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um...human urine thou?



so are you saying that the bio activity converts amonia to N then the plant converts some of it back?

From what I under stand it goes Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate. NitrAte is usable, NitrIte is not, and can be deadly in large amounts. Im sure plants use all of these to some extent.

I think that this is why urea is considered bad.

One thing foto said was that the plants took up the nutrients in the water no matter what the pH was. He stated having succes even at 7.5, straight TAP. Dont quote me on what Im about to say he said... Then he just added less Piss and a dose of koolbloom. Straight TAP nomatter the pH and good healthy plants in HYDRO.

Im sure it took a lot of experimenting though... Some dont have time for, and some do.


It works FRIKKN GREAT. I've used it to start a LOT of seed kickoffs in hydro. Both in dwc and a faux aero setup.

You dilute it down pretty far, i think a cup to three gallons, isn't it? I don't even measure it real accurately, to tell the truth. I mix 5 gallons for my startoff, throw in a cup of piss; then later, each time i add water i add ROUGHLY a third of a cup per gallon, it's so EASY and SO FORGIVING, that i don't even measure it accurately any more.

It is a FANTASTIC growth fert; the leaves and stems are real, real green; and they grow with everything being normal.

I had some big bud seeds and i put urine in the water when i kicked them off. In the faux aero unit, which has a 30 inch drop, (6 inches of that is taken up by a 6-inch-deep, shallow-water crop saver) and in 30 days, the roots were 6 inches into the water, and the BigBud plants were 14 inches tall. They'd been laid down L.S.T. style, hard: to make the secondaries take off; and in that month, the secondary limbs on it, were as big as most people's whole plant. I shit you, not.

It is an amazing growth fert. When i first started growing, i didn't know anything at all about ferts and chemistry for growing; so, i decided to teach myself to grow, by using NO NUTES other than what i could get around the house: hard core organic type growing, just for kicks.

On the urine, some banana peel ash, and some corncob ash, and just a dashhhh of General Hydroponics flower ferts, those plants looked like somebody who'd been growing for YEARS grew them. Crystals on every leaf that was around a calyx, out to the tip. The buds just TOTALLY sugar coated, and the plants grew like no tomorrow.

Now, i use other stuff after the seeds take off, but every time i start seeds, i find myself just throwing a cup of fresh piss into about 5 gallons of water; then another cup after about a week.

They NEVER fail to grow like some kind of guru kicked them off.

YOU WILL NOT BE SORRY if you do it. That is a PROMISE.

NOTHING is easier, cheaper, and in some kind of stealth way, cooler. Cause if LEO busts in, they're gonna have to figure out how to outlaw people owning a bucket of water and a cup of piss, to stop you from growing.


By the way, cantaloupe peel ash, has, i believe, the most phosphorous of any rind.

Corn cobs, banana peels, cantaloupe peels: you burn them to ash, and then pH accordingly, and B()()()M, BAABY! It's a STRAIGHT TRIP to watch plants just BUSTING OUT like they're being grown by the original guy who ever dropped a seed in a hole.

I'm a technologist; an electronic communications tech; but believe you me, you don't need, expensive bottles of stuff to grow some FANTASTIC weed. It's really amazing, although all the making of ash, and saving the rinds, is more trouble than i go to, nowadays.
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Hi Guys
Good to see natural recycling getting some attention again.
Will be following related threads with interest.
Keep up the good work



Active member
True story Ive used urine before...I had plants that were in DESPERATE need of "N" and my only options were fish emulsion or urine...I tried urine first, I mixed it about 10ml/liter approx and let it sit out for a couple hours before I did it...

They lived, got greener...I wouldn't use it continually but it didn't KILL my plants and smelled a whole lot better than emulsion would have.

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I think your 100:1 was a good ratio, i found 200:1 is a good start point for testing.
Foto recommends around 48:1 which is pretty strong but the ideal ratio depends on what the donor eats.
Urine doesn`t use a fixed formula like chem nutes, so you do have to experiment to find the best average dilution rate.
NPK ratio`s are also variable and can`t be measured easily but can be altered through diet.

I don`t see any reason why a dialled in urine driven system shouldn`t perform at least as well as any chem nute.. the only way to find out is to experiment.

I have a 60L res of urine laced water for an upcoming test and it doesn`t smell at all :chin:
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"I can't remember the last time I had a blackout"
crazyoutlaw said:
So should I apply it fresh..or fermented??If so,what are some additves for it?!!

Depends, I use it fresh.

Additives? You could add some sources of P for flowering..


Active member
There were several people who grew with it on OG. You really have to dilute it though. It also doesn't settle well. It smells without good water movement. But it does work.
I have used urine for my last few grows. It really does help give a good kick when the plant needs it.

Mainly at the veg phase, and at the beginning of flowering to help with increased nutrient uptake. 15ml - 4Ltr mixed feed once a week.

I have used during mid flowering, but vary minimal. About 30ml - 4ltr mixed feed.

I also use Nutes e.g. Canna stuff 'n Boost Accelarator, Formulex, Superthrive.


urine works well in soil but you shouldn't go with dilluting 1:15 or whatever suggested. you should use ec meter there's no other way.


i've done it. works real good.

never hydro, but the only problem is if you don't use all the piss water in the same day, it really stinks the next day.

What about using it in coir..Ive read that you have to wait to put the plants in after you put the piss in it..like a couple days?.....also,is it better fermented or fresh,I dont mind having a couple bottles of fermenting piss in my home...anything for my babies!!


Google humanure.

All animal waste products (including carcasses) are primo source for all plants when fermented and composted correctly. It's the circle of life. It's worked for hundreds of thousands of years!
Jon said:
Google humanure.

All animal waste products (including carcasses) are primo source for all plants when fermented and composted correctly. It's the circle of life. It's worked for hundreds of thousands of years!
Yada..Yada..Yada...Ok but should I compost the piss.....ferment it??Or jsut dilute it when its fresh and apply??


crazyoutlaw said:
Yada..Yada..Yada...Ok but should I compost the piss.....ferment it??Or jsut dilute it when its fresh and apply??

I wasn't specifically answering your question, but only replying to the general topic at hand. This year I'm trying out other fertilizers. It's only my second grow.

This is a purple urkel i grew last year. I used no extra fertilizers besides what was in the soil mix. Fox Farms Ocean Forest cut 50/50 with Kellogg brand compost. Once a week, I would pee directly into the waterign can (eww gross!) add water and water. No measuring to be completely honest but I would guess I pee'd out about a cup to a cup and a half into a 2 gallon watering can (I didn't pulled out early). I did this all through July and stopped when I noticed it was flowering.


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