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An update on my grow, plants are 2 months old, and I've got alot of females,6 strains

So I'm borrowing from my thread in the infirmary (having some brown dots/splotching show up), and really wanted to give an update here.


My plants are still in veg, and I added a second 400 watt CMH a few weeks ago. My 2nd room/cab is up and running with the 2nd 400 watt CMH, but it's still not all done, need to install my ducting/ventilation, been making do with oscilating fans for too long.

Soon I'll have to move the 400 watt CMH into my main room/cab, as I'm shooting for 50 watts per sq ft in the flowering room (currently both rooms are used for veg only), the 'veg' room (my 2nd cab/room) will have 4 floro tubes and 210 'true' watts of CFL.

So I've got a number of plants sexed, and have at least 15 females, likely more like 20+, not counting my fem'd 3 week old seedlings of AMS, Lemon Skunk, and Mandala #1

I'm planning on flowering in 6-7 gallon pots in about 2 weeks.

Safari Mix (multiple phenos/strains), Swiss miss, Big Bang, Satori, Hashberry, Haze x Skunk #1, and Early Girl.

They are in 1 gallons right now for the most part, with a few 2 and 3 gallons.

I've still got a number of males to throw out, but it's hard, I really want to be certain, and would hate to throw out a female.

I'll copy/paste my question about feeding, and problems I might run into with flowering.

now this is a question, and I've got my theory already, the larger the pot, the lower the EC needed? Assuming plants are the same size that is?

I've noticed the 4 safari mix (sadly only 1 looks female) I transplanted into 2 gals a month ago seem to have not had ANY issues, they are healthy, dark, and green for the most part.

Smaller potted plants, while not rootbound or anything, seem to be having more issues...

Wondering if the EC really needs to be higher on the rest of them?

Now, how often should I feed them? I've been holding them in veg for a while now, and probably won't start 12/12 flower for anyother 2 weeks yet.

However I really want to get them in their final pots and have them perfectly stable before switching to 12/12, as I think 12/12 is going to be even more challenging nute wise.

Just the nute demands are going to go crazy different across all the strains I'm guessing, at least compared to what I've had to deal with so far.

Mind you I'm fully expecting to get a few scrapes and dings along the way, but I'm running at least 6-7 different strains (more if you count safari mix varients) and just want to land the plane in one piece, without losing anything major in yield.

While my lights haven't been as close as they could have been (2 400 watt CMH now) because I'm still working on my ducting to get them aircooled, I'll be able to drop them super low once my vortex is up and running, and in flowering, that might make them hungrier?

Regardless, how often should I be feeding?

I haven't been the best up til now about watering, treating my coco more like soil (though not terribly, I'd still flush real well with nute mix and/or water so often). Last few weeks I've been better.

What I've been doing the last week is feeding (.1 of cal mag, .05 of silica (new), .7 of A/B, 1 tsp rhizotonic per gal, and .05 of PH up) once a week or so at .8 EC for some, and .6 for others, and watering with .2 EC (.1 EC mix of canna A/B and maybe .1 EC or so of cal/mag) every 2-3 days, depending on how dry the canna looks. Watering or feeding, it is always PH of 5.8 to 6.0

I've been watering about when the canna looks drier on the top (ie most of the top has turned light brown and isn't wet, but not bone dry), usually takes 2-3 days, depends on the plant.

Anyways, so what should I be doing different?

What do I have to look forward to/worry about in flowering?

Feel free to spell it out for me with exact ECs, days to water, and all that, as I've been real wary about going with a heavy EC and burning them.

So anyways, I'm just trying to get this all on track before flowering. I've got 2 rooms going, and 1 will be for flowering with 800 watts of CMH (50 watts per sq ft), one will be for veg/clones running just 4 tube floros and 210 'true' watts of CFL.

I've got plenty of females so far, and most plants have preflowers, with the exception of 10 fem'd seedlings which are 3 weeks old now (all different yet strains, mandala #1, Lemon skunk, AMS). Mostly my problem is throwing out the males. There are some I'm not certain on, and need to keep around, but it's hard to throw out a plant, or kill it. I'm pretty certain on at least 5 males, they have these protrusions that just look different, and obviously lack hairs.

The plants I have sexed females of so far are big bang (fem), satori, hashberry, safari mix (several strains/phenos), swiss miss, early girl, haze x skunk #1. All and all about 15 girls so far, at least.

