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The 08 Slapstick grow


Lets look at the "sprouts", for a little... the ones i planted not so long ago.

First a pic of one of the two Blueberries...

Love them.. simply love them! They are streatching a lot, but in my book streatching is growing! By now they are way bigger than most of my passions.. which is so odd, as they are so much younger and have the same conditions...

Blueberry (one more)


Doing ok.. looking a bit lonesom at times..
So i took two pictures of the same plant, cant have it be lonely!

There are 3.. can u see the third? it there up in top/middle of the pic.. it was the one i thought was gonna die because of the drought, but its alive... and growing REALLY slowly.

Spontanica still

The two others are doing ok, small ofc. but growing.

Spontanica again
Little closer, i think its a nice looking plant tbh.

Kali Most

As u can see, it looks like it has the same problem as one of my HP´s... i really wonder what it is.. kinda sad about it, as i have heard a lot of positive about Kali Mist.. so ofc. Most is interesting as well..

I dont think i have show u these before.. well since sprouts anyway. my
White Rhinos.. first one that almost also died due to the drought:


the two others are looking better:


Reason why i have not showed them is they are not really on my property.. they are next to the corn field...

Thats why they are doing so well.. they get more sun.. but i wonder if there is going to be a price to this... Im afraid they wont finish before they harvest the corn... that would not be good.. was not thinking it trough when i planted them i guess.

Finally the c99xGG :headbange

A little overlook, the 3 of them doing really well.. 1 is a different pheno, with odd leaves... and just dosent grow that much...

the biggest in front is a female, so im ofc pretty happy with that :muahaha:
Doubt u can see it on this pic. but here goes:

the one in the top left corner.. is a male that im sure u can see:

I still have not chopped it down. I have long been wanting to experiment breeding... but the more i look at the work some people do here on Icmag, i get a little humble, and think ill just leave it to the pro people.. I think i need more specimen to select. But i do like this male.. he was the first to show sex, of all of mine.. and this cross is so potent.. what do u think?

In the end, i just wanted to show u those pretty flowers from an earlier post.. not so pretty any more :puppydoge

I worry about that... dont want my weed to look like that in a few weeks!!!




Lovely grow Slapstick really nice.U should get some neem oil as that will keep most bugs of your plants and it's organic.The plant u fermented is called stinging nettles and since you experimenting u should try some papaya next time.I'll stop by every now and then.


InPotiTrust said:
Lovely grow Slapstick really nice.U should get some neem oil as that will keep most bugs of your plants and it's organic.The plant u fermented is called stinging nettles and since you experimenting u should try some papaya next time.I'll stop by every now and then.

Hey IPT :wave:
Thanks for stopping bye and giving me some advise! Ill definetly look into that neem oil, but the papaya is however a little harder.. guess its a more common in jamaica (guessing thats where u are from because of the flag) Im up in the cold northern europe... We cant grow those here :rasta: making fermenting those pretty expensive! Though im gonna look into fermenting other stuff now.. did a search for papaya fermentation, and found some interesting reads. Gonna try finding something local that can be fermented and used for the flower stage! So thx alot for u imput :wave:




Very interesting thread, :lurk: (taking a seat and relaxes with this show) I want really bad to see how your leb27 and royal dane plants grow and how much they produce flower. I am seekin for the seeds to get my own outdoor-growing here at the northern hampshire more better...with the right strains.. for next summer (2009).

Nice garden-quard you got there. He is adorable. :kewlpics:



Slapstick said:
Hey IPT :wave:
Thanks for stopping bye and giving me some advise! Ill definetly look into that neem oil, but the papaya is however a little harder.. guess its a more common in jamaica (guessing thats where u are from because of the flag) Im up in the cold northern europe... We cant grow those here :rasta: making fermenting those pretty expensive! Though im gonna look into fermenting other stuff now.. did a search for papaya fermentation, and found some interesting reads. Gonna try finding something local that can be fermented and used for the flower stage! So thx alot for u imput :wave:


Yea i'm from JA but i'm in the North East in the cold too(I hate the cold) if u can't find papaya then look for squash and cantaloupe as u can make a nice fermented extract with Squash,Cantaloupe,Banana and dilute with 20 parts water and use for flower.


