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Florida Growers Thread

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Guest 18340

I have fpl too, and yeah, the rates are supposed to go up. I've yet to flower my indoor ak, but i think the outdoor ones are starting to flower. They are some vigorous growers, thats for sure. Took only 25 days from the time i put a seed in dirt to sex. And they're very uniform.
Man, 5 ton central air for a 10 x 16 room, i'm jealous!! I got a scrawny little 5k btu window unit for my 4 x 6 room.
To bad its such a risk hooking up with folks, i'd give you a few ak cuts to try out.
Peace, Evl


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evlme2 said:
Did somebody say outdoors? Heres my little outdoor garden, couple of ak47, and a hazexskunk thats planted in the ground. I live in the cocoa "area" and choppers fly around this bitch all day, but unless you're growing acres of weed, you really have nothing to worry about. I'm more worried about my neighbors but i move my potted plants around my yard on the weekends (when the neighbors arent at work).
Hey asher1, whats your juice bill like? And what size ac you using? Thats a nice room you got going there, very nice.

the plant behind the fence looks huge. When did you start vegging it? was it a clone, or from seed?


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evlme2 said:
I have fpl too, and yeah, the rates are supposed to go up. I've yet to flower my indoor ak, but i think the outdoor ones are starting to flower. They are some vigorous growers, thats for sure. Took only 25 days from the time i put a seed in dirt to sex. And they're very uniform.
Man, 5 ton central air for a 10 x 16 room, i'm jealous!! I got a scrawny little 5k btu window unit for my 4 x 6 room.
To bad its such a risk hooking up with folks, i'd give you a few ak cuts to try out.
Peace, Evl

evlme2, tell me about it, i hear of good strains floating around locally but i dont dare link up with anyone for them specially how things been lately... the mail is a different story :wave: :joint:

what company where your seeds from?

i needed a large ac as i don't air cool my lights, and i dont have any succesful way of air cooling them even if i wanted to so i had no choice, the 5 ton will support the room thats going next door aswell :joint: :joint:

Guest 18340

I bought my ak off of seedbay, and they're from serious seed. Best c-note i ever spent on seeds. They grow fast, may also be due to the fact that i'm growing them in coco, but they're very uniform.
So let me get this right, you have a 5ton unit just for your grow room(s)? So you have another central unit that cools your house? Wow dude, i freakin look up to you. Thats doing shit the right way.
The mail huh. Hmmm. Maybe...

Hey hunt4genetics, that big plant was started from seed the last week of march. I kept her indoors 'til she was a foot high and then put her in the ground. The seeds were freebies from seedbay when i purchased my AK47 from there. I measure her evryday and it grows a few inches a day, literally. I shit you not. I keep her well watered (been dry and hot over here) and feed her miracle grow.
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evlme2 said:
I bought my ak off of seedbay, and they're from serious seed. Best c-note i ever spent on seeds. They grow fast, may also be due to the fact that i'm growing them in coco, but they're very uniform.
So let me get this right, you have a 5ton unit just for your grow room(s)? So you have another central unit that cools your house? Wow dude, i freakin look up to you. Thats doing shit the right way.
The mail huh. Hmmm. Maybe...

Yeah pretty much, house is a 5 bedroom and most in the area got 2 ac's anyways so it don't look funny besides the fact that you really cant see nothing bt the front and 1 side of the house :joint: :joint:

Guest 18340

Hey my fellow florida growers, theirs a new hydro shop in town!
Its in Cocoa, located on the street behind the big white water tower on 1 that says "cocoa" on it.
i found the place by accident on my way home from work. They just opend up so i dropped in to check it out. Its called "East coast hydro". Its a small shop and the guy is pretty layed back and they carry all the usual products from the NGW catalog. They're open tues-sat, but the guy said if you need something to just call him and he'll come open the shop for you. Sweet. Also, the dude said he'll order whatever you need and have it there in 2 days.
Heres there # 321-863 0443, and the addy is 461 forrest ave, cocoa. There web addy is eastcoasthydro.com. The website isnt up yet, dude said it'll be up in 3 weeks.
I am in no way affiliated with them. I dont work for them, nor do i know them personally. and in no way am i implying that they're "cool" about weed growing. I'm simply putting this info out there cause hydro shops are few and far between over here in the cocoa area. I just moved here from Orlando where there were 3 shops.
The economy is bad enough and we need to support these local shops, otherwise the only way we can get supplies is thru mail order. There prices are on par with any other shop i've visited.
If this post violates any rules here on icmag then i sincerely apologize and mods delete this post accordingly.
Peace, Evl... :joint:
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Glad to see there popping up in your area..the economy is bad and people know whats making money right now :joint:

i been shoppin at the same store for ages and he does the same thing, if its after hours just give em a ring n he goes n opens up for me thats a major plus right there :joint:


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evlme, are you planning to flower those indicas in the summer? Outdoors? I would hate to see the entire crop wasted due to mold. Did you keep a mom? I usually put indica clones outside Sept.-March. That way they finish during the dry season. Seed plants start two months earlier.