Some of the plants will NOT be flowered right away, but used for clones, which are to be planted outdoors for the summer season.

I figure I'll start taking clones about 2 weeks from now, then 2 weeks to root them maximum, and another 1-2 weeks to harden them off inside, and grow them larger, then outdoors by July 15 or so, maybe some as late as the end of July, they should do fine...

Hoping to get at least 40 clones planted outdoors, maybe more.

However some plants won't be kept as clone mothers, and will be switched to 12/12 in 2-3 weeks.

So for the females I'm going to flower, I'm thinking 6 or 7 gallon pots. I've noticed how explosive the root growth is with the mix I've got going, and I think the larger sized pots could really increase my yields.

Now my flowering space is only 5.5 ft tall, 2.5 ft wide, and 6.5 ft long. Not sure how many 6-7 gallon pots I could fit in there. The other option would be to stack two 3 gallon pots, but that might push them too tall, but if it was doable with my 5.5 ft tall (lights can go up to about 2 inches from the top, but count their own size obviously) ceiling.

Regardless, here I am with my nutrient issues.

Either way, I'm hoping to yield decent weights, and learn alot about which smoke I love, and which plants I want to grow.

I might even make a cross. I've got at least 2 hashberry males (I think) and maybe 1 Haze male (could be female though). Would like to do it just for fun.

I'd love to keep my best genetics around, but I don't think I've gone about it the right way growing so many different strains.

Would be better to grow 1-2 strains, and keep the very best plant or two from each strain.

I'm obviously going to flower some of the other plants as well, the AMS, Lemon Skunk, and Mandala #1, but they will be a ways behind the others.

All I'm trying to do is not screw up completely, and kill plants, or significantly lose yields.

I'm hoping for 1 gram per watt, but honestly my expectations are around .5 per watt, or just under 1 lb.

There are some smokes I'm really excited to try, Satori (which I have 2 females of), Haze x Skunk #1 (I have 1, maybe 2 females), and Big Bang. Though honestly Hashberry, and all of the different Safari mixes have me excited too. I've got alot of Safari Mix females.

So hopefully I've got alot of variety, and learn alot, without feeling crappy about how I did at the end.

I'm scared about flowering, it seems like it's going to get really crazy, so far I've been getting away with feeding 2 different nute mixes, and I don't know if that's going to be the case in flowering.
Here are some pics. Did some rearranging last night between the rooms, it's looking good.

Plants really seem to love the bigger pots, though that's probably because I'm not feeding high enough doses of food for the smaller pots.

This is how I do my watering, I drag every single plant out, and water them in the sink (yay for garbage disposal), so they can drain into the sink, then place them in trays for further draining, then back to the room. Clearly this isn't going to work during flowering, hell size alone is going to prohibit it, the plants won't clear my cabinets in another two weeks, the sink doesn't have enough headroom above it!

Here are some pics from my larger room:

And from my smaller room (I've got 4 plants in 3 gal pots, and they are digging the larger size pots they've been in for a week now) there are about 10 older plants and 5-6 seedlings in here.

This next plant is my haze x Skunk #1 female

Just a general shot:

This one shows my seedlings, about 3 weeks old, Mandala #1, Lemon Skunk, and AMS, (all fem'd) in no particular order.

That's it for now. I killed a big Safari Mix male yesterday, 2.5ft tall or so, and very stocky. I found 2 females however, a hashberry (thought it was male, so that's good), and another satori.

So I've been having fun, and hopefully things will go smoothly during flowering.

Don't be afraid to read my post above, I ask alot of questions about flowering and nute doses regarding all of my different strains.
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Guest 18340

You HAVE TO feed them more than once a week! You cant treat coco like soil becuase it is NOT soil. You gotta water, and feed, 'til run-off (15-25%) everyday, at LEAST once a day.
Your plants are not getting enough nutrients (and they may be getting burned by the salt build-up in the coco because you let it dry out too often), thtas what is wrong with them in the pics you posted in the infirmary.
Water them the way i said and your problems should go away.
As for what ec (nute strength) to use...As an example-I use GH Flora seies, all three botlles, and i simply start at 1/4 strenght dosage (and work my way up to 3/4 strenght) of whats printed on the bottles for whatever phase of growth i'm in. Not very scienifc but it works perfectly. Oh, and i use 100% r/o water with said nutres and no cal/mag, ever.I mix nutes, ph to 6 and water away, everyday.
Hope some of this helps you. I'm sure most will agree that your not watering them enough.
As they get bigger, you're gonna have a helluva time watering them, all that dragging back and forth to a sink. Is this grow in a basement? If so, is there a drain in the floor?

