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ocean foreat


im not so sure where get your advice from but ffof is grea to start sedlings in. id tell your souce its wrong.

News to me
I've never actually tried sprouting in it so if it works


Stoned Cold said:
I've wondered if the inconsistant opinions on poppin seeds in FFOF is related to the inconsistancy OF ffof.

If there was that much inconsistency, people who have been using it or years, like some who have posted here would have surely come across it by now......They seem to stay true to them.....

It is a medium, and whatever your medium is you can learn how to manipulate that medium to your advantage.. Not everyone is gonna like the same medium.....
The one who started this thread must understand that the only way to know for sure is to try it and see if it works for you.....This holds true for everything in life. It is also wise to not hold to the idea that one method or medium is superior to another.

I hope your not confused by the conflicting opinions here ?? Know that all of these contradictions are just opinions based on peoples experiences.... Good Luck mayng.........


B.C. said:
I think it's funny, some say it's too hot, while others say there's nothin in it. LOL! I've used it fer years, no extra lime, no extra worm castings ( it's already in there ) jus 30% perlite added fer drainage. I never had PH or PM issues with it? if this were true I think I would have came across it, as many bags as I've used over the years. I buy so much of it, my guy cuts me a break on the price.lol I never had a problem starting seeds in either. I cut it by 50% and pop the seeds right in it and away I go! So yeah, I spose ta each there own... Take care... BC

same here.
add perlite and go.

this stuff has a tendency to pack down after repeated waterings, and time, so its good not only for drainage, but, to keep it aerated as well.

as long as your water/feed is pH'd to where you like it (i prefer 6.5-6.8) it should be smooth sailing.

the only time ive added worm poop to it is if i re-use it......

never had any probs or issues.
deficiencies can be handled with nutes and know how, if they appear.

good luck.


Clackamas Coot

Active member
FoxFarm Ocean Forest

FoxFarm Ocean Forest

RE: FFOF Inconsistency

At least some of the inconsistency issues with FFOF are a result of mishandling by the transportation companies during transit as well as how it is stored at destination.

It would be highly unlikely that FoxFarms would arrange transportation and delivery from their facility. That is for the broker, dealer, distributor, retailer, etc. to handle. One of their goals is to get the product from Arcata, California to their facility at the least cost - especially with #2 diesel running over $5.00 per gallon. By forcing the consignee to arrange transportation, FoxFarm doesn't have to pay staff to sit on the phone and listen to the inherent whining, sniveling and crying over the 'landed costs' from their customers.

Bottom line is that this soil isn't going to be moving on temperature controlled trailers. At destination it may or may not be off-loaded into a warehouse but that's not likely unless the distributor is pretty big. It's pretty common to see pallets of soil stacked outside since the weather can't hurt the soil and warehouse space is too valuable to allocate it for potting soil - even if that soil in question is "FoxFarm Ocean Forest" which as we all know is the bestest, greatest, most wonderful product to have ever come down the cannabis growing mythology pike!

Thank God for those mythical, not to mention mystical, mirthful mixers of media! All hail Arcata! All praises from on high!

Potting soils containing the types of non-chemical amendments that better soils contain, and even FoxFarms' soils have a few - not many but there are some there lurking about. Heat these agents up, with enough moisture in the mix - keep the truck on the road for 7 - 10 days to the East Coast, in the sun with no control on the airflow or temperature in the trailer and you have a formula for disaster.

To add to the problem of the soil being contained inside plastic bags is that at origin, the shipping clerks will have placed several layers of 'shrink-wrap' around the pallet to prevent the product from shifting during shipping which is a concern when hauling bagged products of any kind.

Keep in mind that in spite of the religious fervor among some cannabis growers, to people out there in the 'real world' this is just another inexpensive, mediocre potting soil. Drop in at FoxFarm's facility in Arcata and you can buy this stuff for $7 - 8.00 per bag - and that's the 'doofus price' with the 'bro price' being whatever you can work out with the night loading crew. There is no special care provided for hauling this product because if there's a claim for whatever reason, the carrier is only responsible for replacement cost at origin - probably about $3.75 per bag. Kinda pales in comparison to $45.00 per bag, eh

So you're thinking - how can I make my soil 'inconsistent' to be like FFOF and possibly save money?

