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ThaiPhoon's Outdoor 2008


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Hey Thaiphoon. :wave:

Things are looking good over your way! Hows those Reclining Buddahs going? Those GSK's you sent are doing well... i have been rearranging my setup and plants have suffered a little... getting there now but :D

Have a good one.



Active member
jaykush, yah elephant shit is crazy. Where I am, elephants walk past my home about once or twice a day. They often leave a "present" for me a few steps from my door! The neighbors must think I am a nut when they see me out scooping elephant shit into buckets! One shit goes a long way. I mix the elephant poo with used coffee grinds to get rid of the smell and get the decomposition going. Seems to do the trick well!

ss, I am glad you are growing the GSK. What kind of pheno's are you seeing? have you got them inside or outside? I have 3 RB's that are about 2 weeks into flowering. I started them outside, it has been way to hot here. I couldn't keep plants in my veg cab..:( They are all about 16 inches tall. One is VERY indica looking, with big fat fingered leaves. The others are more sativa looking. I'll post a few pics up later...


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Not sure about the phenos at the mo. The plants arent very big and adjusting to their new home. Will post some pics once they get decent size.



Active member


Alright, I have uploaded a bunch of photo's today. Everything seems to be going alright, given the insanely high temperatures lately. 36 C ++!! I have added an inch or so of rice hulls as mulch to most of the plants. I have planted 9 seeds I got from some Laotian brick purchased in Vientiane...its been only 4 days, no sprouts. Gonna put these in very small pots to keep the size down!

OK Vietchunk pics first...The more indica leaning two have a nice grapefruit odor, the other one has a lighter citrus...lime like smell.

Check out the one legged bug...I hope he eats all the bad bugs, he doesn't seem to be a pest..anyone know what this is?


Active member
OK, here are the GSK "twins" I had these girls in the veg cab for a few weeks..These things smell like that powdery bathroom cleaner and like lemons or something, I think very "kush" dom? I dunno, never grown kush, but seems to be fitting the descriptions I've read....nice and tight and smelly!!

I've dusted a small nug with some Bullrider X DC pollen (I know I'm a pollen chucker :p)

Here are the Reclining Buddahs...I think I may have fed 'em a little to much kelp at the wrong time or something, hence the long internode space? Also they were started from seed outdoors here...

Here is the mystery (again, pretty sure its Mississippi Mud) X SDxOG...This girl smells SO pungent blueberry/fruit its GREAT! I had a little sample bud the other day, I am VERY happy with the taste/effects, very mellow, tastes like it smells..I've also put some pollen from the Vietchunk on a small bud and some Bullrider X DC on another...I think I could chop her now, but I need to wait for the seeds another 12 days at least....

Here is some of that Goldfinger X Thai...again small buds have some pollen from both DC crosses on them! This plant smells very "Thai" fruity...this is the one I had topped and bent over. Now there are 4 colas growing on it. She'll have the whole pot to herself shortly!

And here is the lone Bullrider X DC. I think the heat may be getting to her...the very bottome leaves went yellow and fell off...She's been pollinated by her brother!

I've also got some POG F2's going. I don't think they like that fact that they did not get any veg...and I don't think they are enjoying the heat either. I'll give them another shot in the winter! They aren't flowering, but they are only about 4 or 5 inches tall and are not growing very well...


Elevator Man

Active member
Lovely to see the Goldfinger married to an Asian boy at last! Let's hope the buried Thai genes in there will get chance to shine too. Wow - African, Mexican and Thai, all stirred together - could be fun...:)


**AWD** Aficianado
Great now I have to leave work early and go home for some satisfaction after drooling here awhile.

Elephants in front of your door huh? I'm worried about loose dogs and my daughter outside...elephants lol.

It all looks very tasty, looks like you've kept that green thumb out of your ear and in the dirt ;)



Active member
Hey EM. I made the Thai cross the first time I grew those lovely Goldfingers. It was one of the Thai's that threw a few male nanners, as most Thai's that I've had, do...I just didn't mark the buds, and lost track of what was what. Now its a surprise from every bean. Now I mark things off, and carefully pollinate things, or at least try to.