One the up side, you got a nice variety of females there, you're gonna be wasted for a long time after this harvest :joint:

P.S. If i'm wrong in anything i said, please forgive me, I just smoked soem fresh W'Widow and i'm fucked up...
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yes, I've improved my watering as of late, but read what I said above about how I water. I do water to a heavy runoff, just in case there is buildup.

The main reason I don't water often enough, is that watering takes literally 3 hours. Dragging all my plants out of the cabs, putting them in the sink a few at a time, and watering them, letting them sit in the sink to drain.

Even with them sitting in trays, which often times make poor use of floor space, because pots don't fit in them perfectly, I can't see how I could water with them in the room. The room's are 6.5ft long by 2.5ft wide and 6ft tall, the smaller one is 5 ft long or so by 2.5 ft wide by 6 ft tall. It's nearly impossible for me to water them without pulling them out, I can't even reach the plants to water them evenly, especially with other plants in the way. Evem so, watering evenly is impossible, even in the sink I need to rotate the pot 90-180 degrees so I can water evenly on both sides. Maybe this will be easier with larger pots.

I've got to figure out a way to water more easily, as my current method is very time consuming.

Are you saying I should be feeding with EVERY watering? Like when folks say feed at .08 EC or something, they mean with every single watering? This is news to me, I though most folks fed every other watering or something.

I think another issue is pot size, the smaller pots are probably much more hungry and thirsty.

As you can see, the plants in the 2nd room look waaaay better, as they are in larger pots, though only for 1 week. Thus they have improved, and are now deep healthy green, while the others have gotten worse.

In a week or so I'll do a bunch of transplanting, thinking about jumping up to 6 or 7 gallon pots for my gals that will be flowered.

How exactly do you guys hand water your plants?

Is there a good tool to use for hand watering? My main problem is reaching plants in the back, there's just no way to do it with a watering can or anything like that. Surely there must be some trick to watering that I'm missing.

I am looking forward to harvest. I realize going with all these different strains is a bit crazy, and is going to be difficult to dose nutrients durning flowering.

My expectation is that nutrient dosing differences between strains will become even greater during flowering, further adding to the difficulty.

All I want to do is bring this grow in for a landing, in one piece. I don't expect to get 1 gram per watt, or anything that good. However I'd be very happy with .75

I mean, there are alot of strains. It won't be easy, but I know I can do it with the help of everyone here.

I'm hoping my ceiling is high enough, as these have been vegging a good while, and they'll still be vegging for another 2-3 weeks yet. Though by then, I'll be able to kill at least 3-6 more plants as they sex male with certainty.

I do want to use large pots for flowering, as the root growth has been solid. I'd like to give the plants 1-2 weeks in their new pots with heavy rhizotonic doses to really beef the roots up before switching them to 12/12.

I'm thinking 6 or 7 gallon round pots will be best, though I'm going to have to find some sort of runoff catcher for them. I don't know if they sell "dishes" that big, and even so, the dishes don't really seem like they'd hold much runoff.

And even so, if you're using a dish to catch the runoff, the plant is just sitting in it's own runoff, and is going to drink it back up eventually. Doesn't that eliminate the whole point of "water to 15% runoff"?

I'm just feeling like I'm missing some basic mechanics that will make this whole thing much easier.

I'll outline them all here:

#1. Watering, surely there is an easy way to water plants, even the ones in the back, especially as you build a large canopy. A watering can is too bulky to reach in the back, and even then, it's really hard to water evenly. I know I'm not the only one that doesn't have 360 degree access to every plant in the room. Surely there must be some sort of tool that works great.

#2. Runoff, how the hell are you guys managing your runoff? This is the main reason I've been using the sink. 15% runoff from a 5 gallon pot is about 1 gallon. How are you guys catching 1 gallon of runoff?

#3. Runoff catching, even if you can catch it, the plant is just going to drink it back up again.

These seem like 3 big issues that I'm running into, and I haven't seen how folks deal with these problems.

There must be an alternative to pulling all of my plants out and putting them in the sink.

Again, I'm greatly looking forward to harvest, where I'll have a wide variety of bud to try, which will be a first for me. This grow is 100% personal. I've been a commercial customer for a long time now, and have long wanted to find the right strains for me. To try a heavy sativa, and a medicinal indica.

