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found this the other day, if anyone else out there is fed-up with gas prices, sign up and tell your senators and congressmen to get their shit together and start drilling for domestic oil now.. DrillNow.net :cuss:


do you know the consequences of drilling domestically?

We're all fed up with gas prices, but destroying what natural land we have left is not the answer.


Rubbing my glands together
Do you Wunderkind? Or just what you've "heard" about it? First hand knowledge, experience, insight to share with us? What are the actual, provable, negative consequences?
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No, I won't. I'm pretty high and just don't feel like looking up a bunch of links, that for the most part, aren't even going to be clicked. It's well documented. Do your own research.


Rubbing my glands together
That's what I thought. Didn't ask for "links". No first hand experience, knowledge, insight, or the vaguest idea other than "links" others with an agenda put out to persuade others. Just regurgitated do as I say bullshit. Kinda like if I jump off a bridge I'm sure you're gonna follow eh?

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
not flaming wunderkind, just the whole genre.
everybody talks that enviromental BS all the time.
but everyone of them contributes to growing landfills by throwing out tons of garbage every year.
that doesnt ruin wilderness?
what about stripping trees so you can wipe your ass w/ toilet paper?
what about wasting electricity to grow pot?

its all relative,
take away from one area just to add onto another problem.


Rubbing my glands together
My point exactly cocktail frank. 2 sides to a coin. Just depends on who's doing the flipping.


Rubbing my glands together
A group in Nevada is going to try to get the states legislature to allow hemp farming for this very reason Get MO. Having said that, our legislators here are uptight anal retentive dicks incapable of passing a good law. And the governor is a real idiot who couldn't find his ass with 4 hands and a map.
Hemp oil would help and be a good start in the right direction, but still would provide nothing remotely near the volume needed. If and it's a big if, hemp seed oil produced at 35 barrels per acre as has been claimed, and that being well grown, look at the amount of food producing acres that would be given up for hemp production. Like the argument going on regarding E85 corn crops now. Big oil, auto makers, and insurance companies and both parties, dems and repubs will see to it that hemp stays out of the picture as long as possible.. Seems hemp farmers don't make the large political donations. Maybe it's time to quit worrying about "throwing that vote away" and voting for independent candidates. Americans are such sheep, believing that we are only allowed to have 1 of 2 shepherds(Dems or Republicans) while free thinking and rights are being taken away by both.
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resinryder said:
That's what I thought. Didn't ask for "links". No first hand experience, knowledge, insight, or the vaguest idea other than "links" others with an agenda put out to persuade others. Just regurgitated do as I say bullshit. Kinda like if I jump off a bridge I'm sure you're gonna follow eh?
only if you're wearing Nikes.

now watch this one...

or are YOU just repeating the same right-wing conservative BS that spews from Rush Limbaugh's mouth everyday? Ignoring all studies & findings and dismissing them as bullshit. Spitting up the same regurgitated nonsense that got us into this mess in the first place.

First hand experience, like I'm chillin up in ANWAR. First hand experience...LOL
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Listen to me jerky
While things are relative as far as the energy we use there is a real big difference between using even 10,000w to grow some weed and using public land for drilling. Big difference. Just because people waste energy in general doesn't mean that we should drill domestically in order to allow them to continue their wasteful ways. One way to make people realize that they are being wasteful is to keep the price high on the energy they need. Sooner or later that idiot paying $300 to fill up his hummer only to be able to drive ten blocks is going to realize it's time to get a new mode of transportation.
I'm not happy paying $50 to fill up my car, but it has me thinking in new ways I might not have if it wasn't for the price of gas. We have already destroyed most of this countries natural resources, there is no reason to start drilling in the last few "untouched" areas we have left. Not to mention it wouldn't solve anything. We would still run out of oil sooner or later. Drilling would just delay it for a few years. Mean while we will have ruined even more of this country. We need to transition our energy to new sources no matter how painful.
There is currently legislation in Vermont as well that will allow farms to grow hemp. Last I checked it looked like it was going to pass eventually. Personally I feel that plant based bio fuels are not the answer. As the population grows we are going to need that land to grow food for the booming number of people living here. I feel that fuel grown by algae has some real promise. I was watch something on the weather channel today and it said that an acre used to produce fuel with algae could produce something like 5-10 thousand gallons of fuel over the course of a year. This includes using much less water than an acre of corn used for fuel which would only produce 250 gallons once a year. About 20 times less. The algae needs less than 2" of rain over the course of the year. I don't know much about farming corn but my guess is it needs more than 2" of rain. Plus ferts and the fuel used to harvest it.
Either way drilling at home on public land is not the answer, period. Neither are the tar sands up north. Unfortunately I think it's too late to stop that whole mess.

