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Study: Marijuana potency reaches 30-year high in 2007


Well-known member
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Marijuana potency increased last year to the highest level in more than 30 years, posing greater health risks to people who may view the drug as harmless, according to a report released Thursday by the White House.

A report says marijuana potency has increased, posing health risks to people who may view the drug as harmless.

The latest analysis from the University of Mississippi's Potency Monitoring Project tracked the average amount of THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, in samples seized by law enforcement agencies from 1975 through 2007. It found that the average amount of THC reached 9.6 percent in 2007, compared with 8.75 percent the previous year.

The 9.6 percent level represents more than a doubling of marijuana potency since 1983, when it averaged just under 4 percent.

"Today's report makes it more important than ever that we get past outdated, anachronistic views of marijuana," said John Walters, director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy. He cited baby boomer parents who might have misguided notions that the drug contains the weaker potency levels of the 1970s.

"Marijuana potency has grown steeply over the past decade, with serious implications in particular for young people," Walters said. He cited the risk of psychological, cognitive and respiratory problems, and the potential for users to become dependent on drugs such as cocaine and heroin.

While the drug's potency may be rising, marijuana users generally adjust to the level of potency and smoke it accordingly, said Dr. Mitch Earleywine, who teaches psychology at the State University of New York in Albany and serves as an adviser for marijuana advocacy groups. "Stronger cannabis leads to less inhaled smoke," he said.

The White House office attributed the increases in marijuana potency to sophisticated growing techniques that drug traffickers are using at sites in the United States and Canada.

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A report from the office last month found that a teenager who has been depressed in the past year was more than twice as likely to have used marijuana than teenagers who have not reported being depressed -- 25 percent compared with 12 percent. The study said marijuana use increased the risk of developing mental disorders by 40 percent.

"The increases in marijuana potency are of concern since they increase the likelihood of acute toxicity, including mental impairment," said Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, which funded the University of Mississippi study.

"Particularly worrisome is the possibility that the more potent THC might be more effective at triggering the changes in the brain that can lead to addiction," Volkow said.

But there's no data showing that a higher potency in marijuana leads to more addiction, Earleywine said, and marijuana's withdrawal symptoms are mild at best. "Mild irritability, craving for marijuana and decreased appetite -- I mean those are laughable when you talk about withdrawal from a drug. Caffeine is worse."

The project analyzed data on 62,797 cannabis samples, 1,302 hashish samples, and 468 hash oil samples obtained primarily from seizures by law enforcement agencies in 48 states since 1975.

Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or


Active member
mr.haze420 said:
"Marijuana potency has grown steeply over the past decade, with serious implications in particular for young people," Walters said. He cited the risk of psychological, cognitive and respiratory problems, and the potential for users to become dependent on drugs such as cocaine and heroin.

Wooo.. Scary. He actually believes repeating a lie will make it turn into truth. This ignorant ass might even think that we dont even know better. What a ****, earns his money by telling lies.

A report from the office last month found that a teenager who has been depressed in the past year was more than twice as likely to have used marijuana than teenagers who have not reported being depressed -- 25 percent compared with 12 percent. The study said marijuana use increased the risk of developing mental disorders by 40 percent.

Show me a teenager or any one person for that matter that has never been depressed. These idiots talk about depression like its abnormal or something wrong, like a disease of the mind - unlike their greed for power and dominion.

"The increases in marijuana potency are of concern since they increase the likelihood of acute toxicity, including mental impairment," said Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse, which funded the University of Mississippi study.

Acute toxicity? From smoking weed! :muahaha: They really think people are that stupid.

"Particularly worrisome is the possibility that the more potent THC might be more effective at triggering the changes in the brain that can lead to addiction," Volkow said.

Another **** speaking politrixian. If I remember correct, NIDA also funded a "study" on Ecstacy (MDMA) that had substituted MDMA for methamphetamine. When it was published alarmist articles was printed in the media worldwide. Same style. But the truth did not stay hidden for long.
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Well-known member
Absurd article with so many holes and mistakes that I now automatically believe the exact opposite.


M.U.R.D.A. / FMB crew
i read that article last night and was like wtf...

let's ignore the drug czar and his butt buddies for a moment and use logical and rational thought...

let's say potency is the mass of THC divided by the overall mass of the bud represented in a percentage (any one debating this?)

ok now the higher the potency, the higher the mass of the THC in reference to the overall bud mass.

overall bud mass = THC mass + mass of rest of plant material (bad stuff)

i purposely said "bad stuff" instead of carcinogens as no one can prove pot causes cancer.

now, keeping overall bud mass the same but RAISING POTENCY would actually LOWER the amount of "bad stuff" meaning that higher potency weed would actually be less risky than low potency weed. PLUS, if it's more potent it takes LESS to achieve a similar effect.

i honestly can't believe the gov't even attempts such stupidity. what they say is so far from the truth it hurts. it's almost insulting to be a citizen.


Patient Grower
Does everyone know that they send only a sample of each seizure destined for testing, and then each seizure is given equal weight. Bust a guy with a ton of Mexican bricks and another guy with an ounce of closet grown stuff. Take a gram of each, add the percentages, and voila, that ton of brick is suddenly 3 times as potent 'on average'.

Let's tell the families in Pakistan etc that have been cultivating hashish for a thousand generations or more that the Hippies only took 30 years to outdo them. Simply laughable. Oh right, we had boatloads of hashish back in the '70s too, and they don't include that in their averages. Hashish in 1978 = Sinsemilla in 2008.
alcohol can lead to other substance use too. and marijuana would lead to other drugs just as much as a cup of coffee if we made it legal.

The problem is that when government makes a law that people don't follow, they tend to lose faith in the other laws as well.

Ohh, so folks we're lying to me about marijuana, maybe that means they were lying about heroin too?

That's where the gateway lies.


Registered Med User
The reason the average has went up is cuz people arnt smokin as much bammer these days, they are just siezing more good herb to increase AVERAGE. 9% is still hella low, (but I have a solution).... OVERGROW!!! :muahaha:


Get two birds stoned at once
b8man said:
Absurd article with so many holes and mistakes that I now automatically believe the exact opposite.
DARE! Just say yes because you know they're lying to you!

And caffeine withdrawals are worse and come on faster last longer and are much much worse than going off pot all of a sudden.

I hope this shite gets peer reviewed out of office.. They start saying there is cause and effect and they are just looking at numbers and cooking up conjecture... maybe MJ helps people who are depressed and doesn't cause it??!@


People who know how and where to get high grade always have and always will get it.

These studies are always propaganda, and the aim is to scare parents into thinking their children are getting somehow out of their minds on "super potent skunk weed", rather than letting them think that there's no harm in it, as they did it as a youngster too.

The fact is that the Lebanese hash, the Mexican weed and the other great smokes from 30 years ago were often more potent than what's available nowadays.

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Patient Grower
Someone please go down to an AA meeting and find out where all the Everclear drunks are. If potency is so leading to addiction, why are the majority of drunks beer drinkers?


If i were to look at a pound of high grade weed i would be less scared than looking at a gallon of hard liquor.

If i smoke my brains out, ill just feel goofy and pass out. As far as respritory problems from smoking erb... Im sure it was more of a risk back in the 70's and 80's when they were smoking mexi brick schwag smuggled via donkey butt or underground tunnel. Not to mention, tobacco is legal and that gives you cancer and other probs like emphazema.

If i drink my brains out, ill throw up, have to get my stomach pumped and possibly die.

Yet the government still tells you alcohol is ok to be legal and bud is not.

They say erb has no medicinal bennefits yet they created and prescribe marinol, a synthetic form of thc. So eating cannabutter wouldent have the same effect??
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British_Bulldog said:
People who know how and where to get high grade always have and always will get it.

These studies are always propaganda, and the aim is to scare parents into thinking their children are getting somehow out of their minds on "super potent skunk weed", rather than letting them think that there's no harm in it, as they did it as a youngster too.

The fact is that the Lebanese hash, the Mexican weed and the other great smokes from 30 years ago were often more potent than what's available nowadays.


There's only one group this "study" would persuade, and that is people who have not tried marijuana which is unfortunately a large percentage of the public... so, my take is, their lie has wings and will fly to a certain extent because sooo many people are misinformed about our Lady.


I disagree that's the only group zeeba, I say that they're trying to persuade the Baby Boomer generation of the 60's and 70's that cannabis has 'changed', and is now much more 'potent and dangerous than before', a view which has now in fact been impressed into the young uneducated smokers too, that modern cannabis is some kind of "genetically modified super skunk".

This was reiterated yesterday evening on an Italian TV programme on drug use among the young when a young regular smoker said just that.

In Britain, where there's a generally laid-back attitude towards cannabis use, there's a concerted effort to stress that cannabis has become much stronger, but I'd say the propaganda also extends to Americans who used to smoke when they were young, but don't anymore and have children at that age when people start getting into it.

(However, I'd rather be smoking Red Leb from the 60's and 70's than commercially produced bud or low grade commercial hash!)

This of course therefore reinforces the image among the Italian parents who haven't tried it, in an attempt to scare them into being even more anti-drugs (the older generation here in Italy is really clueless about drug use, and what people don't understand, they fear - many are scared to death about their children taking drugs).

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Matter that Appreciates Matter
This is a study paid for by a federal anti-drug group. One, I would like to know when the samples were tested. Did they know the amount of THC in 1970? Two, the study only tested US grown weed. Three 1-2% THC weed will not get you high. I call BS. The US gov. want you to be afraid. BTW the study was never published.
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stoned agin ...
ive heard some long time tokers say the tuffest stuff is *too* strong, and hear people askin for somethin mid-day friendly all the time, and its out there. if the strongest pot is now so many percent more potent; so what? i dont get it you could always really get as high as you want, and ive been too high its just a drag, not as bad as booze but still. its like theyre trying to scare parents into thinking "overdose" but we all know that that is shit.


As far as i understand these guys took a sample of male hemp in the 60's or 70's and compared it's potency to a female, indoor grown hybrid bred for potency; 40-50 years after they tested the hemps potency.

Thus the hemp was 1-3% and the other stuff was 25% or something like that.

Mis-information spread as fact, typical american media/ anti-cannabis voice.
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9 % only?

9 % only?

I'm not even sure if 9% thc can even get me high. At the club I buy my weed from they have thc testing done on many of their strains, and my favorite strain is the "Sour Push" which tested at 25%. Chem-Dawg tested at 20%, and they have many strains in the 10-20%.
Dutch Passion seed company has thc test results on their website, and their highest percentage is the Blueberry and the White Widow, at 19-20%.

Of course 9% thc can get me high, I am just exaggerating a little but the point is that weed is up in the 20+ percentage range and just wait til the first strain gets tested at over 30%. I bet that will be a pretty good seller.
Doesn't everybody want the strongest weed possible so it lasts the longest and you don't have to smoke as much?

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