But I need everyone's help to make it happen.
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Guest 18340

Yes, feed with EVERY watering. You could flush once a week if it gives you peace of mind but its reall not neccessary because watering 'til run-off washes out the build up from the previous watering.
Though, i do understand your reasoning for not watering everyday, its a bitch for me to so i can only imagine how tough it is for you but...If you want cocos' full advantage, and (hopefully) no issues, you gotta water/feed more often.
Try it with just 1 plant and see.
I use 1 gallon jugs to water mine. I usually have to pull out the ones in the front to get to the back ones. I pour the whole gallon in one shot, not like in soil where you pour alittle at a time, that way the water come pouring out the bottom at a decent pace, thus washing away the old stuff.
My plants are in a spare shower (the wife dont think its a spare), so the waste goes down the drain. Check some of the grows in this forum, you'll see how folks are doin' it.
Personally, an automated drip/waste system is the way to go. They are cheap and easy as hell to build with Home depot parts. I got all the parts to build a system but i'm waiting on my tax rebate check so i can build a new flowering room :dance:

Forgot to mention, i have a couple of ladies outside, in coco, and they get watered/fed twice a day. I gotta hit 'em twice 'cause the sun dries up the coco pretty fast. Those plants are being fed miracle grow.
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My whole deal is that surely not everyone is doing this the labor intensive way like I am.

I mean, pulling the plants out during flowering just ain't gonna happen, I mean, I guess I could water them in the shower, but it's gonna be a real bitch doing it daily. Even every other day is going to be intense.

Plus even if you DO catch the runoff, surely folks are disposing of that runoff somehow, or else everyone catching and letting their plants sit in runoff are eliminating the whole point of runoff by letting their plants drink all that runoff.

Even if I only use 5 gallon pots, those are gonna be fucking heavy to carry. I don't even know if I could safely lift 6-7 gallon pots wet.

I'm in no position to install an automated system, space is tight as it is.

I'm just praying there's a solution that doesn't involve removing my plants every day.

I'm sick and tired of feeling like I'm running a manual hydro setup. There has GOT to be a better way.

Now I realize going hydro is an option, but I'm in the middle of a grow here, now's not the time to do it.

Finances are strained anyways from getting this grow up and running.

So I put my three questions to the entire IC mag Coco community.
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I have my plants in trays and as the runoff fills the tray I use a turkey baster and suck it out and put it in a empty gallon milk jug. Growing is work and if you want beautiful plants you better plan on some work and sometimes late nights and so on. I hope you figure it out 1love and maybe the turkey baster idea will work for you also. :wave:
now by turkey baster, you mean one of those 1-2 oz meat injector syringes?

I've honestly thought about buying a wet vac with a small diameter hose attachment and just vac'ing all the water out of trays.

Knowing my luck I'd have to run an extension cord from another outlet or I'd trip my breaker.

I guess I never realized there was such a massive labor difference between soil and coco, at least not when I was deciding whether or not to go soil or coco.

I mean, it seems like when going through the grow threads, nobody really mentions the watering/runoff problem in detail. At least not in handwatered coco threads.

I don't mind putting the work in, I just want to make sure this is the common method everyone else is using to handwater coco.
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No bro, The kind that has the ball on the end that you squeez and when you let it release the ball it sucks up liquid. The same kind all our parents and grandparents used to baste the turkey on Thanksgivein. I can take a pic if you need

Guest 18340

Not to come off like an asshole but maybe you shoulda grew in soil. The only way coco is not labor intensive is with an automated system, be it drip/waste or recirc.
Most first timers don't realize that coco has to be watered constantly.
Some guys here water 2-3 times a day!
Reaching the plants in the back is easy, you could (for example) use a 3-4 ft piece of 3/4 inch pvc, stick a funnel on one end and position the tube over the back pot and pour the water into the funnel. Sounds silly but it works.
Your shop vac idea is actually a good one.
zoolander said it best, growing is work, and if you want some beautiful plants, better plan on some work.
Don't give up though, just keep asking questions and eventually you'll find the perfect solution. Look at me bro, i'm growing in my bedroom shower. Improvise my man :joint:
Yeah, I went ahead and bought a turkey baster earlier.

I think I might have gone soil instead if I would have known, no offense taken.

Though if I could take it all back, I'd have gone for a hybrid hydro/coco setup.

