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Kwidgybo's Underground Mini Fortress


I want to grow with higher than average plant numbers (30-40) and there is no way I'm doing it indoors. I don't doubt my ability to keep a soil SOG under raps, but I want to take extreme measures so I can not only sleep easy at night but also know that even if it is discovered whether I'm there or not, it will fold like a house of cards simply through hidden mechanisms that only I know about. I'm also an "underground" sorta bloke. Hell I'm a 20 yr old Australian and I listen to the Velvet farken Underground for gods sake... :headbange

Let me just say I am posting from a location that assists my local and federal police in no way. Nuff said.

When I say fold like a house of cards, I mean figuratively of course. No actual folding of any sort will occur. I'll cover this in a sec.

The overall space is 3.5 feet wide x 6 feet long x 7 feet tall. A flowering area shall occupy a 2x2 space at the opposite end to the "hatch" entrance. The 1.5x2 foot space right next to it will be the veg area. Althought the veg and flower chambers will be seperated by a wall, they are part of the same overall section.

There will be 3 sections in total. Each will occupy 2 feet of the overall 6 feet in length and the available 3.5 feet in width. The entrance hatch, which is sorta the lobby is section 1. A single fluro and a few bonsai mothers shall be located here. Dividing section 1 and 2 will be a double plywood wall, with structural pine backing covering every sq. inch. It will be thoroughly screwed in place to deceive any uninvited vistor. Basically I want to make it seem like this is it. This is the whole show. And there is nothing on the other side but earth. Of course this means removing a very heavy, well secured wall every time I wish to enter the grow room but with a soil grow and hopefully a small, grow room camera for outside viewing, the need to enter and exit will only be for watering and a few other 10 minute jobs. I like to pot around the garden all day as much as the next bloke but ya know...I'm going for profit and stealth more than pleasure.

The second section is the empty space that I shall reside in while working on the plants. They will take up the entire 3rd section. Getting back to the deception side of things...hard up against the removable wall will be a final plywood wall with a small door on the right hand side. A small hole shall be cut on the edge of the door frame, only big enough for a very thin-wristed person like myself to reach through. The hole will not be visible though as the wall will be covered in mylar.

On the back of the door shall be a hook with a wire cord attached, that runs on a small and simple pulley system, along the right hand wall straight into the flowering room. This is the mechanism I was talking about. The wire must be unhooked by reaching through the hole. If the door is opened (it will open towards the person) with the wire still attached, the "DESTRUCTION" scenario will occur. Simply put, all plant matter, pots and pretty much anything in the lower 2 feet shall be incinerated. I am unsure of the exact method yet. This may seem very over-cautious but, well...I don't care...


Seeing's how there will still be a very solid wall seperating the visitor and the actual destruction in section 3, it will be totally safe.

In terms of my safety, once I have properly unhooked the wire and am in section 2, I shall dismantle the mechanism totally. I will not go ahead with this until numerous runs have been done with a totally safe and 100% efficient method. Being underground it poses no threat to house fire or anything like that. I will mount a very small sprinkler system to trigger after 2 minutes. Intake and exhaust come through two underground tubes that surface underneath my house. Inside the grow room I will obviously have scrubbers so the chances of the cops actually ever finding the fortress are very slim wouldn't you agree? Anyways give me your thoughts ICMAGGERS...I'll post some pictures I made...
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Seems I'm a bit too James Bondish for you blokes... :muahaha:

Here is a rough pic.

The actual dimensions I've decided on will be 3.5 feet wide x 6.5 feet long x 7 feet tall. Its not to scale but close enough...Section 3 will be 2.5 feet long x 3.5 wide. Section 1 will 2 feet x 3.5 feet. And section 2 will be 1.5 feet x 3.5 wide.

It will be a perpetual soil grow with a 9 week strain, meaning 4 plants per week. 9 plants per Sq. foot.

