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Nutrient faceoff!


I recently pickup some Terra Vegas from Canna. Store owner said it was best. Not chemical but not organic, I guess you'd call it "refined lab grade nutrients"....something like that. My question is as far as flowering goes, once my biobizz runs out it's gone, I hear they are not distributing the stuff much anymore. Should I use Pure Blend Pro Bloom (2.5 - 2 - 5) or Canna Terra Flores (2 - 2 - 4)? I'm sure they are both good but I am looking for performance, cost isn't really an object, I simply don't care about that dimension. Also, if there's another one from another company that can also match up, do tell!



Just bio-bloom. I have so little biogrow left, and it's old as well. Hence my picking up the terra vegas from Canna. Why do you think PBP is superior to Canna?



Well, I actually don't know which is better but alot of people swear by PBP. I have seen great yields and very healthy plants come from using PBP.

I have been wanting to try the biobizz line up too because it is vegan



I use canna.. imo not really a big different between vega and flores.. but get some PK 13-14 to give 2-3 weeks into flower.. :bashhead:


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
So, where is the face off ?

As you are growing in Soil, you can probably feed your ladies as you like, quite easily ? ... so, why not feed half with one, half with the other, you may well find a winner that performs [for you, in your garden] 20 or 30% better than another. Do a few crops a year with 30% extra and you will be a very happy chappy....

I am about to do just this with a Monkey Juice vs Canna COCO grow of a few matched clones, I will post the results in the COCO forum.


Active member
If a 3-4-6 produces healthy plant and a 4-3-5 produced healthy plants, then a 3-3-5 will produce healthy plants. (these numbers are for demonstration only)

The magic yield maker is environment. Any nutrient that meets all the needs of the plant will produce excellent product.

What is the guaranteed analysis of your bio bizz?


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
gregor_mendel said:
If a 3-4-6 produces healthy plant and a 4-3-5 produced healthy plants, then a 3-3-5 will produce healthy plants. (these numbers are for demonstration only)

The magic yield maker is environment. Any nutrient that meets all the needs of the plant will produce excellent product.

What is the guaranteed analysis of your bio bizz?

I totally agree with you about the environment gregor, but do you really believe [...or know for a fact] that basically all competent nutrient brands are effectively equal ? By "healthy plants" you mean equal yields ?

I do not think this can be, as there is so much anecdotal evidence of various potions making a difference [PK etc.] that surely there must be a difference between various brands ? ..... but it would be very interesting if I was wrong.

TBH, I am a Hydro grower, so maybe I am talking about more sensitive Hydro environments, not soil ....


Active member
I totally agree with you about the environment gregor, but do you really believe [...or know for a fact] that basically all competent nutrient brands are effectively equal ? By "healthy plants" you mean equal yields ?

I believe it, but I don't know it.
Setting up a proper experiment would have us into the hundreds of plants, which most of us aren't willing to do for obvious reasons.

I do mean equal yields.

I do not think this can be, as there is so much anecdotal evidence of various potions making a difference [PK etc.] that surely there must be a difference between various brands ?

For every gardener that achieves 1+ grams per watt with a complex array additives, or even a just a PK booster, there is a gardener that does it with a simple formula, like Lucas formula, or whatever the label directions of some basic nutrient is.

Some even do it with one bottle, such as FloraNova Bloom or Pure Blend Pro Bloom.
Still anecdotal, but most of the vertical grows I have read about that got ridiculous yields, such as Krusty Buckets or the Coliseum use no additives or PK boosters.

Why? One theory is that more doesn't necessarily hurt, but gives no more or better product than the bare minimum for the plant to reach its maximum genetic potential.

Realizing maximum genetic potential is what this is all about. Enough of each element the plant needs meets the nutritive part of the plant environment with regard to maximizing genetic potential. More will not change this, unless more gets to toxic levels.

Higher light intensity and CO2 concentration can increase the required concentration of nutrient, but the ratios should be the same.

I suppose all bets are off for hormones, but we are discussing plant food.


Guaranteed analysis of Bio-Bloom is 1.1 - 2.5 - 2. I will be using this for the next one or two flowering cycles (or until it runs out lol). I was just wondering if something else is better as I would pick that up soon-ish. I need this crop to do as well as possible. I have the environment all locked down except I need a few more oscillating fans. So if the Canna or PBP will do a better job in flowering, then I'd go for that. I'm not growing a homogenous clone crop yet so there can't really be any side by side comparison. Yet. Just wondering if one is superior to the other. And Btw, NPK rations DO matter to a point.



Active member
Putting that guaranteed analysis into pH's spreadsheet, assuming a unit weight and 30 mL per gallon, I get an elemental ppm of

N 100
P 99
K 151

Pretty good profile, I'd say.

And Btw, NPK rations DO matter to a point.

I agree, to a point. I am just saying that a plant needs an NPK of x y z.

It has what it needs, or doesn't. Adding more of any element than it needs doesn't do anything for the plant.

Some people have even done experiments, adding up all the nutes used in a cycle.

Then they give that total amount in two or three feedings.

Say we used 1000 mL of nutrient A throughout a 9 week cycle.

Next time we add 333 mL at initial rez fill, then another 333 at the beginning of week 4, and the rest at the beginning of week 7. (the rez is topped with straight water the whole time)

I don't do or recommend this, but people have, and it works.

It's doubtful I am doing this argument justice.
The link in my sig is a primer on the whole idea of feeding regimes and reservoir management.

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