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Entirely too much coco


Active member
I mostly just put the hydroton in the bottom of the growbags, up to the first set of drainage holes.

So the cough is a dude, took 6 days to let me know, and now he's spitting out 3 or 4 balls per node, so I'm gonna chop him down later today, and just keep a clone in veg for future breeding projects.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
suckerrepellent said:
I prefer to add something to mine because with higher aeration comes more explosive growth (although coco is fast, compare it to true hydro and you will see more explosive growth). more aeration means more air to the root zone.

Agreed. It's actually a combination of constant access to both liquid and air that creates a near optimal root environment. You see it in some of the better aeroponic/hydroponic systems. Coco's great, although my NFT system still takes it up a notch.
I don't know how you guys do it, but when I keep my flowerroom at 26º/79F, and the plants are well invested in the 100% coco coir pots without being rootbound, running on GH nutes, then they suck the coco dry in less than 24h. They almost fall over because the pots have no weight.
If I put perlite in there - which I experimented with in my initial tries with coco - there will be even less water retention, and I'd be forced to water 2 or 3 times a day.
If so, I might as well go drip, and then all of a sudden coco loses some of it's charm. Because instead of running a maintaining a drip system, I might as well run the NFT trays and get an even better result.
It's the simplicity/ease of use with the results that I'm after in coco.

Pure coco hand-watered run to waste works great, try you'll see.
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Active member
What size pots do you use? It takes me 3 full days for the droop to start, and my room's a little warmer than yours, up to 84 on warmer days.

That being said, last time I did coco in late bloom I was watering every couple days, sometimes every day.

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Pot size doesn't matter. I got a whole range of different sized pots. It all depends on the size of the plant and it's rootmass, in relation to whether it's a clone or seedplant.
As I said, I want the roots to fill out the pots, without going rootbound. Estimating root propagation is something you learn with time.
Coco is a different animal than soil. Since the Caption Exchange Capacity is more efficient in coco than peat based soil, a smaller rootmass can feed a bigger plant in coco than soil.


Active member
The cough and crystal quick were dudes, so I got some kinda cool male flower pics in before I hacked them apart. I kept a clone of the cough just in case I want to make some crosses someday, as it showed sex really fast and had some robust vegitative growth.

Here's the cough male:

And the crystal quick:

And here's what happens to dudes in my garden in the end:


honestly i have never been able to explain how i can water so rarely. i use three gallon bags, and whenever i tell anyone my feeding schedule they are shocked. i would say my plants are relatively small for the bags, at least compared to some of the pictures i have seen however.

this is about how big all my plants are at the beginning of flower, so about double the height for stretch (but keeping them under the screen of course) by the end of those first two weeks. This is an 8 week pheno of SSH. again three gallon bags.



coco ...to mix or not to mix

coco ...to mix or not to mix

Love the idea of a wet/dry scenario some do in soil & pure coco .... & still wrangling with this issue but after running pure coco for a couple of rounds have gone back to a much lighter mix w/ 30% perlite .

Have issue with Coco by itself being much too soggy the last 4"
in pot though perfect moistness is maintained on the top 4-6" of pots after water . Maybe ideally a 50/50% mix could be made up & used filling the bottoms of new containers & just go pure coco for the rest of the fill ?

Am trying this too as well as experimenting with a dozen new strains so beware --->mad scientist at work !!



PS : not going with Flora Nova this round in bloom but switched over to Canna for one rez & H&G in another ...running round `1000/2ec and the perlite mix with 2 waterings a day . But sometimes cut water off for a day here n there ....
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Active member
Lookin good suckerrepellant, what's your average yeild per ssh when you bloom them that size?

I'm pretty sure it's day 7 of bloom, and everything except the 2 recently departed males have shown pistils, so the game is under way!



Plant numbers vary, as I just fill the canopy no matter the number. I would estimate just under 3/4 lb per 600 watt. Average ten and a half plants per light, but my high was sixteen, and low was like seven. so about an OZ and a half per plant I would say is the average. Then again that is with the BubbaDutch pheno of SSH. I have only run the Hells Angels cut of SSH next to it and they are very different. HAC ssh is longer in flower and lower in yield, but has a stronger haze undertone (which i consider a plus).
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Hey EvilUnclePhil nice grow there mate. Awsome showcase of strains too.
They're looking real healthy little trees and I'm looking forward to seeing the yields.
Good work!


Active member
Things are going nicely, gave them just water a couple days ago and they're starting to droop, so I'm gonna hit them with everything when the lights turn on. I'm thinking 10ml/g PBP veg, 10ml/g PBP bloom, 10ml/g Hydroguard, 5ml/g Liquid Karma, 5ml/g Calmag+. We'll see what they thing :D



yah Just gave this thing a read over and have learned some interesting stuff(coco to mix or not to mix), but the best part is those trees you got going there. Looks as if a couple more days to a week of stretch and we will have the "fattening up fest". looks great



i just can't wait to see some of those top colas. those plants are way bigger than anything i have ever flowered so im just trying to extrapolate in my mind.