Handwatering coco is just nuts unless you're running just a couple plants.

The PVC isn't a bad idea, I was honestly thinking that if there was just some sort of "pipe/tube" that was 1/2 inch ID or less, maybe 1/4 inch would be best, I could just move my "wand" where I needed to water.

Maybe I'm also watering slower and more evenly than I need to, I really make an effort to water extremely evenly, turning the pot and all that.

I cannot wait until marijuana is legal and we can all go outdoors with this shit. It seems so stupid growing indoors sometimes.

If I could just plop some plants in my backyard, I totally would, but sadly we've got prison to worry about.

Another question, I've been seeing these little white crawlie guys that come to the surface when I water, and recede back down below with the water as it drains.

I'm confident they aren't larvae, as I've NEVER seen a flying insect, or a bug above the ground. I've also been using mosquito bits.

Any guess on what they are, and better yet, a safe and effective way to get rid of them?

I've heard of these "root aphids" and such, I'm wondering if these aren't what they are, or similar.

They are white, and small, and only EVER show up when I water, I'm guessing the water pushes them up.

Again, I don't think they're larvae, as I've seen them for a few weeks now, and have yet to see anything "new".

I'd just like to nip this in the bud.

I noticed with my keg cups, which I've pretty much abandoned now (just not enough room or time for them, they are going outdoors soon) they are real heavy, like a whole bunch of them come to the surface. I think this is because the cups are a smaller volume.

I've haven't been ignoring their presence for the last 3 weeks or so, spraying neem oil once a week on the leaves (to runoff), and applying mosquito bits every week or so. But they are still around, so I'm thinking they aren't larvae.

They seem to move pretty quick. They don't look like worms either, and don't seem to move like a worm.

It'd be next to impossible to get a pic of them, as they don't hang out at the surface, and they always recede with my water.

I'll be upping the watering for sure then.

While I'm not going to water everyday for every plant, since transplants really need to be pushed to develop roots, I will feed every watering.

Does that mean I should be using cal/mag with every watering? (my water is 20-30 PPM tap water)
What about silica?

All and all, I know I need to get them into larger pots. The ones that get transplanted have consistently grown taller, bushier, and with a healthy dark green color.

I'm guessing part of this is because they handle a lower EC better.

Here's a good question, lets say #1 pot is twice as big as #2, but the plants are about the same size, how much greater of an EC would plant #2 need?

Like lets say I've got my 1 gallon plants, and I know .8 EC is working well for the larger pots, what multiplier should I use to determine how much to give the smaller pots? I could say twice as much, but I really don't want to burn them.

I'm used to putting in work, the room building, learning what I needed, installing the lights, all the stuff it takes to setup a grow, plus dealing with 70 (now 40, counting the 3 week old seedlings) for 2 months. It's been nuts. I'm down to do whatever it takes. Watering and feeding daily I can sure do. I'm glad that it's something simple at least, even if it is time consuming. Plus once I get down to my flowering females, it'll just be them, and the clone mom's/vegging clones. Much fewer plants, and less watering. Or at least fewer plants.

I'm not yet certain how many plants I will flower. I'm wondering how everyone feels the goals and plans are, 6-7 gallon pots in a 6.5ft long by 2.5 ft wide by 6ft tall, as many as I can fit and be efficient with yield, not sure how many that'll be. I'm wanting to transplant about a week from now, and hit them with heavy rhizotonic (what is heavy but safe tsp per gal?) in my mix for about 1-2 weeks before flipping to 12/12. I'm hoping that this will give them time to get healthy, and bulk the roots up in the much larger pot.

Now obviously I'm not going to be able to flower nearly all of the females, a good number will be used to supply clones for the outdoor season, while others will be used for clone mom's.

I really appreciate all of the help from everyone. I'm just trying to make sure I'm not doing stuff "the wrong way". I've got the time and am willing to put the work in to have beautiful plants and a solid harvest even if it isn't this time around, to at least be proud of what I've done, and not in a "at least I got something" sense.
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I hand water all mine and hear ya but after awhile its just another day and you will get use to it brotha and soon love coco and the growth rate, So hang in there and you can get plenty of help around here if needed :wave:
Thanks I really appreciate it, it's just tough because the other grow I did have under my belt was in soil, and over 5 years ago during the old Overgrow days.

Anyone have any input on the details above? Specifically my plans regarding flowering, and EC with small pots.

