air through the herb and water seem to work very well.

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
I dont smoke tobacco.

If I smoke 2+ grams of bud a day for an extended period I will start to cough up black shit in the morning.

Since I have switched from bud to bho or iho and occasionally kif or bubble, I have dont have that problem no more.

recent lung xrays for unrelated reason say I have healthy lungs


You guys should switch to milk for a few weeks, getts you higher than fuck and the medical benifits help the lungs recoup :). Also flushed weed and a clean bong is a must also.
I also read some where that cannabis smoke is an expectorant (makes you cough up mucus and stuff). Its probably better to be coughing that stuff up than letting it sit in your lungs anyway!


My little pony.. my little pony
Take a t-shirt and put it over the bong mouth then take a normal hit. Now look at it. That stuffs gotta go somewhere.. fortunately it lands on the mucus that you cough up and the body makes plenty of mucus.

That being said theres been people smoking weed for decades at a time stretching history over a few thousand years and there has yet to be one single case of cancer attributed to smoking marijuana. Theres also been quite a few countries [ and the entire tobacco industry ] besides the USA looking for that one confirmed 'smoking gun' case of marijuana caused cancer.

Can the same be said for tobacco? Not even close.


Daily cannabis smoker for 20+ years and switched from Bong to Silver Surver SSV several months ago. Not a single black speck or phlemy cough since. I highly recommend the SSV.


yep , unfortunately i cough up black/brown mucus all day long and have reduced lung capacity, quit the cigs now tho.....but i kno for a fact im a victim of living in the UK.....if i hadnt smoked soapbar asa teenager wen hardly any 1 knew better, and smoked glass grit weed thts wots done it victim of geography! lol. end of day clean flushed organic weed wouldnt cause that as it dilates the lungs


1. No tobacco with your weed. weed straight.

2. Bong hits, preferrably with more water than less. (for those that like a vape, substitute here, if you can water filter it, even better. I personally do not get what I want to out of the vaporizer, I need the bong hit)

3. Cardiovascular exercise. This will keep you in shape, and help clear your lungs.

I have been smoking daily for almost 20 years. I can truly say that I am in the best shape of my life. This is due to diet and exercise, not bong hits. I do the bong hits after exercise.



Active member
For those thinking about vapes, I would HIGHLY recommend the Vriptech. I own, have owned, or have used pretty much every vaporizer out there. The Vrip is the one I use every day while the volcano, valloon, vapolution, vapor bros, and bc vape collect dust. If you like very tasty hits that are thick and powerful like a bong rip, then you want the Vrip. It just concentrates the vapors much thicker than the bag type or any other type of vape while still remaining tasty.

I've been vaping only without smoking for over 4 years now and will never go back to smoking. Well, hehe, with the exception of full melt dry sieve or bubble.



I've been a heavy cannabis smoker for 8 years. I also smoked cigs lightly for 4 years. MY lungs are toast. Pleurisy and chronic bronchitis are very painful illnesses. I switched to an aromazap about three years ago but still smoked because I loved the couchlock high associated with it.
I gave up smoking entirely and went straight to the kitchen to start cooking. I just can't get very high off edibles, it's very frightening too at times. My right lung function has diminished...I have acute pluerisy and asthma. If i'm even around cig smoke now i'll start hurting. I've coughed up black goo balls a few times, I was actually suprised to see my lungs cleaning themselves out and wasn't worried too much.
I need to get in shape but can hardly run half a mile without falling down wheezing. Im not overweight either 140lbs. There is a hgih cancer rate in my family which doesn't help either.
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Active member
I also cough up the black specks, and sometimes more tary mucus (gross I know)

Anyway, I have had chronic bronchitis as well as pnuemonia before. Ive been smoking cannabis daily for about 10 years, and have been smoking ciggarettes for 1 year (after smoking for 3 years and quitting for 2)...

Before my pnuemonia I was coughing up this black stuff. After my bout with pnuemonia I had SEVERAL chest and lung X-Rays and they all came back completelly clean. I asked the Dr. about the black stuff I coughed up, and admitted my daily cannabis use. He told me about the effects of cannabis as a bronchial dilator and tobacco as a brochial contrictor, and that it wasnt uncommon for me to be coughing this up as my body wants to get rid of it. I suppose that the tobacco resin builds up and is trapped as it constricts the bronchial tubes...then when I smoke, it opens back up, I cough, and out it comes.

Like many others though, it seems to be worse in the morning. I may think this only applies to VERY heavy pot smokers as many of my friends who have smoked tobacco 10+ years but only smoke a joint or 3 a week always used to tell me I probably had cancer when I brought this up.

Either way, good to know that it is a somewhat common experience. Vaping is obviously a good way to decrease the problem, as well as ciggarette smoking.


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