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How many seconds must you hold in a hit for maximum THC absorbtion?


TNTBudSticker: I really like your Avitar I guess that what it is called. How did you make it?? Barely can turn a compter on. Rafe


Freedom Fighter
Bulénath said:
(oh and kmk420kali, shooting into a vein is much faster)

You would think so...but no-- I was able to slam coke, and rinse my outfit before the rush came on...but with crack...you have an instant rush--
BTW...I have been clean off all that shit for 13 years now...but yeah, I was a heroin addict for 18--
I know that my analogy isn't very precise.. but I am too faded to go look it up...smoking is the fastest way--lol


i remeber one time right before class back in highschool a bunch of my buddies where blazing, i didnt even really inhale my bonghoot, blew it out asap (i didnt really wanna get baked for class).. and.. that shit didnt work at all, I was hiiiiiiigh


So, let's change "hold it in" to "Breathe deeply and then exhale the shit right away." That's what I do today and knock on wood, no bronchitis so far.

you forgot to add that you vape. completely different.

for smoking i never inhale deeply or hold longer than a couple secs. then sometimes after smoking i will inhale a lemon oil cold air diffusion.


zeeba amoeba said:
He compared 10 seconds versus ***ZERO*** seconds, i.e. you IMMEDIATELY exhale, without even waiting ONE second. Think about that. In out just like so! You're basically NOT INHALING, PERIOD. The author is poking fun of the scientists who compared 10 second holding period to nothing at all, i.e. not really inhaling at all. Read the complete paragraph.

This is a VERY important thread, maybe the MOST important thread I've ever seen on a cannabis forum, and merits becoming a sticky. Because all of us have been told, "Hold it in!" which is BULL SHIT. I remember being thirteen years old and my older brother telling me this shit, and we all did it, for YEARS, and it's BULL SHIT, just like Christianity and Santa Claus.

And the down side? You're exposed to so much tar and carcinogens when you hold it in. That fucked me up so bad, I got chronic bronchitis when I was a teenager from smoking marijuana, and had to go to the fucking HOSPITAL, where I stayed for about a week. It was because the bronchitis would not go away, not after two, three months. They thought I had pneumonia. I got xrays and all this shit. I was on antibiotics for months and constipated from them.

Like a lot of urban myths, this "hold it in" bull shit has the power to do evil, maybe not on a large scale but it sure isn't helping pot smokers at all.

So, let's change "hold it in" to "Breathe deeply and then exhale the shit right away." That's what I do today and knock on wood, no bronchitis so far.

do u have u ever smoked cigarettes sounds more like u have light astma i got the same deal i would get broncitis that lasted for like a month when i was little (3 weeks more than most kids) then i started smoking and bam i got a wheeze then i got temp brocitis that fucking crippled my ass as far as smoking
(ever see someone take a hit then get realy out of breath like it was hard?

but thats cigarettes and they are broncial constrictors

cannabis on the other hand when inhaled like that albuteral inhaler they probubly gave you will make the wheezing go away even though i still smoke cigs sort of a temporary fix

so advice to u is go ure hospital get an astma test they basicly make u inhale this shit then see if it made ure breathing fucked up if it did u have asthma

but if u have the light astma and DONT smoke cigs like i do you wouldn't even notice exept when u get a lung infection like broncitis that on top of smoking anything even weed will make ure broncitis last about a month with a 2 month recovery.

so did i nail it or what?

edit- i thought the constipation was from the roids they put me on
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bowlgrinder said:
do u have u ever smoked cigarettes sounds more like u have light astma i got the same deal i would get broncitis that lasted for like a month when i was little (3 weeks more than most kids) then i started smoking and bam i got a wheeze then i got temp brocitis that fucking crippled my ass as far as smoking
(ever see someone take a hit then get realy out of breath like it was hard?

but thats cigarettes and they are broncial constrictors

cannabis on the other hand when inhaled like that albuteral inhaler they probubly gave you will make the wheezing go away even though i still smoke cigs sort of a temporary fix

so advice to u is go ure hospital get an astma test they basicly make u inhale this shit then see if it made ure breathing fucked up if it did u have asthma

but if u have the light astma and DONT smoke cigs like i do you wouldn't even notice exept when u get a lung infection like broncitis that on top of smoking anything even weed will make ure broncitis last about a month with a 2 month recovery.

so did i nail it or what?

edit- i thought the constipation was from the roids they put me on

I don't have asthma but on the other hand I can't smoke with impunity. My mother did have mild asthma, as for me I didn't but I did suffer from bronchitis. Now in the old days (even today probably because doctors are such dumbasses for the most part) they automatically put you on an antibiotic if you exhibited bronchitis. Which does absolutely nothing, except cultivate a new crop of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in your gut, AND cause constipation, AND devastate the pre-existing bacteria culture in your gut, which can lead to depression and reduced immune system functionality. Basically at least 50% of medical practice is horse shit today. Doctors prescribe aspirin for arthritis, which eats away the lining of your stomach. Prozac for depression, which turns people into motor mouths.

Anyway getting back to bronchitis... that's why I often use a vaporizer instead of a bong, even though the vaporizer is a pain in the ass. You have to plug it in, then wait about 5 minutes for it to warm up. Then it takes about ten tokes to get to the same place that a water bong will take you in two. But the lung irritation is greatly reduced.