The satvias should be fine. Keep in mind that by September, that thing might be huge, and it might not finish until November. Will that be a security issue for you? Cross you fingers that you don't get a hurricane in October.

Nice little grow. Keep us posted.

Guest 18340

Tropical, yeah i'm kinda gonna let the indicas do there thing. I didnt wanna just throw them away so i figured i'd just put them outside and see what happens. I got a mom in a half assed veg box (read: shower stall in my 2nd bathroom).
I'm starting to realize just how big that sativa will end up getting. Shes over 6 and a half ft tall and keeps getting bigger. Theirs a pretty tall jungle of trees and what not in my back yard, then a flood canal, then more tall over grown stuff , then the neighbors behind me so (hopefully) security won't be an issue. But if i have to chop her down i will do so rather than sit in the Brevard county jail.
I'm definately worried about a hurricane. Be a damn shame to lose her like that. Let alone my house getting smashed up.
Whats poppin' down your end of florida? You guys getting alot of rain? Been raining here almost everyday lately, nasty storms with lotsa lightning.
got anything growin' outside?


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Do you have a patio table that is made of glass or something that is at least translucent? That could at least keep the rain off your indicas while they are blooming.

One year I started some plants too late, so the rainy season started before the chop. I had a friend with a patio that got sun all day that time of year. I think it faced north. We put the plants there and got by without mold problems, but that mom was probably around 50% sativa.

I got a late start again this year due to a lengthy recuperation from an untimely surgery. I didn't have much time to veg, but, my mom was big, so I took a bunch of cuts and put them in planting beds, SOG style. Two kitty litter pans with holes drilled in the bottom had 12 clones each. I also had a 24" window box with four clones. I've done this before indoors. I have pics of that grow somewhere.

Anyway, I put them outside at my grow partner's backyard in March and he ended up having to hide them. He had a couple of handymen come to do some minor work, change some moldings, a counter, and paint the walls. Anyway, it was a three day job, but they were stoners and they would only work a couple hours a day, they would be stoned and slow, and most days they just didn't show up. Bottom line, my plants were hidden in the tool shed behind the house for about a month. Ouch. I think they had enough electric light to keep from flowering, but they didn't look good when they came out. A few of my babies died. :( They have been outside for almost two months now. Here is how they look:

By the way, indoor SOG growers usually put a string net over the plants to hold the buds when they get too heavy to stay up on their own. I knew it was going to be a pita to put a wooden stake and string for each of the 28 clones, so I got the idea to use some chicken fence to hold the string. It turns out the buds are too puny this year for that to matter. 28 fat, 24" colas, should have produced at least five or six ounces, probably half a pound. I'll be luck it I end up with one ounce out of this. It looks more like half an ounce from these pics.

I have still have a dozen more clones from that same batch that have been vegging and are ready to bloom, but I don't have a place for them. So, I reduced the light to slow down the growth, and I'll put them in my friend's yard in September, when the rain slows down and the work should be finished on his house.
Ok..I need a definite answer to this question...Im always hearing that cannabis actually starts to flower in South Florida around May..is this true...Is it just me or is the cycle 12/12 throughout the year??All info on growing outdoor in South Florida is very appreciated..I want to grow some clones under a T5 system,and then put them outside in coco pots around late June-early July to flower....when should I be able to harvest?


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When to start MJ Outdoors in Florida

iceXmango.soundsGood said:
what is the very earliest in the year i can start vegging my plants outside? I know its somethin like late april/early may, but can't i do it any earlier? thanks

I see people keep asking about when to start outdoors in Florida. There are more questions asked on this topic than any other in this thread. I think it's time for us to write a detailed FAQ on it and paste it into one of the first posts in the thread.

I’ll get this started and then you guys can review my draft and make comments to improve it. First, we need to see what’s already in the OG on this. As far as I can tell, the only FAQ related to this topic is one that lists the average first and last frost days for a few selected cities. It shows Tampa usually gets their first and last frost in January, and Miami is frost free. [faq]1445[/faq]