Edit-My numbers on algae production where waaay off. The show was on again this morning watched and got the correct stats.
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three for playing, three for straying, and three f

You guys have it CHEAP! I've been travelling to the States every now and then and it's mad cheap where im standing. My first impression was ''This can't last..life can not be this easy!''..

And the way everything is built...hopeless.

Unless you guys start a green revolution or smth...ur fucked! The Oil will only help you so much when everything is built to waste!
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we need to grow up as a country and society

symbiotic not parasitic relationships with our planet should be the factor that directs our quest for energy

Its funny we live about 80 years but are willing to let our desire for instant gratification and corporations greed to cause centuries if not millenniums worth of ecological damage to the earth, for a lifetimes worth of profit and we shoudl pay no consequence?

global warming is the collective damage from every industrial countries pollution, noise air and water and the cumulative effect thereafter, maintaining this trend will only worsen the issue

there are so many viable alternatives, AMERICANS (im a native NYer) have to become innovative at making MONEY utilizing green energy, the corps are too stupid to figure it out so they wont leg go of oil

just for example

IF OUR GOVERNMENT went ethanol & solar, just to cover government costs of government operation, that would help relieve the demand and lower the price.

All the money we spent in Iraq ade many corporations billions upon billions but bankrupt the middle class. The oil prices are high on speculation and the war is wat has fueled this speculation.


522,620,000.00 and counting could have been used to convert many goverment (state and federal) facilities and assets to green energy, investing in american instead of investing in

we need a big shift in our thinking to remain the super power we once were

i find it so so odd that people that love a plant

hate the indigenous world it evolved in

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
BMW already made a hydroelectric car that has 500horsepower and no transmission (no gears, only forward and reverse)... why arent we looking to oil alternatives whether than alternative dilling locations??


Rubbing my glands together
Wunderkind said:
only if you're wearing Nikes.

now watch this one...

or are YOU just repeating the same right-wing conservative BS that spews from Rush Limbaugh's mouth everyday? Ignoring all studies & findings and dismissing them as bullshit. Spitting up the same regurgitated nonsense that got us into this mess in the first place.

First hand experience, like I'm chillin up in ANWAR. First hand experience...LOL

"only if you're wearing Nikes."

No nikies just an OLD pair of PF Flyers, hehehe Run faster, jump higher. You are probably to young to remember them.

"now watch this one...

or are YOU just repeating the same right-wing conservative BS that spews from Rush Limbaugh's mouth everyday? Ignoring all studies & findings and dismissing them as bullshit. Spitting up the same regurgitated nonsense that got us into this mess in the first place."