Brown = Week 1
Green = Week 2
Red = Week 3
Yellow = Week 4
Purple = Week 5
Grey = Week 6
Aqua = Week 7
Orange = Week 8
Black = Week 9

The Brown squares are mothers
White Box up the back is a clone box and the three grey ovals are fluoros
To the right is the flowering, soil SOG
Grey indicates a door
The thick black is the heavy duty wall/door
And the diagonal black line is the wire on the pulley...
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30-40 plants is not that many. Not sure of where you are but here in the states, a first time offender would probably get a slap on the wrist.

But when LEO comes busting down the door and the place catches on fire, you better bet your ass, Battery on LEO, possibly Attempted Murder on a LEO charges are coming. And they will still have proof of your grow.

And unless those doors are solid steel with hydraulic operators, the police are coming through.

But it sounds cool as hell. Post some pics when you get it built


I live in Australia and can't afford to do jail time mate. I realise the cops would get in. No doubt but if I can incinerate the flowering section in 30 seconds, the plant count would never be known. I'd probably get charged with destroying evidence. The mounted camera would stop the phony charges from the pigs...all that sh*t about attempted this and that.

Am I just being way too over-cautious. Do you think being underground is sufficient? No need for the mechanisms?

BTW I love your setup.
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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Too much Bond? Nonsense. Too much Fleming? Absolutely. I'm not an Aussie but I don't even want to THINK about facing a judge with a story that involves both booby traps and police.

Decades ago, Stateside, there was a fellow whose cabin (lake house? summer home? ... something) suffered repeated break ins. He set up a shotgun full of rock salt and actually hit someone breaking in. The burglar sued and won. He wasn't set for life but certainly was set for years on the victim's dime. Substitute "Career criminal burglarizing a home" with "Police Officer in the performance of lawful duties" and you'll get an idea of your chances. Law and justice is one thing. What Police get away with is another.

Dr. Giggles

I think the whole underground idea is awesome, but the inceneration is a little overboard imo. if its hidden underground well enough, and i assume that its in a place where no one can see you get in or out, then the only way you would get busted is from getting ratted out... ...does anyone know? that is the place to prevent trouble... ...prevention.

my 2 cents:2cents:


Yeah I think I'm just too paranoid. I'm actually glad I'm just gonna stick with the underground thing. I'm gonna keep the lobby so I may hopefully deceive any uninvited visitor but I'm def. gonna make section 2 and 3 whole.
I do not plan on making any "business transactions" until a year of perpetual growing, so there is no way through word of mouth can the dogs can find it unless they catch me entering or exiting, which is extremely unlikely.
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Here's a revision. Less booby traps...more plants... :headbange...I'm actually gonna do one cycle with a 250watter to see how it fares. I reckon 2 gpw is very doable with a perpetual grow ie. contrasting plant heights...9 per sq. foot, 7 plants per week.

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man, you should be using all of your resources to find the bastard putting all that mercury in your drinking water.


2GPW? No way. And you want to shove in 9 plants per square foot? No way

This is roughly 4 plants per square foot

The perpetual grow is not going to affect yield, only how you harvest.

And ditch the 250 watter


Tom 'Green' Thumb
yamaha_1fan said:
2GPW? No way. And you want to shove in 9 plants per square foot? No way

This is roughly 4 plants per square foot

The perpetual grow is not going to affect yield, only how you harvest.

And ditch the 250 watter

I keep seeing these larger grows with their lights up high. Are they that high just for the picture or is that the way they are normally? I would like to know as I grow larger crops also and usually try to keep my lights as close to the top of the canopy without burning them. I am wondering if I can get the same results with a larger spread of light keeping them farther away as it seems to work well for so many others. What are your thoughts on this yamaha? Thanks in advance!