Simple - and you can even try this at home! Take some fresh potting soil that you can source locally. Better still would be to take a proven, professional mix like the "LC Mix" and get it all mixed and put the mix into a used potting soil bag that is pretty much intact. Now wrap the bag of potting soil in 7 or 8 trash bags - clear ones ti simulate the shrink-wrap used on the pallets.

Place the bag of soil outside in the sun and let 'er sit for a couple of weeks in the sun. For sh*ts and grins, head out there and spray water on it about half-way into the experiment to simulate rain. By the time the water seeps down to the lower levels of the stacked, bagged soil - that should add some fun stuff to the soil via the small, tiny holes that exist in the plastic bags!

We're not done yet! Now it's time to simulate 'storing at the retail store' where the bags will have been cleaned up so that you can view the graphics that you've paid dearly for. The bags will be stacked all nice and neat, sometimes up against the front window to let everyone know that they carry the 'bestest stuff' to grow cannabis because as we all know - it takes 'special stuff' to grow this plant by golly!

A few days/weeks sitting in the sun against the front window also helps to move the 'inconsistency' train down the track.

Or just move the bag into your garage for another month or so and store it in a cool place.

Now it's time to see how successful this experiment has been to get a professional soil mix (LC Mix) to the level of FoxFarm soils so let's use this soil and do not change one other factor in how you normally do things.

How's that 'inconsistency thingie' working out for you?

Not worry though because the friendly guy down at 'da growed store' is standing there, ready, willing and able to sell you any number of FoxFarm nutrients, amendments, etc. that can 'fix' the inconsistency deal and if they don't have the exact product with a logo cool enough to excite you then there's a number of other product he's willing to sell you - all on commission of course.

Or an individual could buy ProMix or Sunshine Mix, add compost, lime, bat guano, bird guano, blah, blah, blah, blah and you'll spend about $5.00 per c.f. with you having complete control on the quality of amendments, quantity of those amendments and an understanding on how things work.

Or maybe you can take the soil out of the bag when you get it home and put into the oven and bake it to 'kill all the fungus & bacteria' as suggested by the original 'King of Cannabis' - George/Jorge Cervantes.

The bottom line is that it's pretty easy to take a professional soil mix and 'dumb it down' to be as bad as FFOF as I've shown. You can actually make your soil worse than FFOF but it requires a couple of other productss that you can learn about from their web site on their at the page describing their "Holy Trio" for growing 'really big flowers'!

Think of the money that I've shown you how to save! Money that can be better spent during the financial dark days that seem to be upon us.

Break the cycle! Bake your soil! You can do it! Free the FFOF 5,000,000!!


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just my opinion

just my opinion

I have used ffof for a few years, IMO I would pay more than 20 a bag. I cut ffof with 30% perlite no lime, The oyster shell's keep the ph perfect.. I also don't feed for 30 days give or take a week depending on the strain. This run I'm trying happy frog.. So far we have near exact results..The happy frog is 4-6 bucks cheaper and the bags are 2.0 cu ft... Has anyone done a full run with happy frog any opinions? Clackamas I have to agree with you 100% mishandling by the transportation companies is the reason why i pay 24 a bag because it's flew in .. I can go to another local shop where its trucked and stored out side there it's 19 a bag :bashhead: Here are some kalichakra 35 days , Grown in ffof with ff nutes..


Non Conformist
Oh Gawd!

Oh Gawd!

Well I reckon I've jus been lucky useing FFOF all these years, huh Clackamas Coot?? LOL! You've shown me nothin but yer nasty assed sarcasim, and yer half assed ability ta try an make folks look and feel stupid for jus giving their opinions....AGAIN! WTF? Can't you talk ta people like they -are- people, and not like some kid yer jus tryin ta win an arguement with out on the playground ? I mean afterall dude, no one has spoken ta you like that. We're all here ta learn from each other, but all I'm learning from you is that you act childish when things don't go yer way. Leave the sarcasim at the door please. Trust me, it doesn't do any of us any good, and it jus makes ya look like an asshole, when yer really not! Take care... BC


Before I switched to Coco FFOF is all I used and was very happy and only went to coco to be a more rounded grower. I would read clacka's post but feel it is time I will never get back so I'll go off of what BC is sayin and leave it at that. FFOF is great stuff thats all I know.


FFOF cut 50/50 with kellog's compost



Jack Herer

Good shit but I've got some huge girls growing outdoors looking just as good in veg but with master nursery's farmer's gold in replace of the more expensive ffof.

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