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Favorite Summer Beers?


Registered Med User
A Mickey's 40oz fresh out the freezer!

Either that or ice cold corona with lime...


Active member
krepis said:
Hoegaarden is delicious, maybe even bit fruity. Great when you're thirsty.

I love a cold beer in the summer....

I'll second that Hoegaarden, also:

Mothership Whit from New Belgium Brewery and they have another wheat that is good as well, the mothership whit is certified organic though, a nice touch.
Summer Shanty, Sunset Wheat and Honey Weiss from Leinenkugal.
Blue Moon.

I love beer. If you like to try lots of beers but find it is taking too long to get through them all, do what I do. Find two friends that like beer (easy), each friend gets a six pack a week, everyone gets two beers from each, and you get to try 156 beers a year. How cool will it be when you can go to the store and know that when you pick xxx beer, that it is the right beer to suit your tastes that night. You're positive because you've tried everyone that your best local liquor store carries.



Active member
I use to like a irish beer called cafrey´s,,,, its impossible to find it right now where i live,,,
A nice Mahou from madrid or estrella de galizia..... san miguel for small bottle will be nice too.
German pilsner is a right choose too...

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
For summertime, I really enjoy lighter beers, and I prefer Corona
But I have been known to partake with some Keiths, Stella Artois, or Moosehead Light


Dr Dog said:
For summertime, I really enjoy lighter beers, and I prefer Corona
But I have been known to partake with some Keiths, Stella Artois, or Moosehead Light

Stella Artois, we call that "wifebeater" in UK, full of nasty chemicals and turns you schizo.

Guinness for me, winter or summer.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
snadge said:
Stella Artois, we call that "wifebeater" in UK, full of nasty chemicals and turns you schizo.

Guinness for me, winter or summer.

Really? Not that I can afford to drink it all the time, Canadian Whiskey or Rye seems to do that on this side of the pond, myself, never, I am a happy drunk(the rare occasion it happens), normally way to high to get drunk

I do enjoy a Guinness, but that is more a winter beer for me, I prefer light cold beer in summer


I prefer light cold beer in summer

me too, it just has to be cold and light (that's if I drink during the day..I rarely do, I usually have a few beers around 5 or 6 pm..if I drink any earlier, I'm usually on holidays or had a win).....most Euro or UK beers to me are filling, heavy and put me into a sleepy couchlock after drinking eg 4 or 5 cans during lunch, esp in the tropics...those thicker, heavier beers are good for cold nights, but I live in the tropics and it's high 20's ~ low 30's C, 80 ~ 95F for 9 months of the year, so I mostly drink Japanese beers as they have good alc strength, are light/crisp tasting and don't give me a hangover..I have about 7 or 8 choices of Jap beer at most 7-11s with varying alc content...I also drink some local beers as they are cheap.

Hoegarden is 75% dearer than the price of many beers sold here.......it's nice for slow sipping at night, esp in Winter, but I mostly throw my beers down at a fast rate, so prefer a Heineken or an Asahi beer..sometimes a Bud, which is a good daytime beer...most Brit and Euro beers like Hoe or Guin bloat me out if I knock em back hard.

anyway...it's important to keep in mind that ....

beer is good

and there's no such thing as a bad beer!

I prefer the high I get from a mix of 3 or 4 cans of beer and a joint or a pipe or two....it's a nice buzz for me and I drink less and smoke less too, the two buzzes compliment each other, but you have to work out the right ratio that suits you..one way is to drink enough beer quickly to start to feel the alcohol then have a pipe or two..
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daddy fingaz

Active member
Chamba said:

I prefer the high I get from a mix of 3 or 4 cans of beer and a joint or a pipe or two....it's a nice buzz for me and I drink less and smoke less too, the two buzzes compliment each other, but you have to work out the right ratio that suits you..one way is to drink enough beer quickly to start to feel the alcohol then have a pipe or two..

i second that...beer and buds can compliment each other really well, especially a nice bit of light hash or a sativa!!!


her dankness
lumberjack_ian said:
... its gonna have to be Pabst Blue Ribbon... but not just for summer, anytime!!!!
AWESOME!!! Now I know who was enjoying that 30-rack I brought to the Lake! :D Gotta love good, basic, cheap beer!!!

I also like the Harpoon Munich Dark, which is dark but not heavy, and (don't smack me) Mich Ultra, which tastes similar to, but rather better than, bottled water. :D

As for summer beers... does Squeeze Birch Beer count? I've loved that shit since I was knee high to a grasshopper. It's made in the lovely Berkshires and comes in old-school glass soda bottles still.
stinkyattic said:
AWESOME!!! Now I know who was enjoying that 30-rack I brought to the Lake! :D Gotta love good, basic, cheap beer!!!

I also like the Harpoon Munich Dark, which is dark but not heavy, and (don't smack me) Mich Ultra, which tastes similar to, but rather better than, bottled water. :D

As for summer beers... does Squeeze Birch Beer count? I've loved that shit since I was knee high to a grasshopper. It's made in the lovely Berkshires and comes in old-school glass soda bottles still.

hahaha, actually, i didn't have a lick to drink while i was up there i don't think (maybe i did? maybe i got smashed, i don't really remember, lol)... but if i had seen the PBR i woulda been down... lol

and to the guy drinking a fourty ounce up above, i salute you! lol
used to be a daily routine playing "hey mister" for steele 211 when i first moved out of my parents... haha...

that shit rots my stomach these days.... lol

happy drinking and smoking to you all!!!
remember, the formers a lot more damaging than the latter though...


cannabis enthusiast
some cold heineken after doing yard work in the hot sun is always a nice way to relax.....when its warm it tastes real crappy, but cold beer will make me happy....when i fall on the floor i get up and drink some more, beer is good!


gotta get in on this one ha. I do love me some beer. I'm mostly a stout/porter/double IPA dude.Brooklyn double chocolate stout mmm (drool), but to heavy for summer.

So If I want something refreshing and lighter, I usually go to Stone Pale ale, sierra Nevada pale ale always good choice, Sam Adams light, Bells Lager of the lakes, or bells amber or Oberon of course. theres a lot, but Thats what you would find me drinking on most days of summer.


Active member
Shock top ale. Heinie's, Weinhard's Private reserve, Hornsby's. Golden Ale from the local brewery(or beer-ery as I call it!).. :wave:


Corona ftw.
With the climate in Mexico, they know how to make a beer for summer.