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Black Ra1n's Grow Journal ~2008~

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Core, thanks man won't be long now.....

TML16, thanks bro, I've missed growing inside, outside is nice don't get me wrong, but it's getting harder and harder to find the time to go back and forth.

Bigtimer7, thanks man I hope I can get thing rolling out soon.

Sammet, pots are filled, I was about to transplant them but decide to let them go a bit longer till I get the room done.

Dr Dog, have to say I've never had buds this big, this fast... loving this nute program.

ZeusOGrefugee, good to see you back man. The mutant is in the window as we speak. I was going to trash it when it showed male, but decided to let him flower out, collect some pollen and see if this trait gets passed onto the offspring. It has started to grow out some regular leaves near the top, but it's still one freaky looking plant. BG.... haven't seen or heard from him in some time. We were suppose to hook up last summer, but then he disappeared.

Grow room update!!!

Well it's started. I haven't finished it cause I have to do some re-wiring in the house. The idiot that wired this house put mostly all the plugs on 3 breakers and they keep surging. So I have to run some more wires, I can't run my microwave for more than a minute a time and the wife is getting rather annoyed. After I'm done that I can plastic the ceiling, finish running the wiring in the room, install the exhaust, install the intakes and vent the bastard out the chimney. I ended up going bigger.... always said go big or go home..... it didn't cost any more to do it so I ended up putting the flowering room on a bit of an angle to maximize space. The veg room is about 3.5 x 8 and the flower room is aprox. 8x7. I'll have more than enough room to rock out some bud. ]

Plants are doing great, buds on the sativa bc smell so nice and have started with the resin. The other too indica's don't have much smell yet, but the buds are getting bigger. All clones have just about rooted, planted some in soil. So Dog you can bet you'll have a nice care package when you come.

Here's the veg room, stuck my 150 in there. It will house my moms and maybe I'll run a seeding project on the 150 side. I also have a clone rack going in, I'll assemble that later.

Flower room, not much to see yet...

Checking in on the lil ones....

That's it for now... I'll try to get this thing done tomorrow.... off to get my new ballast tomorrow and two zipper doors.



Med grower
ICMag Donor
Excellent new rooms. An OGA benefit? Where do I sign up? :D I'm looking forward to seeing it stocked full of plants. :wave:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Most impressive bro, gonna have a nice looking room going on man.

Sucks about the electrical, but at least you don't have to drill through walls

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Sammet, thanks man, yeah just some of the benefits hahaha.

Dr Dog, thanks bro... electrical is getting re-vamped in the fall when I'm not so busy. I ran a few new lines on separate breakers so they stop surging. I ran a 220 line over for my ballast and timer, going to be running the light off 220. Things should be rolling in a few weeks.

Well it's day 22 and they're smelling so nice. Going to run a few of these clones in the 1k room.

That's it for now, glad to have some flower pics to show again.



Registered Medical Patient
looks great BR..like the new setup!!!1000 watts!!Cant wait to see what kind of buds you rock with that much light!!!gonna be a great show soon...See ya 'round

- Z

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Looking great brother

Awesome new buds, kind of reminds me of the ecsd, very thick stems, you can tell it gonna be a stretcher

Talk to you soon man


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Well done BR :yes: The new room looks great

Flowers are coming along nice and frosty too :yummy: Those BC's have a nice build on'em :canabis:

Took me a few days to check out your update. The pix were done :nono: Glad I got to see though. Impressive grows to come I'm sure :lurk:

Best of luck braking in the new room :ying:


Ok! im here! lol...

i just read all 12 pages, and i found we have something in common.
start a new thread, and everything seems to go wrong! lol

but we both got everything back on track!
man that mutant is NUTS!!!! i cant wait to see what she ends up doing.. lol
congrats on the move, and great job on the new rooms construction!

im tagged in now (man... i got like 52 subscribed threads! too many awesome growers!), so expect to see me here more often.

best of luck, BR. take care.

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
ZeusOGrefugee, thanks man, setup is just about done, a few more things, but should be rocking shortly.

Dr Dog, hey bro, this lady hasn't stretched much at all. Looking and smelling killer. My ECSD's are getting there, should be in the room when you're down. Should have a nice batch of genetics for you to take home.

Sammet, loving this plant as well man. Smell is super sweet, stems are bulky and very strong.

TML16, thanks bro... hope to catch up soon.

NZjay, glad you could stop in. Nice too see the gang keeping up with all the threads here.

Flower Day 29

Well here is what is cooking in the 150.... loving these nutes, I'll be running these for now on.

BC #1


BC #2


That's it for now, I'll be transplanting the others tonight, I'll try to update this week.



Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
this just is't the B/R i know :nono:.....lol...not saying anything bad here i just mean that i'm used to your outdoor spot.....some of last year pics still stand for my eyes.....hope season is gonne start soon...so i can see B/R in his emelent again :D
Non the less i like the girls pics :smile:


Registered Medical Patient
Is that Resin I see???

Is that Resin I see???

very nice BR...so good to see you back and better than ever!!!Also glad to see you finally runnin your own genetics!!!Show us more pics of the Mumbles...I wanna see what phenos u got... :headbange :rasta:

Keep it up man, you got the green thumb with a maple leaf on it!!!LOL

Peace bro

- Z :wave:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Well I have heard from a little bird that there maybe some outdoors in a certain OGA'r future, so Core never fear!

Nice looking shots many, looking frosty brother!

Talk soon


Snow Grower ~OGA~
Awesome skills on the macros! :respect:
Gonna be great watching them mature further through crystal clear images :lurk:

Showing multifaceted talents both on the indoors and out :canabis:

D Rock

How did the transplanting process go black ra1n? I always hate doing it. There's nothing really hard about just annoying as hell to me and makes a mess. Will check back later bro.