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How bad IS transplanting during flower???


Hey all,
So here is my deal. I have three beautiful Satoris, two beautiful Ice's and one GIANT Hazex Skunk 1 in their first week of flower. They are all big, bushy and healthy, in week 7 overall and week 1 of flower. However, they are in 2.5 gallon pots and they're not QUITE rootbound, but from experience I feel that they will be in about a week or two.....SO......
I know its not great to transplant during flowering, because of stress possibly causing hermies, but how bad is it ACTUALLY?? I've had alot of experience transplanting and can do it without much stress, but will I be dabbling in hermie city if I transplant in the next week or so (week 2-3 of flower)?
I was planning on transplanting into 5 gallon grow bags because of space---so should I just bite the bullet and let them go in the 2.5 gallon pots or go for the transplant???
Any thoughts would be great!
Grow on all, SPY
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Oh yea, I know the saying goes "one gallon per foot of stalk" or something like that, and they're roughly 2.75-3 feet tall, so by that measurement I'm already over that sayings threshold................ little extra info. SO, to transplant or not to transplant?? That it the question people!!
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You won't hurt them at all if you transplant correctly. You need to do it right away though.



Active member
Yeah, no big deal if done correctly. I've transplanted in flower before a few times before (2-3 weeks in) and nothing bad happened.

:joint: :wave:


Cool, thanks for the reply jj and greenhead. I'm going to get some bags tomorrow and transplant this weekend then. I just wanted a little outside input before I committed.
Thanks and grow on, Spy


Active member
water well then transplant "gently" to new pots and then water them in to their new pots. the watering will reduce the stress to the plants and speed the recovery. transplanting should not cause hermies.


Nice, thanks for the tip Mick, I've always transplanted dry for no reason in particular, but if transplanting when wet reduced stress, I'll give it a shot.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
be prepared for the bud growth to slow a bit, as your plant is concentrating to growing new roots, it wont send so much food up the plant, depending on teh size of your upgrade it could slow you by a week or more, but if done gently ( you can actually be quite rough with weed btw) you should be fine


Non Conformist
High ya Swamp!

High ya Swamp!

Becareful transplanting with wet soil, it tends ta fall apart from the weight. Wait till their jus wet enough for the soil ta stick tagether. After ya transplant, water em with a lite phosphorous tea or flowering nutes. P helps prevent shock in roots and will also get them off to a good start, even with veggin plants. Roots love P. No shock. Good luck buddy. Take care...BC


Thanks for the tip BC and DrDog!! I'll start wompin' up a P tea tomorrow and get ready for the transplant. Thanks again good people!
- Spy
Easy spyvsspy.

Good luck there man.
I recently repotted for the first time in flower, except the 2 girls were under 12/12 for over 5 weeks. But they did'nt start flowering until the end of week 3, and were starting to get to big for 3 litre pot they were in.

If they need it you gotta do it.......


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Hey Swamp,
I transplant in flowering all the time(not all the time). I have even transplanted at week 5 out of 11. IMO it is way better to transplant in flowering than just let em get root bound.
If ya got the touch they won't even realize they were moved. I have actually noticed that if you transplant with a good rich bloom soil mix in the first couple weeks they will explode and might even make it without much more feeding. The plants will thank you immediately
Now I have seen the way some people transplant and it looks brutal. I wouldn't recommed it to those people but I get the feeling you can handle it.

Transplanting in the first few of flowering is actually part of some peoples whole system.



Non Conformist
Holy sheep shit Batman! Stop the presses! lol

Holy sheep shit Batman! Stop the presses! lol

I'm sorry *SPYVSSPY* I looked at yer avatar and jus thought you were Swampdank! It wasn't untill I saw you signed off Spy in yer reply that I even noticed. LOL! Sorry man. I spose I'm not the only stoner ta make that mistake. hehe Take care... BC


Active member
Hey spy, not that you didn't have enough people telling you it's ok already but just wanted to tell you I agree that it's fine. I've done it as late as 4 weeks into flowering and I got the advice to do it from MandalaMike while growing 3 of his strains. He told me it's ok to do up to week 4 in flower. Hope you have lots of success on the grow.



Hey no worries there B.C.! I did just realize swampdank has the same avatar, maybe I'll start lookin' for a new one- I don't want an avatar war starting in here. Anyways, there can never be too much advice IMO GrassRoots, and others for that matter. If MandalaMike says its good to go, I'm there, especially since I'm working with some beautiful Satoris.
My 5 gallon grow bags should be here Monday then its go-time. Thanks for everyone who has chimed in!
Grow on all,
-SPY :rasta:
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me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
i had grow bags and decided test my transplanting skills. all i can say is , it was a wonder they made it at all now that i think about it!!! lmao

so hopefully others will see this as a testimony if they ask the question and search, but i would say at all stages of flower. as some have said they did it early and were fine, so ill chime in and say that when i did it, i had already let my SSH go way farther than what they were supposed to, and they still put on some more weight.

i didn't realize they were root bound until after i cut the bottom off of the bags and was able to see the root mass. so yeah to ALL its never too late to transplant!!!


So I finally transplanted into the 5-gallon bags today and were they ever rootbound in those little 2.5 gallon pots. They're gonna be lovin' life now in their new 5 gallon abode. In the grow bags my Haze x Skunk 1 is about 6 feet, 5 inches tall and my Satoris are 6'4''. I'm 6' so this is a pretty impressive sight for me, I've never had any over 4 feet tall. I've topped them 4 times in their life, last time was 3 weeks ago, I guess I have them dialed in. I'll post some pics as the flowering comes along.
Grow on all- and as FRANKENBLUNT said, IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO TRANSPLANT!!! two more weeks and mine would have been code red rootbound.


Good thing I decided to transplant too, during the transplant I
found that one of my Satoris had grown some nuts. :cuss: But at least I found it before the Pat could influence any others