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the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Alright, so I go to water my babies a couple days ago and I notice this weird sprout growing about a half inch away from one of my seedlings. Whatever this thing is it popped up overnight. So I pulled up on it trying to get it out and it had a firm grip in the coco so I ended up just tearing the sprout from the root. I dug as far into the cup as I could without disturbing the seedling to try to get to it's tap root. I think I've got the most of it but there was still a bit more with the same firm grip. I decided that I probably killed it and it's best to just leave it but still I don't know what this thing is or how it got there.

Wtf is this?



That is a perfect example as to why people should use the KISS method when growing cannabis.


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Indica Sativa said:
That is a perfect example as to why people should use the KISS method when growing cannabis.

And another post that contributes nothing... what does this have to do with keeping anything simple? He didn't plant that thing, or he wouldn't be asking questions.

I got a sprout of something in one of my coco pots, it wasn't the seed I planted so I just pulled it up and forgot about it.


Weird Sprout = Weed

Cannabis = Weed

Shut your fucking face Bounty.


The Voice of Reason
Indica Sativa said:
Weird Sprout = Weed

Cannabis = Weed

Shut your fucking face Bounty.
How awfully polite you are with your worthless posts...
Cannabis = Weed
Weird sprout = A weed

What does having a stray weed (not Weed,lol) seed in a purchased medium have to do with keeping it simple?

You did the right thing ~fvk~, I'd bet you killed it or at the least damaged it enough to make it non-competitive with the intended occupant of your medium...
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I feel like I'm missing something Indica Sativa, like we're talking about completely different things, because I don't see how you could have a reply like that to my perfectly valid post. If you've grown marijuana you know what it looks like when it sprouts, so there's no confusion there, he was just asking for advice. :confused:

~fvk~ - It looks like you got down to the roots, and I don't know of a lot of things that can regenerate from just roots, so you should be all set, I wouldn't worry about a thing.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Thanks for all the input everyone. It's kind of ironic that I had a weed invading my weed, ha. Next time I'll try to keep it simpler for ya Sativa.

Peace guys.