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PHX Dealer?


New member
Hey, I'm fairly new to the community here. Ive searched most of the forums and threads here and on similar sites, and I'm having difficulty locating a reliable source to get a PHX Tetra from.

Most of the shops in my area sell flea market junk. I know that phx does not sell directly in the us according to their website, so where do i buy one in the us?

Does anyone have any good spots(like online sites) youd suggest I go. That wont scam me.....

thanks in advance for any aid..


New member
well i got one and i dont like it.

im sorry, but unless you clean this shit out totally each time you use it, you cant get the resin tar taste out of the perculators even with fresh water. I wish i could go back in time and just buy a normal straight through ice catcher bong without these focking science experiment nonsense inside it.

maybe im spoiled. but ill use it for a door prop and smoke blunts instead.


Cleaning it out isn't hard at all and takes maybe all of 5-10 minutes. Also, never leave it around with water sitting in it if it's dirty as the water evaporates and leaves the dirt caked onto the walls. It can go a few rounds/uses without getting completely dirty. Consider an ash catcher. Keep it clean often and it's easier to clean each time. 91% ISO + Kosher salt, gets it crystal clean every time. Any bong, no matter what brand/style should be kept clean as the nasty shit in it is unhealthy for you and makes your pot taste like ass. Just my :2cents:
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Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
nice yea thats a 20$ risk..ordering a bongs another issue....thanks ill talk to the vendor...


New member
i clean my bong out every day with pure medical alcohol.

I searched through a few medical supply catalogs and found some, then bought 12 jugs of it. I also got a 2 gallon water cooler spicket jug thing, filled it with all the alcohol, got a coffee bean dispenser and filled it with rock salt, as well as another 2 gallon watercooler spicket jug thing filled with RO water that are both kept refridgerated. Why do i refridgerate the alcohol? No idea, its in a basement wet bar fridge and its just sketchy to have a redic 2 gallon jug of medical alcohol laying on the counter.

Every single time i pack up the aftermarket bowl of doom i got that will eat like an eighth, i have fresh water and ice in there.

Its a really sweet bong if you want to sit down for 30 mins and play with all that stuff, prep the carbs, oil the sprocket, check the mirrors...you know,....
but if you want the dankest bong you can buy to smoke a half oz a day out of, id get something without the rot water resovuar chambers in it. Cause unless you rinse that water out after 3 big hits, it all tastes the same..

On the tetra at least....

Oh and on another note, you like pop veins on your forhead when you hit it with that rick moranus ash catcher ordeal on there compared to without it on there. It makes it a chore to take a hit because you cant pull air through that much nonsense without sucking uncomfortably hard. Also, Due to the absoloute flat bottom on it, its nearly impossible to clean totally mine holds some watch repair needle files now on my desk. waste of 100 bucks, or whatever change from the 100 it cost for sure.

annnnddd..... still i dont like it, its tainted with that leftover taste after the first 3 hits.

I dont mean to step on any toes and say your bong is junk if you have one. I paid top dollar, am a mega conneousour and am not a cheap skate. I think the shit is not the unicorn it was made out to be is all im getting at. I guess ill try a roor with no perculators. Prob a 2 foot this time, 3 foot is too big and the dog wacks it over with his tail.

I will give it the strength though. its good for that. Im sure it will get broken tomorrow now that i said that though.


New member
it didnt get broken but the dog gets like the ultimate warrior sometimes and has broken 3 stems since i made that post. still tastes like butthole every time i hit it though.


I have a 18 PHX 5mm with a diffy, 18.8 joints and it's a heap a shit compared to nicer glass, specifically Roor and Toro that I've used. That said it was pretty cheap.

No perc so not that hard to clean.