I guess I'm on a crusade against urban myths. Basically I've been fighting bullshit all my life. There is a lot of misinformation surrounding marijuana. The "hold it in" bullshit is bad, but the government also spreads misinformation on purpose, like "marijuana is an addictive drug," (if so how come I didn't get high today?) or "marijuana is a gateway drug" (if so how come I don't use other drugs?) But what else is new--in the old days, supposedly girls thought they could get pregnant from petting.
take a huge bong hit, close pin your nose and ducktape your mouth untill you pass out. thats the best way to absorb 99.9% of the THC :headbange :bashhead: oh and you might wanna have a buddy take the ducktape and close pin off when ur passed out.
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I find the most effective way to inhale cannabis smoke is to exhale fully and then immediately inhale the smoke...inhaling correctly and holding the smoke in for a few seconds seems to have a stronger effect than just a quick shallow puff that you expel out fast ... I've tried holding smoke in longer, but anymore than 4 seconds doesn't seem to improve effect....usually I hold the smoke in longer with dry sifted hash

most smokers don't fully exhale before inhaling smoke so they can't finish the pipe in one hit or take too much and cough their guts out wasting it ..clear your lungs, then inhale and you find it more effective and cooler/less irritating

another way is the exhale fully, inhale smoke (about 1/2 ~ 3/4 capacity) wait a second or two then inhale more air.

being slumped over reduces you lung capacity, so always sit up straight or better still, stand up straight when hitting a pipe or jay, shoulders back, neck lengthened and breath in and out using your lower stomach when inhaling.

"if you don't, you don't get off" is the most stupidest saying I've heard......smoke as above and you won't cough. I've taught plenty of first time smokers how to inhale this way, then gave them a joint and they didn't cough at all...some had tried cannabis before and coughed their guts out so much that they were amazed that this simple method worked
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Chamba said:
I find the most effective way to inhale cannabis smoke is to exhale fully and then immediately inhale the smoke...inhaling correctly and holding the smoke in for a few seconds seems to have a stronger effect than just a quick shallow puff that you expel out fast ... I've tried holding smoke in longer, but anymore than 4 seconds doesn't seem to improve effect....usually I hold the smoke in longer with dry sifted hash

most smokers don't fully exhale before inhaling smoke so they can't finish the pipe in one hit or take too much and cough their guts out wasting it ..clear your lungs, then inhale and you find it more effective and cooler/less irritating

another way is the exhale fully, inhale smoke (about 1/2 ~ 3/4 capacity) wait a second or two then inhale more air.

being slumped over reduces you lung capacity, so always sit up straight or better still, stand up straight when hitting a pipe or jay, shoulders back, neck lengthened and breath in and out using your lower stomach when inhaling.

"if you don't, you don't get off" is the most stupidest saying I've heard......smoke as above and you won't cough. I've taught plenty of first time smokers how to inhale this way, then gave them a joint and they didn't cough at all...some had tried cannabis before and coughed their guts out so much that they were amazed that this simple method worked

Good points, I always rip my first couple bongs standin up and then by the time I hit 4 or 5 I make myself sit down to smoke so I dont drop the pipe.

IMHO The most effecient hit is when you are standing and you take a nice deep toke hold for about 3 seconds take another little breath to fill your lungs to capacity, Hold for about 2 seconds and exhale.

I would say I prolly hold the smoke in a total of 5-9 seconds most of the time. There is no scientific reasoning behind this that I know of, in theory the second breathe pulls the smoke deeper into my lungs and gets it movin around in there so i absorb more, but in the end its just the way I feel after that amount of time.

If I am smokin a joint or something with paper that burns constantly, I only hit it like that a couple times. After that I will puff on it for a minute or so and take a couple more deep tokes. Then puff and the last hit I always try to make a big one, unless I am already baked outa my skull.


The trick is to inhale deeply, then keep the smoke moving around in your lungs by exhaling and inhaling in a repeating pattern. So you exhale a bit right after the toke, inhale again, ect. If the smoke just sits there it stops absorption and probably just condenses into your lung tissue.


lives on planet 4:20
i have tried it.....with the same strain....and either way.....i got just as high

so in the end it makes no sense to hold it...just inhale as much as you can and then exhale...period


this is the absolute perfect amount of time to hold it in. 3.25. seconds any less and you wont get the full amount of thc, any more and you'll get too much tar and eventually die a slow death horrible death from lung cancer.

how about just buying a vape and holding it in until you pass out??


lives on planet 4:20
lol at hdn155....how about just smoking a strain where you take five tokes and pass out...cheaper than the vaporizer


but sf you dont understand i "MUST" know the exact amount of time to hold in a toke. i have done numerous scientific experiments coming to the conclusion that 3.24 seconds to 3.26 seconds is the margin that produces the abosulete most amount of thc with the absolute least amount of tar. these tests were conducted with various smoking devices.

the reason i suggest a vaporizer is simply because regardless of the amount of time you hold in your hit, you are going to receive the most thc and least tar humanly possible.


lives on planet 4:20
next time i am in amsterdam will definately try the vaporizer....and especially try to hold a hit till i pass out...just for you hdn155...lol


make sure you start your stopwatch when you start inhaling the smoke/vapor otherwise your research is useless.


lives on planet 4:20
hdn....what if i do pass out....should i ask the bartender to look at my watch when my high ass hits the floor after holding the vap hit and passing out?