Hi esbe :wave: thx for stopping bye, and yea u are right things are acktually starting to grow a little.. The sun has acktually poked out a bit the last couple of days!

Hi DonBong, and thx :smoke: Its acktually my first run of the Royal Danes and the Leb27, so far im really happy (well i had some last year but they where all killed by monster slugs). Im quite proud of my fellow Danish growers, they really know their stuff, so if u are looking for strains that would work in Finland (guessing thats u home, because of that strange writing in u sig :smile: ) u should check out the danish forum, and ofc. esbe and paddys grows.. u cant really skip those (im sure u have already checked them out), acktually there are a shitload of growers these days on Icmag from Denmark... We like the grass! Apparently we are the nation in europe who smokes the most according to newsartikles today.. :laughing:

IPT, u sure have some interesting knowledge on fertilisers, im trying to find more info on that fermentation of squash, bananas and cantaloupe.. i love babanas and cantaloupe.. and i grow my own squash.. so its something that i could very much do!

Anyway, on with the show:

This is not going to be another monster update, as im pretty busy atm. Things are going pretty well in the garden, not much has changed since the last update... its growing, but taking its sweet time :smile:

Gonna start off with my last lowrider.

As u can see its started flowering, and its acktually looking pretty tasty for a lowrider imo.





Buds are quite frosty and getting pretty nice and full... ill give it as long as it needs, but im pretty happy i have that little girl now, as my stash is getting dangerously low.

One quick pic of the c99xGG patch. there are still 3 left, (one male dead). 2 are confirmed females, and one strange little pheno, which is still to show sex, but no matter what its no biggie..
(its quite windy so not a great pic.)

Now on to some more ... well strange photos.
These are of two of my white rhinos, which are planted next to a corn field (majs).




Now please if u have any idea what this stuff is, please let me know.. I have newer seen anything like this before! My fear is that it has something to do with the stuff the farmer was spraying out there the last week...

Anyway thx for stopping bye, and thx for sharing.. stay safe!



LOL i think its the cow and pig shit the farmer sprays but its going to be lovly green again


:wave: hi kalle!

Well... its not fertiliser, the stuff they where spraying looked more like poison.... U know a big yellow jug on the back of a tracktor... so either it would be industry strenght chemical fertiliser, which i doubt as they have a lot of crap here they need to get rid of :smile: or its some form of poison... i dunno, i think its going to be ok, the top leafs, the new ones, does not look as damaged..



ok then maybe u wont get animals in your weed :) Thats good news hehe
its some form of poison then it must be


Hi again,

Last month or so, since i planted my little babies i have been plagued with some buggs that seem to hide when im around... but still make holes and shit in my plants, which is stunting their growth! Now i have planted some garlic around them.. apparently not enough.. So i figure i step it up a notch!... this is what im going to be trying out!


Gonna smash a garlic clowe down a spray bottle.. and add a Neem pill... wanted neem oil, as suggested by IPT, but didnt have it and have no clue where to get it.. luckely my wife has all sorts of natural shit around and she acktually has some neem pills.. full of dried neem. I have no clue if it works, but sure hope so!
And yes the pic of kallenavns little babe is in the background, what a little darling.. which leads me to my little darling, i have not updated on that one in a while.. took this pic. last night, a little bummed its not better quality, as he was cracking me up, sleeping like that!

:laughing: :laughing:

And also, im hoping my friend etos will pop in soon, to show pics of his grow.. I think his grow is going be freaking awesome this year, as he has found the sweetest spot ever!


Nice Pic on that screen m8 and thank u your baby is lovly to AMerican bull dog right or is it a ban dog?
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My babe is a little Amstaff, or American Staffordshire Terrier.. or monsterous children and dog slaughtering machine according to some journalists who have absolutely no clue about what they are talking about! Its a great breed, u just need to know what u are doing with them, just as u need to know with any dog. The only problem with this breed is that a lot of dumb people have chosen to have this type. Dogs are just like people and weed.. if u shower them with love and affection, u get love and affection back.. If u beat and break them, they will try to do the same to u.. or worse to others.

sorry, dont mean to ramble, but i just reasonly read another article where the journalist wrote that it was assumably this breed of dog who attacked and killed another dog.. well, thats just deep journalism, "assumably because i wasent there and that storry sells better".. Last year a labrador bit the head off a little girl.. u dont read about that anywere.