Nothing intelligent there to prove your comments. Just an attack which is usually the way greens and enviros , and others, with no clue of any given subject operate. Fuck the logic, fuck the proof, fuck the facts, fuck the science, just attack, attack, attack until enough idiots, sheep, nut huggers, whatever term you want to use, truly believe what you're bitching about.
Wasn't flaming you although it may have seemed that way, was just asking you to back up your comment with some facts. "Links" don't always provide a true picture of world events.
Total independant voter here my good man. Just don't buy into anyones opinion of what's best for me and mine without weighing BOTH sides of any argument. Never drink the Koolaide as the man pouring it usually spikes it.
The work I used to do prior to becoming disabled gave me me insight, training, and hands on experience to the myths and truths of energy production. Main thing I learned on my own despite what was being spoon feed was that along with all the good comes a proportion of bad. However, the largest percentage of the bad was a direct result of human error, caused in most cases by sub par workers not paying attention to readings, following procedures, or reporting what needed to be reported simply because "that system is not my responsibility", and the remaining small, very small percentage resulting from equipment failure, which in field situations are part of a closely monitored system that measures flow, pressures, volumes, and alarms on each, amongst other process/safety indications.
"Studies" reflect the opinions of those who pay for them ignoring evidence that doesn't correspond to their point of view. Therefore the need for the "study" in the first place. Example-Marijuana studies bought and paid for by the federal government. You'll never find one paid for by them that tells the truth as we and sadly them know it. But, it carries he point of view of the funder.
Man, it's the same with the Green Teams. They want energy independence, the same as I do, but they rule out what works in favor of what won't based on THEIR point of view. Wind farms are a great thing and a viable option in the correct locations imo. But a small vocal group complain and win in preventing them because a few birds get killed by the fan blades.So therefore they have to save an animal at the expense of human needs. Solar energy is a good idea who's time is long over due, but it is extremely expensive to build, maintain, and profit from. Sure, throw up some solar panels, but the extremely large number of battery banks needed to store/ transfer that energy, personal to work the process do not make it an attractive option for energy producers. Couple that with overcast days, week or 2 of rain, few locations country wide suitable for them, darkness, and the sheer size of a soloar farm needed to supply energy generated to millions and millions of household, business, etc makes them prohibitive for an excellent permanent guaranteed source of reliable energy. People flip the switch they expect the light to come on. Make the technology more affordable, reliable, and profitable and things will change.
Energy independence is needed from a number of sources but no single process is going to deliver that. Wind has to blow, sun has to shine, water has to flow, etc.
Hydrogen fuel cells for your car you say? Sound nice on the surface, but the reality of that is it takes as much or more energy to create it. Hydrogen is highly flammable/explosive as well. Imagine getting in an accident, the fill tank on your car is damaged, the hydrogen is exposed to the surrounding air. You'll never see the fire that kills you. That's why hydrogen cylinders are painted. It shows the hydrogen is leaking and is on fire.
Replacing food crops for fuel crops do nothing more than driving up world food prices. A compromise would be the best way to implement this as a direction. Believe it or not, large farmers are paid to let land sit fallow(not planted). Set that land aside for fuel production crops, ie, hemp, corn, sugar beets, saw grass, etc, and fuel sources increase reducing need for imported/domestic oil. However, not using existing supply's available is irresponsible. We aren't allowed to exploit our oil reserves in the Gulf of Mexico, but 60 miles off the coast of Florida, China is set up just inside of Cuban territorial waters, slant drilling into what we are not allowed to access because of enviros and democrats saving us from ourselves. These same people aren't hollering about the fact that we exploit our water resources, 3 gallons of water per gallon of ethanol during production. Atlanta, Raleigh-Durham just to name a couple of cities announced within the past months that they had just over a 90 day supply of water left to use unless other sources or a good rain came. Relying on a good rain for water supply. The Desert South West has been in drought/water conservation mode for about 7-8 years now.
All sources of fuel, be it imported, farmed, solar, geo-thermal, and yes even domestic oil, needs to be part of a comprehensive responsible, reliable energy policy. Sadly, both Republicans and Democrats have FAILED to secure our energy independence and subscribed to policies in favor of pandering to lobbyist, donations from big business, and yes "environmentalists" who all know what's best for us as long as it pushes their agenda. These policies are the reason for high cost home heating oil, high gas prices, high energy prices, high food prices and the list goes on.
You don't believe what they say about marijuana and the "War On Drugs", why would you buy into what 1 side screams about energy production and it's supposed dangers? Just like the war on drugs, it's pure fabricated bullshit. But it pulls in people who are weak minded and gullible enough to believe what 1 side jumps up and down about without being smart enough to do the research on both sides and come to an informed conclusion.
BTW, I don't care for or listen to the likes of Rush, Air America, and other as them off as all they do is inflame, distort and stir up weak minded people of the same deluded notions who are to lazy to do anything except turn a radio dial and find links supporting what they want to read. I prefer to look at BOTH sides of an issue and draw my own conclusions. I fucking hate Koolaid.
Baaa Baaa Baaa say the sheep as they are lead to slaughter.
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
as an alaskan i think that while opening ANWAR will undoubtedly affect the caribou migration and calving grounds(anyone who says it wont it is full of shit) i think the caribou will find alternate places to do thier business(and anyone who says they wont is full of shit).
there, now ive offended both sides of the coin!
my problem is this. we do drill domestically on a small scale. then we take the crude, sell it to other countries to process, and buy it back for the same premium price other countries pay for it.(im sure the politicians who brokered that deal dont have trouble filling up the tanks of thier $150,000 cars) until we fix that dumb shit, which we wont because of the laws governing our processing plants dont allow us to produce full bore, we wont see it happen.
It is one of those things the bush regime wants to get done before they get kicked outa the palace, not for the benefit of the american people, but so his family and friends can get billionized a few more times over. wonder how much dick cheney will get paid when we open it up-can you say Haliburton?
and lets not forget the fact that the oil companies are posting thier biggest profits ever-i think exxon actually posted the biggest one year profit in the history of the U.S. last year. anyone else think that even with ANWAR opened, prices will drop about 10% for about a year, then go right back up?
not to mention we here in the states probably still have the cheapest petrol in the world.
In closing my rant i would like to state the following-I am sure the left is overexaggerating the effects of opening ANWAR( and i am so far left i make democrats look like nazis) and im sure the right is underplaying the effects, and lying to our faces about dropping prices. I am against it only because i hate the elite class stealing more of our money and putting it in thier pocket.
thats how america works. two extreme sides, and we all try to make it in the middle. :rant:


Active member
oldbongwater said:
found this the other day, if anyone else out there is fed-up with gas prices, sign up and tell your senators and congressmen to get their shit together and start drilling for domestic oil now.. DrillNow.net :cuss:

So Let me get this straight, if we talk to the politicians they will listen to us?
even if we dont have big companies that can sway elections for them?

None of you can do anything about the predicament that the us is in, so why bother....


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
quote:Just an attack which is usually the way greens and enviros

i dig what your saying man-and i agree with alot of it. I also like the way you present your arguments. just wanted to point out that while this statement is absolutely true, i think the other side does the same thing.

in the spirit of being fair i would like to point out i could cut and paste of your post all day with things i totally, completely agree with!
i also am now disabled. i also used to work in a field many greenies would consider evil. exploratory geology and mining. ive been in strip mines, i have scooped drillers mud by hand into 5 gallon buckets to be flown from remote unspoiled areas of alaska to waste plants. people dont realize how many common items and commodities we use every moment of every day effect our enviroment.
the best way to clean up our planet is for EACH ONE OF US to take personal responsibility for it-dont wait for the rulers, i mean politicians, to do it. more importantly, DONT EVER BELIEVE A WORD A POLITICIAN TELLS YOU


Rubbing my glands together
One other thing. In 1973, 2 men from Florida were drove to Washington, DC in a car which had a carburetor they had invented which got some major mileage, and they were on the news in front of a congressional hearing touting something that would greatly help us as Americans to conserve oil. During that hearing one of the senators was called away for a phone call. When he came back to the hearing he stated on nation wide TV that "that was FORD MOTOR COMPANY on the phone". That was the LAST thing ever heard about that carburetor. Elected leaders of both parties have been screwing us over for ever. Vote Independent and hold politicians responsible for their actions. Bush and the rep party haven't done what they've gotten away with over the past 7+ years without the help of the Dem party voting along with them.