The most important points to keep in mind are:
  • Genetics determine how much darkness a plant will need to flower. The number of hours of uninterrupted darkness each night that will induce blooming is called that plant’s “critical night length.” This is usually around ten to eleven hours. So, indoor growers keep the limit the dark period to six hours to keep plants in veg, and switch to twelve hours to induce flowering. That probably covers 99% of the plants.
  • The longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere is in late June, and the shortest day is around Christmas.
  • The closer you are to the equator the less fluctuation there is in day length. It’s 12/12 every day of the year on the equator.
  • Plants wont start to flower until they are sexually mature. This can take a couple months and the exact amount of time is affected by the plant’s genes. Clones will have the maturity of the mother. So, young seedlings will stay in veg even when given long nights, but mature clones will start to flower when they are given long enough nights. I think there’s an FAQ on how to tell when a plant is sexually mature.
  • I’ve seen several plants flower right through the longest day of the year (shortest night).
  • The shorter veg season we have here is actually an advantage in many ways. The plants stay shorter, so they’re more stealthy. The lower yield can be compensated by planting more plants and having more flowering seasons. The longer you leave your plants outside, the more you expose them to loss due to pests, pestilence, poachers, or police.
  • Frost isn't good for Cannabis plants, so, if you live someplace that gets cold in the winter, you should put up some kind of temporary greenhouse on the cold days. I've seen some clear pup tents that are made for this purpose and I posted a link to them in the previous Florida growers thread. Or, you can rig something yourself with a clear plastic tarp, like Visqueen.

I keep moms, clone, and veg indoors and then treat the great outdoors here as a huge flowering room. That way, you keep most of the odor and heat away from your home and you take advantage of the powerful free grow lamp in the sky. Find a couple stoner friends who have sunny backyards and put one small bush or bed of tiny clones out there each month. That will give you and your friends plenty stash to keep everybody happy.

heavenrse said:
So, in my inexperienced opinion, you could probably start outdoors twice a year, April and October.

Yes, April is a good time if you want your seed plants to veg a bit outdoors. Start sexually mature clones a few weeks later. What do you mean about October being a good time to start?

Aquaman2112 said:
...if you start in oct. outside you end up with a 8inch bud, or a male! great to flower outside but needs the longer daylight to veg in or will go into flower as soon as she is old enough...

That’s right. Just remember that 8 inch buds aren’t bad if you have enough of them.

heavenrse said:
Can you speak more slowly? I'm not following. What's with the male thing?

Well, he’s just saying that a male wont give you an 8 inch bud, it will just give you a few balls.

What times of year are normal for starting outdoors (and staying outdoors)?

What do you mean by normal?

I also thought starting a bit later might contain the size a bit.....


JeebusCrunk said:
1st outdoor grow, many years ago, was Jamaican Sativa.

My first outdoor grow was Jamaican sativa too. I put two mature plants out in March and they started to flower right away, producing about six ounces. The second round went out in June and they flowered right through the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. Those plants must have had some indica in their genetics to flower early like that.

Aquaman2112 said:
well sitivas will stretch and grow bigger outdoors but really I found May to be a good month to start here! some of my aprils flowered out! it will definatly contain the size...

Yes, many strains, especially indicas, will flower here no matter when you put them outside. The indicas will tend to mold if you let them finish outside in the rainy season.


This is my first year trying some outdoors, and loving it so far. Not quite as fancy as some of you cats, but trying! :)

Here's my Northern Lights momma. She's been through 2 harvests inside, and given me many clones over the last year. She was put outside June1st and hoping she'll be ripe Aug15th:

This is a Satori mom with 4 nice cola branches I'm lst'ing a bit to keep lower:

And this is a little Biggie Small mom I put out as well as the others were really digging the sun:

Stay safe and keep Florida green! - OGH


Active member
You're welcome, asher1er. Your grow is looking nice. I'm expecting a call at harvest time. :smoke:

Oldgrayhair, welcome to the world of Florida outdoor growing. I find that once I take a bunch of cuts off of a mom, she wont flower worth a shit. Keep it graan. ;-)


Yeah, I'd heard that to Tropical, and thanks for the welcome :)

They are just out there for some extra smoke and experimenting mainly. Ran out of room to keep them in the closet....so seemed like an easy way to increase my room size was to take them out :-0

If my old brain remembers I'll try and update pics of her/them as they go.

Peace guys - OGH
Just curious if anyone knows where I could find a shop that sells Coco in the West Miami-Dade area?...And hello to my fellow Floridians...I hope the rainy weather does you all well!


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zombi3girl said:
Just curious if anyone knows where I could find a shop that sells Coco in the West Miami-Dade area?...And hello to my fellow Floridians...I hope the rainy weather does you all well!

check these peeps out


very good peoples n wont do you wrong..

only place selling Canna in the area aswell :joint:

Guest 18340

Tropical, props for the "When to grow MJ outdoors in Florida".
I believe (within reason) that damn near anybody down here can get away with at least 1 clone in the corner of the yard somewhere. My bro puts a dozen 3" clones in the middle of a flower bed in his backyard every October and ends up with a dozen 12", 1oz plants.
Most plants/trees stay green year round here so MJ blends in nicely.
Check out how big my Thai/hazexskunk is. Thats my buddy, and hes' 5'11.
Please tell me you were only joking about this possibley flowering 'til november :eek:
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