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Liquid Karma vs Floralicious


Active member
I'm using Floralicious Grow (not Plus) with my coco. I don't have a side-by-side, but so far looking good.


LK is still 20% they changed the formula temporarily but brought back the original formula after popular demand. I've been using LK for 4 years great stuff, try it as a foliar spray.

Dr. Buzz

I've used both and they are great! I use LK now because I only have to use one bottle instead of having two lying around. LK wouks great with GN Floranova.


Where are you guys getting these numbers for LK? My bottle say .01% humic acid derived from leonardite; no mention of 2% or 20%.


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They changed the recipe from 20% to 0.1%, and got a bunch of new labels, but their customers preferred the 20% recipe so much that they changed it back, but haven't changed the labels.


bounty29 said:
Not sure clowntown, maybe it gets around it because it's a supplement? Who knows... some more info here


That was over a year ago. I wonder how many labels you'd have to buy to make it financially impractical to replace the mislabeled ones? Surely American Agritech wouldn't let their product go mislabeled long term. Why wouldn't they assume people are going to pass this stuff up for something better, especially when they find out this shit? This doesn't add up. Who in their right mind wouldn't want 20% over .01%? Why would they spend money putting product in a bottle, and claim it to be weaker than it is?.... losing customers all for the price of a few labels? FUCKED UP!


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Even_Steven said:
That was over a year ago. I wonder how many labels you'd have to buy to make it financially impractical to replace the mislabeled ones? Surely American Agritech wouldn't let their product go mislabeled long term. Why wouldn't they assume people are going to pass this stuff up for something better, especially when they find out this shit? This doesn't add up. Who in their right mind wouldn't want 20% over .01%? Why would they spend money putting product in a bottle, and claim it to be weaker than it is?.... losing customers all for the price of a few labels? FUCKED UP!

I agree it's weird and screwed up. I couldn't find any official statement or anything so like I said before, who knows. When I got my LK this was all pretty recent so it didn't seem as fishy, but that was over a year ago. That's not a little discrepency, that's going from using an ingredient for 1/5 of your product to using almost none at all. :bashhead:

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