Anyway... enough about that stuff! The guard pup says hi :wave:


oki now i see she is not so big on this pix hehe i do know the breed in dk its very pop to have one but im more to staffordshire bullterrie.....But she is cute :)


hah, thx oldsmoker! Though a growshop might seem like an obvious place to look it had not even crossed my mind :smile: so thank u! Ill wait and see if my own brew will work, if not i now know where to get the real stuff.. and its pretty sheap even, cool!


Hey Ipt... The garlic broke the spray bottle.. Another problem is that it always rains here, washing off the stuff.. Though besides that, i tried the brew on one of those plants full of little green fleas or what ever u call them, there is a pic of them somewhere in this tread. anyway, the stem i sprayed has no more bugs.. so it clearly works! It should be sunny here the next few days, so im gonna go pensil some on them instead.

Anyway, time for an update!

Gonna start off with some LR pics, as they are the most interesting atm.


Pretty good looking stuff, smells is nice as well.. dunno how long it has left, but so far no mold at all, and the sun the next days is promessing.


These are still my favorite plants. Bugs seem less interested in them, and they grow faster.. even the little odd pheno one in the cornor is starting to grow a little. It looks more sativa than the other two.


Here an overview of the Leb 27s.. they are doing ok, growing a bit slower than i would like, so i have chopped a couple of the tree branches above and next to them, to get a bit more sun... next few weeks should be interesting!

Passion nr. 1

Again a overview pic.. the 3 little ones has started growing, and the big one in the back is slowing down.. im also pretty sure that one is a male.. bummer.




As u can see they have grown a lot the last weeks.. well ever since i put them in the ground! And another interesting aspect is that they have hardly any bug problems.. i acktually hope for a male, and the perhaps cross it with one of they early danish strains. Super impressed by this strain so far!


Looks like the new set of leaves has not been attacked by bugs, so perhaps my brew is working!?

Royal Dane

These have not been growin that much lately.. and afraid the biggest one is a male.. Still quite happy so far..

Danish Passion

These seem to finaly have desided to grow a bit.. im glad, they can still make it!!


A little overview first.. As u can see, they dont get much sun.. i regret placing them there!..

And as u can see, the bugs seem to love these HP, which is ofc. not helping at all. I chopped down some branches that where shading them, so perhaps they will get a bit more light now.


growing and getting eaten a bit, but fair growth compared to their location.

Kali Most


Not so bad... A pretty nice little plant, looking forward to see it evolve!

That was the update.. no big whoop no big problems, just enjoying the sun, making plans for the future etc. enjoying the company of friends! Oh yea, speaking of plans and friends etc. a really nice person read my post about the Early Durban from last year.. which i really wanted to try again.. but no seeds this year.. well look what came in the mail today :jump:

Super exited, gonna sprout some right away.. its kinda late to do this, so im gonna save most for next year!! Also im probably gonna plant them in some pots, so i can have them in a sunnier place, and move them etc... really really happy about this, thx m8 .. u know who u are :wave:


God damn. Lovely update.

Some really interesting genetics.
I grow a few of them in -07.
Havent had much luck with my ED so far this year. Maybe I´ll have a few late ones.



Thx paddi! Im just loving this garden stuff, and the possibility to have so many different strains is.. well i lack propper words..
I really like the ED, a very good potent smoke, and then it can acktually finish here even though it is mostly a sativa.. Im thinking it would be a good strain to cross with something local. We have a lot of great strains by now, but i wish we/i had something more sativa.. so a EDxLeb27 would be interesting i think.. Hopefully it would ad just a bit more sativa and punch, to the leb, and then the leb hopefully would add some mold resistance.. Well what do i know, i acktually newer smoked the leb27 yet.. but im pretty sure i will soon :jump:

Anyway, looking forward to see what the future will bring :jump:
