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McCain's View on MMJ out of his own mouth.

Dr. G

Active member
this makes me so absoutly angry i swear all those fucking racist/sexist fuckers better not screw this election up

soooooo many people wont vote for the other 2 just because of race and sex its bulshit

anyone seen the movie V for vendetta?

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
When did all of our news journalists become such worthless piles of shit? Let me ask you a question, and let you answer it with lies. That is not journalism.

McCain is a piece of shit. If he becomes president, I will pack all my belongings and leave this disgrace of a country.


Registered Med User
BiG H3rB Tr3E said:
When did all of our news journalists become such worthless piles of shit? Let me ask you a question, and let you answer it with lies. That is not journalism.

McCain is a piece of shit. If he becomes president, I will pack all my belongings and leave this disgrace of a country.

yeah that was my plan too! go to canada or jamaica or spain...


Yes, yes, yes, Spain sounds nice. I often trip like that, should of sold when the market was still inflated and shook the spot. Now, I think I'll have to wait and see, I believe the tide is changing. At some point one hopes rational thinking will prevail.

Hope this helped (the video) IMO McCain is a creep, he clearly states that there's a big "Medical" field of study that indicates mj is harmful, and that he personally believes it to be harmful.

Peace, Chili

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Honestly, I dont think McCain has a chance, there are FAR more liberal republicans then conservative democrats, and with the way G.W.Bush made it>> damn near impossible for a democrat NOT to get elected president. Howver the democrats are just as stupid, they finally have a chance to get in the white house, and they jepordaize it with a black man and white women as their candidates? Im not racist, or sexist, but the trait is carried by many americans. It is ridiculous that our people are so closeminded, that they are afraid a black man or white women as president will bring the apacolypse. What I am afraid of, is all the democrats who are saying they will switch to republican and vote for McCain JUST so we dont have a black man as president...

Fortunatly for us, we sold our house when the market was high and now we are looking to buy again. Because the more I think about it, the more I feel I should have left the country by now...


Active member
Marijuana is not even an issue in the election. Obama has even said himself that it's not exactly high on the list of priorities compared to other issues.
I won't be voting for Obama, and it's not because he's black, lol. I don't give a shit if he was purple.

:joint: :wave:
BiG H3rB Tr3E said:
McCain is a piece of shit. If he becomes president, I will pack all my belongings and leave this disgrace of a country.
Shit, what would happen to us in Canada if McCain wins? I can't move to the U.S. You know it will affect us up here.

I agree with moving somewhere though. Our Gov't has been starting it's own WOD now. :cuss:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
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Active member
he's against weed but his wife's family own one of the largest beer companines, which has worst effect and drunk drivers kill people everday. the reporter should has followed mccain response with why then does he support his wife's family business. i swear people act as if they don't come ready for these a@$holes. you gotta stay two questions ahead of them. who didn't know what his response would be. mccain's not that bright.


My question to mccain is what fucking buisness does anyone have taking away or not allowing a plant to be grown. You can grow fruit,vegetables,tobacco, grain but for some reason weed is evil and should be banned!

What kind of logic?


Active member
they can't contorl the market and set the prices like beer. we can grow our own and they don't like that. im sure if it was ran more let a business and gave a shilt oad of money to the gop ike lobbiest than it's a different game game. if the drug companies controlled the market then weed would be the new miracle drug and hyper 5 yr old kids would be taking it.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
McCain is a total tool. I used to think he wasn't that much of a douchebag. I was mistaken. Those Vietcong didn't do nearly enough bodily damage when they were torturing him ala Rambo 2 style. F-U-McCain.