I'm hoping things are still manageable during flowering with the different strains.

Is everyone onboard with feeding with every watering?

Like if my larger potted plants have been good with .8 EC, I should continue to use .8 EC everytime I water?

What about additives? Or are we just talking NPK? (see above, I have soft tap water 20-30PPM, so maybe cal/mag with every watering?)

Looking forward to this.

It's tough cause I've heard alot of different things regarding EC.

In the Mandala vendor section, they say to never exceed .8 EC with their plants. Others here have said "using no more than 1.2EC (with rare exception) is more than sufficient". Yet others say even higher.

So it's tough for me to judge where to dose my plants.

Guest 18340

I believe you ec values are according to what stage in growth the plant is, rather thatn the size of the container its in.
Those little crawling things might be fungus gnat larva, i think.
I find that growing in coco, the plants respond quick to change, so if i give them too much nutes, they'll let me know pretty quickly. Also, you're growing several diferent starins at once so you're gonna have to mix a nute strength thats kinda "middle of the road", since some strains take more nutes easier than others. I've grwon Mandalas' Hashberry (in Soil) and i didnt feed them anything but water during their veg stage. But since you're in coco, you gotta give them (all of them) nutes everytime. If you stay on the low end of the ec you should be fine. I'm no expert in what ec is good for when so maybe someone else can chime in on that one.
I know its dificult for you but try to water/feed everyday so you can avoid problems.
Well, I've got 1.15 EC right now that I'll hit my smaller container plants in.

I don't think it's larvae, as they haven't developed into a "new" bug, I haven't seen anything above the soil, nothing on the leaves, and nothing flying around.

I do want to get rid of them however.
I'll post pics in a bit, but I really think pot size is having a strong influence on plant health in my case.

I believe it's related to nutrient levels, as in theory, a larger volume container will retain more water, and thus more nutrients, at the same EC/PPM as a smaller container.

The plants in larger containers (all in my 2nd room now for the most part) are looking very healthy, very deep dark green, very large fan leaves. The different strains and phenos are really showing. Some plants do look a bit better than others, I think this is because some are hungrier, like my haze x skunk #1.

The smaller containers don't have that deep dark green look, and I'm going to be hitting them with a higher EC, 1.15

The growth on the 2nd room just exploded since the last watering 2 days ago. Several plants had light (not heavy) burns from the light. They look stockier, taller, and the leaves are bigger.

I'm a little worried about plant height, I'm really hoping since they were veg'd for longer, they won't stretch as much during flowering.
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well, I've got some info on the bug, I'm really worried about the harm it might be doing.

They are small, visible to the naked eye, but small. They are white'ish in color.
They seem to have antennae, not that they are super huge, but there are little nubs, only visible to my naked eye so much as I know they "don't not have them" = "do have them".

They can "jump" about 1/8" of an inch at a time by curling their body up, then "springing", at least the ones in my runoff dish did this, though it's not like they're jumping around all the time.

I have had them for at least 3 weeks, and yet have not seen any flying or crawling above "ground/coco" insects.

They are not present on the surface of the coco. Watering will bring them up to the surface, but as soon as the water drains, they drain back with the water, and any left on the surface go away ASAP.

I've been using "mosquito pellets" for about 1 month now, it's the same stuff as mosquito dunks. I only use about 1 tbsp per pot. Not really tons. It hasn't killed them off.

So here are the pics, you might need to click to get the enlarged version in order to see them. None of them turned out super clear, but I hope it gives some idea.

Three of them in the lower left:

same three

these are the clearest two, if you look at the enlarged photo, you can almost see the antennae, sorry my camera isn't good enough to get super close up with detail:


Guest 18340

I'm stumped on the bugs. Hard to see in the photos. I see the 3 little white things but thats it.
yeah, the pics aren't so good, but they do crawl, and they can't swim, they always are on the surface of the water.

when I water the plant, the water pushes them up, and then they recede back with the water.

They vary in size, I'm assuming due to maturity differences.

Really do want to '86 these crawlies.

On the watering, I just hit my 1 gallon pots, and my female haze x skunk (3 gal pot)still have 18 of them or so. Used EC 1.15, mix of canna A/B, silica (should I be using this with every watering?), and cal/mag.

The larger pots vary from 2-3 gals or so. I'm about to hit them with .8 EC, same mix as above, except with 1 tsp per gal of rhizotonic as well.

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