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I have been busted.



Always, ALWAYS make sure the people u live with know ur growing! Whether it b ur parents, girlfriend/boyfriend, wife/husband or flatmates ... If they dont know u grow, and stumble upon it, the shit hits the fan! ... And u are lucky ur mum caught u and not the police, do u know the kind of time u can get for possessing shrooms and syringes alone, then top that with giving them evidence to charge u with possession with intent to cultivate for distribution ... granted they probli wouldn't take a young fella down for something like that, the fact of the matter is, if they wanted to, they COULD!
That's u, or more likely ur parents, doing a fair few years behind bars, plus fines and ALL that expensive growing equipment gone.
My 2 cents.

P.s - I do like shrooms occasionally, but I get them, take them, dispose of any evidence.
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5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
WTF is all this hate against Punks ?

I have been into Punk since the legendary Grundy show kicked it all off and am proud of the fact, you Americans are all just plain crazy.

Right, I need to calm down, I am off now to smoke a fag.....


Growing secretly in your parents house is a pretty stupid and irresponsible thing to do..

I still live with my parents, but they are very open minded and allow me to grow up to 5 plants (which is the 'legal' limit - but doesn't mean i can't get busted). But that is also because they understand my love and passion for growing, even more than for smoking the herb.

I don't know how old you are, but I think you should try to be more open to your parents and talk about it instead of growing guerrilla in your own house. Of course this is easy for me to say living in the Netherlands, but if you consider the danger you put your parents in (depending on where you live) you should have known better and just kept to growing outdoors in the wild.
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5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
hoosierdaddy said:
LOL...well, these terms can have different meanings to us Americans...

As does...


Drat ... Busted.... :wink:

I thought I would get at least a couple of takers with that one ....... :badday:
i agree you shouldn't grow in your parents house without their knowledge there's not just the trouble you could get in (at least in the usa) they could take your parents house and land. permission or knowledge are not required to lose your home. you could also lose your eligibility for federal financial aid (don't hate on financial aid your parents handed you an economy where it was possible to go to school or support a family on a minimum wage entry level position which is a lot more then we got from you) MAJOR DISRESPECT, that said move on, make amends if possible, and don't do it again. kids these days need more respect, chores, and ass whippings (they build character. rent your own place (if unsure about plans get a place with a month to month lease).

another issue i wanted to chime in on is a "childs right to privacy." WTF is that.
maybe from their friends and in respect to the law, but as far as a parent is concerned it is your responsibility to know what your kids are involved in and to intervene if needed (with an ass whipping in the case of growing in my house).
i guess what i mean to say is your kids will have lots of friends all their lives, be their PARENT.

that's my opinion and that's all it is!
its ok i remember when mommy had to bail me out of jail for getting charged with Possession for purpose of trafficing and trafficing a substance. 10000 dollars later and im back on the streets. Im actualy still running a 6 plants 5 pre femmed and one random strain which appears to be female at this point. sorry to hear that dude. Ya i guess theres no reconsidering when she finds needles, and spores maybe just the weed u wuold of been ok.


Pull my finger
hey, you guys realize that dude has not been back?

quit wasting your time and talk about growing.

screw it.

mistake was stupid, and so was this thread.
Very silly of you. If you got bopped, its not your name on the mortgage or lease...it's your parents. Thats completely disrespectful and disgraceful. You got what you deserved and I'm not surprised at all. Take it as lucky that it was your mom and not leo.
While this kid did decide to grow in his parents house and regardless that he did post us and tell us all. Its absolutely not your place to bash him, think about it? he already feels like shit and your rubbing his face in the dirt. Perhaps I'm terribly mistaken but I think there is already enough hate in 99% of everything else I do in my life that this forum may have been a place where this kind of BS didn't need to take place..

Empathy makes the world go round


New member
greenhead said:
It's dumb to grow at home without your parent's permission,
Maybe is better to ask "Mom, can I grow weed in your house"?
It's bad when your mom is paranoid :kos:

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