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is this overwatered? thanx.



wattup fam,been a while.i have a lil problem i was hopin to get a definite opinion on if ya could.i have a bagseed i planted with 18-6 kalichakras- 6 hashberries- and 6 bagseed from cali(2 strains 3 seeds of each) all the rest are doin fine,one however is gettin a claw look and is growin real slow compared to the rest.id really love to save this girl as i have no idea what strain she is i was lucky enough to find a few seeds from a purple ,almost black lookin weed that was brought back from cali.this was the only female i got from them seeds and i would love to get her back healthy again.
if it is overwatered,do i transplant into a better drier soil?or should i just let her dry completely out.the soil is very wet hasnt dried out at all like the others do,shes alive but growth has really slowed down.i never overwatered before so im thinkin this is what it is.thanks guys.

peace -Y-


her dankness
If you look on the underside of a 5 gallon pail, you will notice that there is a little ridge around it. This means that even if you have holes in the bottom, there is still nowhere for it to really go, and I'd recommend actually taking a few chunks out of the actual bottom edge to improve drainage. When I have grown in large pots in the past, I've always drilled 1/2-3/4" holes up the sides of the pails too to prevent any problems from poor oxygenation to the root zone.
Def something wrong there, she looks really stressed out. Here is a link showing that it could possibly be overwatering. Lift the pot method works wonders. Let the plant start to droop a little before watering her again, then you will be able to spot if she has been overwatered. Good luck!


will do thanx fellaz,yeah shes wet,ill let her dry out and hope for the best.peace-Y-


Active member
dont feed it so much, look sativa,, probley not needing much food, what brand soil you using,,,, yes plant very to much water,,,, next time you grow a cutting of this strain try taking and adding lot of perlite to bottom 4-5 inch of container maybe a 50/50 ratio,,, the sativas are picky and dont like wet feet all day.

try to keep you leaf's from rot(ing) on the top of your medium if the leaf droop to touch the soil remove it.

report on kalichakra please....


ty old toker,will do friend.thanks for the tips too bro.
will do on the smoke report on the kc.
theyre just gettin done sexxin and i took two clones from each as soon as they root ill be poppin the kc into flower.peace-Y-


Take Five...
Hi Y! Hope all is good with you my friend.

The krinkly look tends to say ph imbalance. Overwatered plants droop and look dull and even yellow after time because of N def, but I've never seen an overwatered plant get krinkly like that.

Have you checked the runoff ph?


her dankness
One thing to note is that plants sitting in soil that is too cold, plus too wet, plus of improper pH will show symptoms quicker than their moderately watered or less chilly counterparts.
If that is a pH imbalance, I'd wager that it shows to be a bit on the HIGH side with that crinkle to it. Just out of curiosity- what is your soil source, any amendments, and have you tested the pH of the water you have been giving them?


heya headypete,im good bro ,i hope all is good with you and yours too my friend,its been a while.i just pm'd stitch the other day too tellin her i missed her and hope she was well...i said "since luckily i havnt needed to visit to the infirmary lately..." lol talk about jinxin myself!hehe

no i havnt pete,i'll make sure to do that this eve.i really wanna transplant this girl into fresh soil and start from there.im just a lil afraid of damaging her as she was the only female from these few beans.if it is a ph thing,how would i go about fixin it?
thanx man and good to hear from ya bud.peace-Y-
keep it green

sensi star 38 days/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\


Take Five...
Best way to correct ph is to use ph up or down and adjust your nute/water ph after it has all been mixed up.

If your runoff is high, say 7.4, then that number is a product of the ph of your soil combined with the ph of the water. If you put in ph 6.5 water and it comes out 7.4, then the soil is high and it is raising the ph of the water that runs through it.

So 7.4 is 9 points higher than 6.5, which means the soil is approx 8.3 to bring up your water 9 points. You need to add ph down to the water until it is low enough to swing the soil ph down. Careful as you can't do this all at once - plants don't like big ph swings. Bring it down gradually over time.

To get the soil ph down to 6.3 ideal, the water has to be 11 points lower - 5.2, theoretically, but as I said, that much of a swing at once isn't good. Adjust your water to like 6.5 first time, then check runoff and write it down. Next time you can drop it more, until eventually the water you are putting in is close to 6.3 and your runoff comes out close to 6.3.

First time you measure, use neutral 7 water, then record what the ph of the runoff is. This will give you a starting point. Print off a blank monthly calendar and record all your details on the corresponding day square. Nute dosages, ph of mix, ph of runoff, and other stuff like transplant day, 12/12 switch etc and you will have a nice record of your grow, and be able to count the days and predict when they will finish.

Hope this helps and feel free to ask if there is something you don't understand. I'll check back here.

Take care, nice to see you too, too bad it's in the infirmary :wave:


Take Five...
Btw, don't fret about handling your plants. They are very tough and resilient when healthy and you don't have to worry about transplants.

You can chop off half the root ball, transplant them in new soil and they are fine. There will be some leaf die off from the missing roots, but that is a technique to keep moms small for a long time. The top and roots are mirror images. In fact, this is a proven bonsai technique.

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