I agree. 9 plants per square foot will be impossible. Unless you are going to go straight to 12/12 from seed or clone, you're going to run out of space real fast with long-flowering sativa girls. Also, growing a bunch of popsicles right next to each other will limit the height of your grow area. Since you have a 7' space, why not grow some bushes down there. Also, keep in mind that the older plants will need more room than the younger ones, so you wont have 9 equal squares in the final plans. I would add 1 plant per week at first, you'll have no problem filling up a 2 x 2 space.


Active member
To many plants for too small a space. Just bury yourself a piece of corrugated steel culvert pipe out back.(Its what I want, 10' diameter, poored concrete floor, sealed on both ends with a hatch entering from the top, act all wigged out when teh contractor drops it off and look at him with a crazy eye and say "Man are you ready, the end is near, are you ready?" Bond, James Bond, you go man. Your best insurance from LEO will be your ability to not brag about how good your grow looks and if your gonna sell some put some space between you and the end user. At least underground you'll constant temps so once you get temps regulated it will stay fairly consistent. Good luck!



How is 9 plants per sq. foot too many if it's single cola SOG style? I've seen it done in many other places. Dr.Bud is doing it right now in the micro grows section. Hell he reckons you can even do 16 per sq. foot.
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yamaha_1fan said:
2GPW? No way. And you want to shove in 9 plants per square foot? No way

This is roughly 4 plants per square foot

The perpetual grow is not going to affect yield, only how you harvest.

And ditch the 250 watter
Your plants are very nice but don't you think you are wasting space?

This is a grow done in 4inch rockwool cubes, 9 per sq. foot.



The difference between what you're doing and what I plan to do is the side branching. I want a maximum of two side shoots only to ensure more growth to the main cola. And yes perpetual does affect yeild in a soil SOG because you can move the plants around for better light penetration.
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New member
Underground fires in a location with only one escape route is a bad idea. There are many factors that could contribute to an accidental activation of pyrotechnic devices. If you are super paranoid, and you have the network connectivity available, perhaps you might invest in some network security cameras. They're fairly cheap, and you can buy a full DVR system for a few hundred bucks (as it appears like money is not an issue for you and your grow, based on the plans). These could be set up in and around the grow to keep track of things. I've got a single camera that faces out into the parking lot behind my apartment. It does time-lapse, so I can keep track of the vehicles, suspicious or otherwise that frequent the area. I can log into the system remotely as well, which is very useful. If you are digging this thing out, be sure to have a good cover story for that as well. Bottom line, a good clandestine grower has little need for aggressive security measures. The best weapon is the one you never have to use. If the cops are knocking at your door, you've done something basic wrong. Don't forget that most cops are lazy. They will wait for you to screw up. So be hyper vigilant about the basics (low profile, using cash only, placing any telltale trash in a public receptacle, good air scrubbing, and not telling a fucking soul) and you should be fine. Good luck! This message will self-destruct...


TGT said:
I keep seeing these larger grows with their lights up high. Are they that high just for the picture or is that the way they are normally? I would like to know as I grow larger crops also and usually try to keep my lights as close to the top of the canopy without burning them. I am wondering if I can get the same results with a larger spread of light keeping them farther away as it seems to work well for so many others. What are your thoughts on this yamaha? Thanks in advance!


I keep my lights high for two reasons:

1st. When my clones go in, they are very small, 3-4 inches. So I need all the stretch I can get.

2nd. I think the hoods suck so I keep them high for better light distribution. If I lowered them, I would loose light on the edges.

Kwigybo, I have not tried more than 4 per sq ft. But 4 PSF gives you a 6" square per plant. That is only 3" on each side of the plant. Push more plants in there and it just seems too crowded. The plants you see in that pic are not done flowering. When they finish 12/12 you cant see any space between them. And I do lollipop cutting off most of the side shoots.

My Northern Lights and Blueberry act differently though. The NL tends to throw off lots of side shoots, where the BB doesnt.


What does it matter whether they are finished flowering or not? The guy doing it obviously knows what he is doing as Dr.Bud does. IMO as long as they have good air flow there is no reason why 9 per sq. foot is not doable.