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Oh they dont care about your bill, just pay it.


This has me thinking: what if I (being totally clean at the moment) spiked my bill like that using too many appliances, provoked the police, then removed the appliances and started growing?

And off-topic, but how'd the Times get an html file with the extension .txt?


668, Neighbor of the Beast
For those that don't like offsite links heres a paste of the article.

My favorite part is bolded.

North County Times said:
CARLSBAD, Calif. (AP) -- When police noticed Dina Dagy's family was spending $250 to $300 a month on electricity, they suspected a marijuana farm was flourishing under high-intensity lights inside their suburban home.

What they found when they showed up with a drug-sniffing dog and a search warrant was a wife and mother who does several loads of laundry a day, keeps a dishwashing machine going, has three electricity-guzzling computers and three kids who can't remember to turn the lights out when they leave a room.

"It's hard to believe a high utility bill would be enough to issue a state warrant," said Dagy, who is demanding the Police Department issue a written apology.

Authorities say they have already apologized verbally several times and were only following proper procedures. Tracking down marijuana growers by reviewing electricity bills, they say, is a common practice.

"I understand they feel something isn't appropriate here, but it is very much consistent with how search warrants are prepared," said police Lt. Bill Rowland.

When authorities noticed how high the bill for the Dagy home was, they sent a police dog to the neighborhood, and it reacted as though it had smelled drugs.

They also noticed the family had put its trash out that morning, something police say drug growers often do to hide the evidence. In the Dagys' case, however, it was trash day.

When officers returned on March 19 with a search warrant, Dagy was volunteering at her son's second-grade class. She was heading back to her car when police arrived at the school, and she returned home and let them into the house.

They found nothing illegal, and she says she feels fortunate she wasn't in her son's classroom when they arrived.

"I would have been so embarrassed," she said, "and my son would have died: `They're taking your mommy away!"'


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
Yeah what does that bolded part mean? That growers don't want the trash sitting out all night? That's what i got from it but it still seems pretty fucking stupid. Having the evidence sitting on the curb where anyone can see/smell/grab it sure is hiding it well. At least this story is old too, not like this happend last week (not that that should make us feel safer) but a few more fuck ups like this and judges will HAVE to ask for more evidence on warrants.


668, Neighbor of the Beast
I guess it means they look for any flimsy excuse. I'd be more worried that the trash guy would see it and drop a dime on me.


Active member
glad thats from 04'
its funny though i use that article as proof not to max the power...
although im bad at advice because i max my power... shit.. lol..
wonder why we dont see article like that anymore?


Active member
SomeGuy said:
I guess it means they look for any flimsy excuse. I'd be more worried that the trash guy would see it and drop a dime on me.

Well, I'm from San Diego and you have no idea. It's like a third world here in terms of MJ prohibition and rights.

Shit like this would not fly anywhere else in CA.

$300 a month for electircity in SD is the fuckin norm. You should see the rates.

Flimsy excuse at best. Unconstituional, corrupt, criminal, vindictive, mean-spirited at worst.


We got a letter from the electric company, volunteering to put a "free" limiter on our central furnace/air conditioner. I accepted some free lightbulbs when they came out to talk to me about it also, but we refused the limiter.

Hehehe, we don't have a furnace and only a small window air conditioner for the room.
my electric bill is $400+ without a grow going and $500+ with. I don't think that is out of the norm at all...that whole scenario sounds fishy


holy shit

haha and I thought 1000w would be pushin it

damn makes me rethink being so paranoid with only 1000w
300.00 is pretty regular bill for most I would imagine. I've been told by reasonably knowledgable people that 2000.00 is the red flag area for power bill fishing. Also, trash pulls come after the power bill as part of a multiple point investigation, next come the dogs for the search warrant.


hehe good thing I have a garbage disposal they would have to pump and sort through my entire appartment complex's sewage to find anything lulz


Fuck the police, why do they assume responsibility to invade and intrude on others privacy or way of life.

If i wanna grow and smoke weed just fucking let me. I know cops drink off duty, some more than others and then they put on the uniform as they are perfect disciples of god to clean the earth of "the only plants god dident make"

I dont know how many times the cops have heard this, but "Go bust a meth lab, you FUCKING PUSSIES."

Why is it your responsibilty to make the world into a fucking perfect utopia when you yourself are far from perfect.


My bill is always about 5-6 hundred, no problems yet other than paying for it!!Chaco. :joint: :joint:
SkareCrow said:
yea this is one of the reasons that I'm scared to put a 1000watter in my appartment

your scared to put a 1000 watter in your apt? im running like 4000 watts of jut lights in a apt
People all over california get 1000 to 4000 dollar electricity bills when they grow.The average bill for 15 600 watts and all the pumps and ballasts and shit is 1200. It seems from reading newspaper articles thatThe police get suspicious up north when they see over 2000.


if your that dam worried about it get a hole bunch of "window shakers" they aint gotta be on but they shure look purdy hangin out your windows. on another note my electric bill goes from $60 too $400 and never even been looked at as long as i pay it they do not give a crap. theres a grage building paying $900 a month yes a grage that u can park your car in. only out building on the place with its own power meter too. never hear anything it was 900 the first month and stays 900-1200 every month

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