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What's the big secret to successful clones?


this is not a new method to cloning but is the latest method i have been using and is by far the easiest, most full proof (fool proof as well) i have ever tried.

i have cloned everywhich way you can imagine. i have used vermiculite and perlite @ 50/50% in seed starting trays, i have built bubble cloners, areo cloner, used rapid rooters, rockwool and any other way you can come up with i have probally tried. yes even tried cloning in a glass of water.

all i use now is 9oz clear plastic cups, coco coir, rapid rooter cloning solution, and some distilled water. teh rapid rooter solution is not the stem dip gel, but rather a liquid concentrate cloning fertilizer. i think it comes in a quart bottle for like 20.00. i am sure there are other things you could use, like diluted nutrients of your liking but this is what i use, and it seems to do the trick.

so first i mix 40ml of rooting solution to a gallon of distilled water. i use the water to hydrate the coco coir. i find that a gallon will hydrate a small block of coco coir by gen hydroponics perfectly.

while that is hydrating i get my plastic cups ready. i use a drill and drill 4 to 5 holes in teh bottom of each cup for drainage. when thats done the coco is usually ready to add to the cups. i fill each cup up to the top loosely and then compact the coco until the cups look 3/4 full. when they are all filled then i am ready to take my cuts. one small brick should be enough to do 25 cups (cuts).

now i get a cup of water and add a few drops of the rr solution to have standing by so as soon as i cut the doner pieces they are put into teh cup of water and stay there for 5-10 minuites to make sure there is no air pockets in the cuts.

while the clones are sitting in the water i will sterilize a nail or something similar with some 94%ISO. i use the nail to make my holes in the coco coir. when thats all done then its time to put the cuts into there new homes.

i take my cuts so that there is at least two nodes that will be in the coco cause i find that is where the roots usually come out. so my cuts are about 2-3 inches. also i like to leave at least 1 and sometimes two nodes above the coco and i also leave the big sucker leaves on when using this method. seems to help leaving them, unlike in other cloning methods its best to chop them off cause they usually get in the way or end up rotting. this method the clones look like the day you took them when they get roots and are transplanted. i have gained at least two weeks of grow (veg) time using this method.

when putting the cuts into the coco you can use a rooting powder/gel if you like or you can put them straight into the coco. i have done it bith ways and haved worked great either way. probally because of the rooting solution that i mentioned previously. so stick the stems in and make sure to press the coco nice and firm around the stem to make sure there isint any air pockets. also i like to give the cuts a spray with a fine mist spray bottle... again i use distilled water but i only add 5ml per quart. give them a spray every 24 hours to 48 hours...if you think of it.

so that is just about it, just make sure your coco dont dry out too much. i rewet mine every three days....and sometimes every day once they get roots. you will start to see roots in 5-15 days. but you will get almost 100% every time. the only ones you will lose will usually wilt during the first 12/24 hours, and its because of air pockets....make sure to tamp the coco down good. i have lost maybe 3 clones out of 500+ using this method....and everyone who has tried it has had similar results.

no need for humid-domes...no more clone machines...throw all that crap away...cause you dont need it anymore!!!

here is some pics of a set-up....the top is under 2-40w floros and then the transplanted ones are under t-5's+1 4ft floro 40 watter....and then they go straight to the hps....i dont recomend metal halide because of the stretch they cause....hps grows them just the way i like....

i hope you all try this......this is my attempt of yelling it from the rooftops....

edit...since first writing this i foound a cheaper product to clonex solution...its called green-up and is like 5.00 dollars a bottle....

this really is the easiest way to clone if you are struggling. i turned a friend on to it here and he is doing it in his cellar where its like 60 degrees all the time and he is even loving it...his took longer to root but they still look almost like the day they were cut...green and healthy looking....
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RWC + DpNGrow = Success

cubes are 10 cents each
hormones cheaper then the other brands


prep the mom..build up carbos for a week..plain water >>>EZ



Well-known member
all we do is take a cutting, cut the end on a diagonal cut the leaves in half, and put em in water .depending on the strain we have roots in 7-21 days..

we tried rockwool,jiffy's, made a cloner, and plain h20 is the easiest, most fool-proof...


Active member
I tried just about everything with varying rates of success until I finally nailed it with rockwool. I use a very mild nutrient solution instead of water--not enough to burn, but enough so there's a little something for the clones to eat once they bust out roots (maybe 250 ppm). I make sure the rockwool isn't overly wet by giving the cubes a few good hard shakes, like after you wash your hands. The cubes should be uniformly damp but not too wet. I also scrape the stems with a sharp razor blade.

Also, I give the clones a little fresh air every day by lifting the domes for a few minutes. Air circulation is important. You can also poke a few quarter-sized holes in your dome to encourage this.

Humidity should be at least 80-85 percent, and ideally, temps should be in the mid-70s. Once you get your environment correct, you should get much better results.

Check out Neptune's cloning thread. It made all the difference for me: I started getting 90-100 percent success by following his instructions. I don't bother with powders or gels--the expense and fuss never seemed to help--but I do dip the babies in a neem oil solution for at least 20 seconds to kill any possible pests.

Good luck! :wave:
All of these methods seem far too much effort. It is supposed to be snip and dip. Hormones? The plant makes auxins on it's own.

Dipping the cuttings in neem before and after rooting will go a long way though.

Water and time, like nature.