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You and your sexy Abs!


stoned agin ...
even a little workout is good, good pair of runners some shirts & tees strap on the ipod with some tunes that make you wanna move, i found that really helped, get tunes with a good pace & screw with the list in no time youll have a set or a few; do power walk easier on the joints, you can adjust stride and pace to work with song (gotta pick reasonable songs). 20 min/day 10 out 10 in.


your right bro,there is nothing wrong with taking care of your self.
i try not to pass judgement on anyone.who am i to do this.
sometimes i wish i was a fat-ass so i can look like 60% of the obese amercan population.
i work hard at my job,welder,which causes me to intake massive calories but i burn more then i put in.and i ride a mountain bike daily...and i eat healthy
hey man but thats me...
if people eat fast food and drink massive amounts of soda and sit on thier asses thats them..

ive been told i look like this fella..lol.



For that money, I would train to get into the olympics for the decathalon...since I'm pretty sure I could fucking do it. no joke.. i got that shit inside me sorta a mixed blessing.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
I guess I'm over-sensitive on that subject too B.C, since I respect a strict diet of mainly veggies, fruit and lean meat since years back - and therefore doesn't get to eat all that fun stuff other people eat :D

When I get the munchies, I bite a carrot.


New member
there's something about being single that makes a guy wanna go to the gym haha. I lost 8.96 kilograms(40 lbs) in 4 months. Is my conversion correct? I used pot math. 8 oz to a lb. 3.5g in an eighth which means 3.5g * 8 = 28. So 8*28*40 = 8960 grams. Haha math is fun


Non Conformist
Rosy Cheeks said:
I guess I'm over-sensitive on that subject too B.C, since I respect a strict diet of mainly veggies, fruit and lean meat since years back - and therefore doesn't get to eat all that fun stuff other people eat :D

When I get the munchies, I bite a carrot.
Well Cheeks my ma jus passed away 3 months ago, and in retospect, it pisses me off how rude some folks were to her about her weight. Can't help it, it has nothing ta do with anyone here. Just a reminder how biting ones comments can be I spose....... I have ta eat right and exercise, not because I'm fat tho, it's because I'm diabetic. So yer not tellin me nothin about missin out on the good stuff. BC


Active member
i would win it with no problem. i've had a few injuires and always come back bigger and stronger. no i don't use any supplements just hard work in the gym.


B.C. said:
Well Cheeks my ma jus passed away 3 months ago, and in retospect, it pisses me off how rude some folks were to her about her weight. Can't help it, it has nothing ta do with anyone here. Just a reminder how biting ones comments can be I spose....... I have ta eat right and exercise, not because I'm fat tho, it's because I'm diabetic. So yer not tellin me nothin about missin out on the good stuff. BC
sorry aout your mum..

my dad has type 2 diabeties.he has to inject himself before every meal.
sends chills up my spine.


im gonna keep on keeping on, i have to work with a client then its my turn for some aerobic abuse. then some myofasial release(sounds bad). it just massages the muscles used but hurts like hell. i did weights/explosive work yesterday.

forme if i dont work out i can really begin to feel the difference in my attitude and overall energy levels.same withppot if i doint smoke i get grumpy and have more energy and the combo could be volatilehahah.

there was a thread in the den about working out and i wrote down a whole bodyweight workout so if anyones interested use the search button for WORKOUT and u should find it. i will comwe back later and link it once i find it, got to get to work.
stay fit yuo never know when your gnna have to move quick