Bonjour Suby, They are not wild elephants. The elephants used to work in the forest/logging industry here. Now there is no work for them and the owners with their elephants are forced to basically panhandle on the streets. It's a sad situation, the government has said it's illegal to bring elephants into cities, nonetheless it is sadly, all to common. We do have wild dogs here, but they are harmless most of the time.

Check out this little guy! Anyone know anything about bugs? I am pretty sure he eats the bad bugs. He has been hanging out on the Vietchunks.

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dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
hey TP very nice update lots of things going and pollen seems to be flying everywhere.

oh that first bug, probly not good eats leaves.. the spider in the last pic. very good its a lynx spider, they eat pests and usually dont make very much webbing there ambush predators.

haha elephants, that be cool i guess. i wouldnt complain. all we got is tons of meth junkies walking around.


Active member
Hey JK, I best go get rid of that one-legged leaf eater then! Thanks for identifying that one!

I chopped that MysteryXJLP's SDOG with the ripe seeds from both of the DC cross males...

I have been trying to get some more Thai beans to germinate. I had only one of about eight germ from my beans from Laos (Vientiane brick)...I've had about 6 older Thai beans in water for 2 days and no sign of germination...I'll try some of the newer ones...
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Yeah, its damn hot here!

Nice stuff there, Thaiphoon. I like how you experiment with these different strains. Did you ever try any of the Mandala? I have some Hashberry and Satori that seem to have no probs in the heat. I guess they are really heat resistant like they claim.



Active member
Hey ThaiMeUp, I haven't had a chance to try any Mandala gear yet. I have been busy with the seeds I've got, and made for now. I'd like to try the Satori here someday!

BroMo, Thanks for that link! My little Bullrider x DC female is suffering with the heat here. The seeds look ripe now, I think there is about another week or ten days left before she is fully ripe tho. The male was more on the sativa side and this girl is more on the indica side. It looks like I'll get 30 or so nice F2 beans to play with later! Thanks again!!!

I've got a few seedling's now of some crosses I made...GSK XThai and a cross that was gifted to me (superskunk x NL#5) X Pot of Gold. Once I get them into bigger pots, I would like to start the blueberry x skunk ibl. I would really like to wait until toward the end of the monsoon season or cooler weather so I can get that veg cab running again...Time will tell...


Active member


Been a few weeks...I've got the damn spider mites back. They are attracted to the more sativa plants first, and leave the indica leaning ones. I've been dosing them with neem products. I've ordered some pure neem oil and soapnut to make a better spray. I hate em!!

I chopped the bullriderXDC cross. I ended up with about 20 F2's. I smoked a some after drying and a few days in a jar. It's very smooth, not a lot of flavour, but very potent. We'll see how the F2's and the other BRXDC crosses I made turn out...

Vietchunks are about 8 weeks in flower

This is the Thai plant that was in with some other GSK. This plant has been flowering for 14 weeks now. Very airy. I hit this with some DC cross pollen and have picked out most of the seeds already!

Three different pheno's of the Reclining Buddha F2's... About 6 -7 weeks in flower...



Active member
A few more photo's...I had tried to rotate the images in the Gallery here...something's off sorry about that...
2 Reclining Buddahs...almost done, another week or so...

A GSK X (Vietchunk or Bullrider X DC)

Thai @ about 15 week flowering....very whispy buds...

2 POG pheno's

The last VC still standing...



Active member
I am popping some more beans today. I'm trying 5 more Sour Diesel IBL X Mississippi Mud and 5 of my (Bullrider X DC) X (Vietnam X DC).


Active member
Here's that crazy bug...getting big!

This Thai has been flowering for 18 weeks here in the photo, but now its at about 19, I am gonna chop her soon!

Can't wait for the next update, things are looking awesome! Send me a PM ThaiPhoon, I'll be in Thailand in about a month and a half, and I could use some travel tips!


Active member


That big bug was actually that size, due to the fact that she was pregnant. There are now a hundred little things running around out there.

Here are some crosses I made with that Thai and some Vietchunk and the (bullrider x deepchunk) pollen.

Some nice skunky smelling SS X NL X POG...

shorter pheno

A budshot of a POG F2,

A few different seedlings...



dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
hey tp long time damn, how do i always loose this thread. good stuff the plants look awesome. imma have to shoot ya a pm soon.